
Chapter 21: An Illusion Of Happiness, Part 13, Ben Meets James

Erin is, as I expected, in pieces. I know that she had high hopes for Rob.

“I don’t get it.” she cries, wringing her hands. “What do I have to do? I offer them everything. I tell them my life story. I make it clear that I won’t see anyone else...”

“I think you try to get too close, too soon,” I say. “Lots of guys don’t like it if you’re all over them straight away.”

“Oh, don’t talk rubbish,” says Ben. “When you meet someone, you know right away when they’re good for you.”

Keep your mouth shut. This isn’t the time.

“Cheer up,” says Ben, holding her hand. “I’ve got a friend who’s just broken up with his girlfriend. We could all go out together if you like, the four of us. I’ll introduce you.”

And just like that, her tears dry up.

“Really?” she says. “Thanks. You seem really nice. I’d love to meet your friend.”

“That’s settled, then,” says Ben. “How about tomorrow night? Is that okay by you, Kirstie?”

Jeez, I don’t want to do this...