
kinnikuman mahoujin

A.U king muscle and babimbap have twins the elder is mantaro the future king while the younger is mahoujin the future general but mahoujin is born with the memories and spirit of a wrestler from a different reality his goal is to prove to the world that he is a real hero and he will bring peace to the world even at the cost of his life. ( expect a few cross over characters from dead or alive and from Tekken.)

ian_brooks · Anime und Comics
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5 Chs

the DMP attacks mahoujin and mantaro stand

Mahoujin and the girls were in the arena where the wrestling tournament was being held mahoujins match was next until the DMP appeared and they challenged any choujin available to a death match the challenge was issued to the niisei-choujin if any choujin was in the arena they would be forced to fight.

Mahoujins sighed he put on his armor and he stepped outside into the ringk

" I'm here huckleberry " said mahoujin.

" And you are?" Asked one of the hooded members.

" I am mahoujin kinnku but the city knows me as kinnikuman-kishin." Said mahoujin

" Kinnikuman-kishin have you decided to accept our challenge." Asked the three DMP members.

" Well we all know that one of your members knows the Code of Knights honor, isn't that right Kevin mask of course for someone who jumps a person in the middle of the night do you think you deserve to call yourself one of the knights of great Britain." Asked mahoujin

" Sh-shaddup I have my reasons." Said Kevin mask.

" And those reasons are daddy issues because your dad pushes you too far had you ever even once considered asking him if you could take a break while you trained so you could catch your breath or ask him to get you a sparring partner so you could make them your friends." Said mahoujin.

" What do you know have you ever been expected to fight an enemy you didnt want anything to do with." Said mmkevin mask.

" I know exactly what it's like I was told from the very beginning my job was to fight the enemies of planet kinniku since I was born my job has been to be a fighter but the thing is I don't let my personal desires cloud my vision of the needs of those who need a hero." Said mahoujin.

" Enough are you accepting our challenge or not." Asked one DMP member with a static voice.

" I'm in the ring aren't I?" Jeered mahoujin.

" That's right well then whose first?" The three decided on a game of jankengan and the winner was tel-tel boy (A/n his name is dial-bolic in the English dub by the way)

The living Nokia with arms and legs looked like a three year olds idead of a art project using their daddies phone in the mid two thousands.

The crowd cheered for kinnikuman-kishin the match began and mahoujin began with a swift lariat faster than even Kevin mask could see mahoujin set tell tell boy up he threw him into the corner with an Irish whip before he ran over to the corner and he he grabbed both the cell phones wrists and stepped off the turnbuckle onto the rope and then backflipping getting him in across armed face lock then putting him through a suplex asnhe called out the moves name upon execution

" kishin-asylum!" Shouted mahoujin as he slammed his opponent to the ground with the straight jacket suplex.

Tel-tel boy got up and dialed his numbers as if to call someone the person he called was ramen man of course the technique wouldn't work because while he was dialing the number mahoujin had calmed his mind of all negative thoughts just like ramen man taught him to do when facing a mental attack as he did the illusion didn't effect him in the slightest as mahoujin saw through the voice changing and went and hit tel-tel boy with his significant striking move the magic man buzzsaw kick ( A/nmahoujin means magic man by the Way) cutting through his antenna.

"no know you've done it I shall end you" said tel-tel boy he came at mahoujin and tossed him up into the sky and went for a strike with his antenna cord only to realize he didn't have it no more

Mahoujin smiled and and he caught the cell phone villain in a back breaker rack and dove to the ground making a sound cone around himself and as he came down he slammed the full grown-ass cellphone baby head first sideways into the ring with such force it shattered the entire concrete floor underneath the ring.

" Kinniku-bomber!" Shouted mahoujin.

" I don't recognize that move as being one of kinnikumans move's" said kazumi nakano.

' It must be an original technique?' thought Kevin mask

'so he is the legendary hero who has been handling the DMP's soliders while the shinsei-choujin were at the Hercules factory that means he's the one who defeated beastial man and now he's fighting us and he didn't even use his blazing inner strength yet he must've trained really hard and he's only seventeen years old.' thought Kevin mask.

Mahoujin turned to the others this ring is destroyed you guys wanna have the second match elsewhere.

" I'm late-I'm late!" Said kinniku-mantaro.

" Oh hi Otōto-kun" said kinniku-mantaro.

" Otōto kun you mean he's older than you?" Asked the shinsei-choujin members.

" By two minutes." Said mahoujin.

" Meaning that you two are twiiins!!!" Said the rest of the crowd.

" Say hello to the prince of planet kinniku kinnikuman-niisei and the next generation general of the planet kinnikuman-kishin" said Alexandria meat entriducing the two

Mahoujin bowed while mantaro picked his nose with his pinky finger.

" Have you no manners" shouted mahoujin with the patented kinniku-head amplifier blast.

Mahoujin sighed "forgive my brother people he gets his mannerisms from our father while min I got from our mother!" Said mahoujin causing everyone to sweat drop at the elder brothers antics.

" I wish to see what kinniku-mantaro can do show me the power of kinnikuman-niisei!" said the second DMP member MAXman.

" Kinnikuman-niisei go whoop his ass!!' cheered the guys.

Mantaro gave into peer pressure and he stepped in the ring.

" My name is MAXman and my grandfather was sneagator." Said MAXman

Once meat head that he began to have a traumatic episode.

Mahoujin told mantaro that he would help him out.

" Mantaro that sneaker may be tough on the outside but remember it's easy to take it out from the inside use it's tongue against him.

" Yeah but how!" Asked mantaro

" Use the move I taught you when we were kids" said mahoujin.

" But I'm scared what if I get it wrong again." Asked mantaro.

" Trust me you won't get it wrong!" Said mahoujin.

Mantaro got angry now he knew he had to man up and he knew if he didn't mahoujin would bend him like a pretzel later so he activated his power of blazing inner strength and he went for that move he got MAXman by hid legs and he crossed them over his thigh before he rolled him into his side and he crossed his arms over the man's neck executing the famous STF hold

"Niisei's got him in a sitout-toehold-facelock!" Shouted terry the kid.

"Guh he's got the tongue of my shoe molder!" Said MAXman he struggled.

" Now mantaro do it." Said mahoujin.

" Grr Sitout-toehold-facelock Headripping Underhook!!!" shouted mantaro

" S-T-F-H-U?!" Said the crowd.

Everyone then bust out laughing at the suttle suggestive abbreviation

The move ripped the villains head straight out of his shoulders due to the power out put of the hold combined with blazing inner strength.

" I did it I won" said mantaro with a sense of pride.

" Remember that feeling and the way you got it aniiki-chan." Said mahoujin.

To be continued

a little longer than the previous chapters due to the tlead up into the first match and the humor by the way unless you wander what the difference between the S-T-F,

S-T-F-U and S-T-F-H-U it's simple the first one is basically the safety version the second has a where the move is done by hooking the armpit when applying the face look and the third involves the second but with a vertical pull back like ramen man's camel clutch it literally attempts to tear the head out of the neck it's actually mahoujins own original hold but he shared it with mantaro the reason he's never done it right is due to the agressive nature of the move see mantaro fights using a more catch style defensive wrestling style involving holds while mahoujin fights using a offensive shoot style using locks meant to break bones and tear ligaments this is a reference that mantaro takes after his father who fights defensively while mahoujin takes after his mother who was a former assassin fighting offensively

ian_brookscreators' thoughts