
Kings Game (18+)

Travis is pulled into the ranks of nobility during a trying time, will he manage to survive the harsh circumstances that await him? Find out here! Disclaimer! This is an 18+ work! Do not read this unless you are 18 or older! Furthermore, this book touches on themes of sex, rape, abuse, and other such topics, if you want nothing to do with that, DO NOT READ! Thank you for your time.

Inker · Fantasie
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7 Chs

Chapter 5: Dorms

One week later

"Prepare yourself now, for the moment you enter onto the campus, there is no telling what will occur." Shaun warned. Travis nodded, then entered the carriage where Harry was waiting.

"Remember, do not tell anyone that I am a girl, okay?" She asked, glancing at Travis as he sat down.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, politics and stuff." Travis said, almost as if he was shrugging off the sentence. Harry sighed.

"As long as you are aware." Harry said.

After a while, it got dark and their group decided to stop and camp. A fire was built and various seats were placed around it. Harriet and Travis are on opposite sides and Harriet is covered in a blanket. "Man, that face really is wasted on a young man like you Harry!" One of the guards said as he laughed a bit.

Travis chuckled slightly. "George, you are drunk, you really need to stop drinking so much, it hinders your ability in the morning." Another guard said as he sipped his water.

George, who is sitting next to Harry, is a brawny man, wide shoulders, a tanned body, and brown hair, the embodiment of a man's man. "Oh, shut it, Logan! You can't possibly be tellin' me that you think this face is supposed to be on a man's body!" George yelled with a drunken slur.

At this point, Harry is clearly becoming uncomfortable. "I never said it fit, however, we are meant to protect these individuals, not insult them. Remember your place." Logan responded.

Logan is a thin man with pale skin. His hair is short and silver in color, though his features clearly say that he is in his twenties. His eyes look as if they are constantly half-open, though he is rather aware of everything that is happening.

"All I heard is that you agree and Harry should give his face to a fair maiden." George said as he took a large drink of ale. Travis almost burst out in laughter after hearing this, barely managing to keep it in.

Harriet stood up, covering 'himself' in the blanket, then moved to sit next to Travis. "A bit much for you over there?" Travis asked. Harry nodded as she looked down.

"It appears that you have irritated our employer. I will request that you stop that. But only once." Logan said as he shot a slight glare at George. In response, George grumbled a bit but did not say anything.

After a little while, food was prepared then eaten and they all went to bed. The rest of the trip was uneventful and after three full days, they arrived in the capital, where the nobles' school is. Once arrived in the capital, Harry and Travis made their way to the school's campus.

The school is surrounded by enormous walls of stone with gates in each cardinal direction. Each gate has a desk for new students to submit their enrollment forms. Travis and Harry approached the desk.

"Forms." The campus guard said.

"R-right." Harry said as she fumbled to open her bag. Once the bag was open, she took out two pieces of paper and placed them on the desk. "One for me, one for him." She said. He read over the papers.

"Alright, place your hand on this one at a time." He said as he scooted an orb about the size of Travis's head forward. The orb is on a metal structure with a plate underneath the holding portion.

"Okay." Harry said as she put her hand on the orb. After a few moments it lit up and a card was created on the plate.

"Here is your card, do not lose it as it is your lifeline when it comes to exiting and entering the campus." The guard said as he handed Harry her card. Harry then moved onto the campus. Once Harry was out of sight the guard leaned closer to Travis.

"Is that kid really a dude?" He asked. Travis nodded.

"Yeah, I have a hard time accepting that fact as well. But there are some things that serve as permanent evidence..." He said.

"R-right, well place your hand on the reader." The guard said as he shifted the topic. Travis did as he was told and after a moment the orb lit up once more and created a card on the plate.

"Here is your card, it is your lifeline when it comes to exiting and entering the campus, do not lose it." The guard said as he handed Travis his card.

"Thanks." Travis said as he took his card. As he walked onto the campus he took a look at the card. The card is essentially the same as the stat tablet, however, it is much more portable and on a string so you may wear it as a necklace.

After observing the card, Travis hurried to catch up with Harry, who is already wearing her card. Travis copied this form and equipped his card. Only the owner of the card may see its contents.

"By the way, the card shows what dorm you will be in, what is yours?" Harry asked. Travis looked at his card.

"Forty-seven." He said. Harry froze in place as a light nervous laugh escaped from her mouth. "What's wrong?" Travis asked.

"Um, nothing. Just, let's get along, roomie..." Harry said.

"Ah, forty-seven as well then?" Travis asked, Harry nodded.

"It seems all of the private rooms are full, which is unfortunate." She said.

"Well, that should be fine. I am the only one who knows your secret after all." Travis added.

"True." Harry said as he looked around. "Well, we have the first few days to explore the campus, so we should go drop our stuff off." Harry said as she took a hard left in the direction of the dorm building.

The dorms are giant mansions that are roughly seventy-eight thousand square feet. There are four dorms, two for guys, two for girls, each dorm is separated by year, the first male dorm is meant for first and second, while the second male dorm is meant for third and fourth-year students.

The girls' dorm works in the same way. They entered the dorm building and quickly found their room. When they entered they were greeted by a large room, roughly one thousand five hundred square feet, and has a bed in both of the far corners.

Next to the beds, on their sides, are nightstands. At the foot of both beds is a dresser to put clothes. In the other corners, there are desks with comfortable-looking chairs, the desks have several drawers.

There is also a door in the middle of the left wall which leads to a bathroom. Harry walked over to the bed on the left and placed her satchel on the floor next to it, then sat on the bed.

"Come in already, we need to hurry so we can get an understanding of the campus layout." Harry said. Travis entered and placed his satchel next to the desk on the right side, then sat in the chair.

"This place is pretty nice." He said.

"Yep, but not as nice as home." Harry said.

"Well, I was only there for a week, so I do not think I would be able to say." Travis said.

"Yeah, I suppose." She said. "By the way, our uniforms should come in tomorrow, we will have to go down to the dorm's mailroom." She continued.

"Alright, well, I did not get much sleep on the trip, so I am going to take a nap." Travis said as he went to his bed and laid down.

"Wait, we have to take a look at the campus, I do not want to go alone." Harry opposed Travis's decision.

"Then wait until tomorrow or something." Travis said.

"Ugh, fine, but you are throwing off the schedule I set up." Harry said.

"Schedules only work if you inform others and get them to agree." Travis said Harry thought for a moment.

"I guess you are right..." She said. "Well, I guess I will take a bath." She said as she fished some casual clothes out of her bag, then went into the bathroom. Travis grumbled as if to acknowledge what she is doing, though he is clearly asleep already.

The bathroom is rather luxurious, it has two sinks and a counter along all of the right wall and two doors on the left wall which lead to the toilets and baths. Harry entered into the first door and looked around the room in order to familiarize herself with it.

There is a bath and shower mix on the far wall and a toilet along the right. There is also a mirror in the right corner next to the door. In the left corner next to the door is a basket where dirty laundry is put then magically transported, cleaned, and put in the dresser.

For the auto-clean system, the clothes are separated by type, i.e underwear, shirts, coats, etc. Then they are put into separate drawers based on the organization which is already in place.

On the left wall, near the bath there are towels. Harry stripped and put her dirty clothes into the basket, then placed her clean clothes on the toilet lid then looked in the mirror to find any place that needs to be cleaned.

She looked at her breasts where her nipples seem to have gotten hard from being a bit cold, then her armpits, then her vaginal and butt area. After checking her body for dirt, she continued to the shower and cleaned herself.

Once clean, she turned the faucet on and drew a bath then entered. "This is nice." She said quietly as she sank into the water. She sighed. 'I can't believe I am sharing a room with Travis. I mean, I wanted to, but not yet... Like, after marriage or something?' She thought as she leaned her head back.

'Well, that's assuming he even wants someone like me. My breasts are small, he even mentioned how small they are when he found out I am a girl.' She thought as she sat up 'But... Maybe he'd like them?' She thought as she sank her head and body under the water a bit, leaving her eyes above the surface.

'I mean, I guess I could ask him, but... No, that's scary... Maybe just drying off and standing over him on all fours? No! That's scarier. My mind is a scary place...' She thought.

'Well, he said he wants to find me a husband, so maybe I should ask him what his type is and say that I want to find him a girl to court?' Harry thought as she began to relax once more.

'No, what if when I do, because it would be strange if I didn't, he decides to marry her and I'm left a concubine or worse, not even taken by him.' She thought of the possible plans of action.

Around an hour later...

'I can't believe I'm doing this...' Harry thought as she exited the bathroom nude. 'This is... Oddly exciting.' She thought as she approached Travis's bed. She climbed on it and climbed on top of Travis, making sure not to touch him.

"Tra..." She started but stopped as anxiety crept up. "Tr-Travis." She mumbled. "Travis, wake up." She said. "Travis!" She said a bit louder, causing Travis to groan a bit as if to signify a small amount of consciousness. "Wake up." She said.

Travis slowly opened his eyes and saw Harry on top of him. He moved his eyes down a bit and saw her light pink nipples and small breasts. He moved his gaze back up to her face.

"What are you doing?" Travis asked groggily.

"I..." She said hesitantly as she began to shake and blush. "I wanted to know if you liked..." She said as she paused, uncertain as to whether she should ask her question. "If you liked small breasts." She said.

"Would you mind pinching me real quick?" Travis asked.

"Huh? Why?" She asked.

"Because there is no way this is real." Travis said blandly. 'If this is real, I should be careful.' He thought.

"Uhm... Okay." She said as she brought up her right arm and pinched Travis's cheek.

"Ow. Okay, this is real." Travis said. For a moment, his gaze went back to her breasts, but he moved it right back to her face.

"You can... Look..." Harry said shyly. Uncertain as to whether or not this is a trick, he carefully moved his gaze to her chest. "What do you think?" She asked.

"Can I push you down?" Travis asked. Harriet nodded. Travis placed his hands on her shoulders and rotate 180 degrees, placing Harriet on her back. "I like it." He said. Harriet gave a hesitant smile.

"Do you want to go further?" She asked as her blush became darker.

"That depends on how much further we go." Travis said.

"Do you... Want to stick it in?" She asked. Travis nodded after a bit of hesitation. "Please do." She said. Travis undid his pants and lowered them, revealing his dick. It's about the average size for a teenager.

"What do you want me to do?" Travis asked.

"F-fuck.. Me?" She said in an almost question-like manner. Travis chuckled slightly as he lowered his hips, bringing himself closer to her vagina. He slowly inserted his member and instantly a wave of pleasure hit.

Harriet gave off a slight moan upon him entering.

Continuation soon.

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