
Kingly adventures

This story is a fanfiction of the webnovel, ' The King of The Worlds'. The protagnist travels to different worlds and conquers them, in order to take their unique resources and advance his own kingdom. This is my first work so reviews are desired. For advance chapters, you can go to my Patreon page; P A T R E O N. C O M / novicewriter This book is also being uploaded on wattpad and Patreon. ______________________________________________ Discord Link: discord.gg/em6yY2d Disclaimer: I only own the MC and my unique ideas in relation to this fictional work. ______________________________________________ Self Promotion by the author: My original story, 'The Forsaken Son' is being uploaded under Eastern Fantasy Genre.

novice_writer · Anime und Comics
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135 Chs

Chapter 68: Return, Plans and Spying

It took Alexander 5 months to return to Dual. Alexander had only meditated on force during that time and had deepened his connection with the force. Alexander was now able to sense the whole galaxy even places which were hidden by the dark side of the force. Alexander felt that he needed to meditate continuously on force for a few more months before he would be able make a huge discovery, even the force was excited and was urging him to meditate continuously.

Alexander had not neglected his magical training and had awakened 1.5 Billion magic cells in his body. Alexander's magical power was monstrous enough that the fully powered Bombarda sent by him was enough to blow up a small sun. Alexander was aiming for a distant planet but as he had not practiced with his magical power for quite some time, his aim got wary and he accidently blew up the small sun. Alexander's ship was able to barely survive the after effects by timely jumping into the hyperspace and escaping. The incident earned him glares of all the crew members but they didn't say anything. The anger changed to awe and reverence when they realised exactly what Alexander had done.

But, Alexander had a different problem in front of him. Alexander was perplexed on where should he practice his magic. He could not practice on his kingdom as he did not want to die by blowing up his own kingdom as it would be pretty embarrassing for a king to die by blowing up his own kingdom by his own hands. Alexander in the end decided to practice on dead planets but after what the force wanted him to show. Alexander didn't know that his feat of blowing up the sun was recorded by the crew members and sold to the News channels of his kingdom and now everyone knew about his feat of blowing up the sun. The Bombarda spell had become the most popular spell among the Magus and Magi as this spell allows one to blow up a sun if one had sufficient power.

Alexander returned to Dual and ordered the Chairman to give him a status report. The chairman had sold additional 16 Million people to the slavers. This had earned them 94 Billion credits. Alexander then contacted the sold people and ordered them to integrate themselves in their new roles and when the time would be right, they would attack them all at once. Alexander planned to end this blight for once and all but it would take at least 15 years before the operation could be started. Alexander knew that many of the spies would not survive till then.

The SQC had forecasted that it would take at least 15 years for his kingdom to form the basic infrastructure required to implement it's designs. Alexander was not going to wait till then. Alexander had the SQC prepare the designs for all the basic infrastructure needed while keeping in mind the prevelent architecture of his kingdom. The combination was a beautiful blend of stone and metal buildings which gave his kingdom a unique atmosphere. Alexander then, had his people in the Trade Federation investigate the best builders of the present galaxy. Alexander did not want the Galactical corporations to build his kingdom as the buildings made by them had a lifeless feeling, Alexander wanted the buildings in his kingdom to be full of life and vibrant. Alexander wanted the people who build his kingdom have the skill and passion to bring the buildings to life.

It took his people one week to prepare the list of 100 companies which fulfilled the criteria set by Alexander. All the companies were just getting by as the people of the galaxy didn't want their buildings to be lively, they wanted their structures to be cheap and functional. Alexander knew that he had to buy the amount of resources required to build his kingdom from the galaxy. Alexander had already planned on how to earn money. Alexander brought a habitable planet from the Senate located in the inner regions. Apparently, the Senate sold resourceless planets to wealthy individuals. The planet a jungle planet, the size of earth. The technology of the galaxy was not advanced enough to map the resources of the planet so the explorers based on the surface resources of the world and the danger level of flora and fauna classified the planet as resourceless as the danger far outweighted the value of the planet.

Alexander also brought high grade planetary shields from a weapons manufacturer company. Alexander installed the shield and had the rune masters magically enhance it. Alexander discovered another effect of force. The force enhanced the magical runes. The shield which was expected to become stronger by 10 times, become stronger by 18 times. Alexander theorised that the amount of force present in the environment was directly proportional to the degree by which the runes would be enhanced.

Alexander ordered his people to contact the companies. The companies jumped at the chance of getting a new contract. Alexander scheduled the meeting to be held on Corellia and booked a hotel there. The shipyards of Coriella used to be hot stuff at the time when the Republic was newly formed but they were brought out by the Kuat families thousands of years ago, when all their top designers died in a 'shuttle accident'. Alexander had to acknowledge that the rulers of Kuat of that time, were very determined in eliminating all their opponents. Alexander wanted to conqure the military centers of the galaxy first, then economical centers and then the political centers. Corellia was his first target in this plan as Kuat required one to be a native for stepping foot on their planet. Alexander had a perfect plan to deal with the arrogant nobles of Kuat.

Alexander arrived at Corellia from Fortis, that was the name of the planet brought by him in 2 weeks on a starship powered by a class 2 hyperdrive. The starship was complementary with the planet. The planet had cost Alexander 70 Billion Credits and extra 15 Billion credits to grease the wheels. The original cost of the planet was 200 Billion credits which only gave him ownership for 7 generations as the planet was situated in inner regions. Alexander had the documents changed and had the planet sold to him for the planet's entire lifetime for only 70 Billion credits. It was done in perfectly legal way and no one could challenge it in front of any authority of the galaxy.

Alexander set foot on Corellia and observed that the planet had a very depressing atmosphere. The Kuatians were exploiting this planet for thousands of years. Alexander was sure that he would get many inroids from this planet. Alexander after conquering the five mid rim planets, had 40 million inroids under him. As soon as the first Ballastians were fully trained and integrated into the society, the new batch would be converted. The three hundred thousand Ballastians would then train their new species members.

Alexander conquered Corellia and it's shipyards gained 3 Billion people as subjects and 120 million inroids. The population ratio of future Ballastians was leaning heavily towards males which constituted 80 percent of the population. Alexander ordered his subjects to buy or gather as many nanny, maid and nurse droids as they can. Alexander also planned to order the various droid factories to make female droids with superior computing abilities. Alexander planned to have them developed into inroids after few decades and after that, he would claim them as a part of his kingdom.

Alexander returned back to his kingdom and operated the realm gate to focus on another version of star wars world which was much more ahead in timeline. Alexander had some targets which he wanted to extensively observe in order to achieve his aims.


For advance chapters go to P A T R E O . C O M/novicewriter