
Kingdoms Of The Seasons

In the world, there are 4 kingdoms. Each one meant to help run a specific season. However, they are forbidden to interact with mortal affairs. But once a strange series of weather takes place, the princess of Winter must act. If not, the world is doomed.

FlameKingWarrior · Fantasie
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18 Chs

Seasonal Greetings

"I don't know why you're so worried, it's just your father!" Grace says watching Jack pace. "Yeah, well my father is a goddamn psycho! At the drop of a hat, he could practically call an army!". This was the last day of their stay, and the last thing they had to do was meet his father. The hear the doorbell ring and he said "Prepare to feast your eyes on the worlds most ferocious, cunning, and brutal creature!".

He opened the door to see his father had chosen to look human. he changed his hair to be a pale silver, his eyes were a deep brown hue, and he was wearing shades with a gray hoodie, and blue sweatpants. Jack's jaw was dropped and Grace said "Oh no~ How intimidating~". He father walked in and said "I hope I'm not interrupting anything! I'd hate to ruin my sons day at home!".




"Just call me Kain! And you are?" His father said. "Grace!". The two shook hands and his father smiled. "It's good to know my son has friends outside of home! Nice to know he won't be lonely out there!". Jack was mentally contemplating on leaving right then and there. "Now then, I won't stop you two from your little adventure, besides, you've both got things to attend to.".


"FROST!" Grace said hugging the giant ice wolf. Jack walked over and said "Hello Mr.Snow-puppy, miss me?". Frost licked him and he said "Ah! You know that doesn't wash out easily!". They get on his back, and start flying for the Sahara Desert. While they were flying Grace said "So question, back when we first met, what were you doing in the mountains?".

"Uh...." Jack said thinking. Frost found that as the time to do a flip, landing Grace in the back and Jack in the front. Jack looked down at the face of the wolf and whispered "Thank you!". They approached the sand and Frost landed. "Alright Frost, you're gonna have to sit this one out! it's too hot for you here boy!". Frost whines and Jack says "She's right buddy, it's too hot. We'll handle this okay?".

The wolf barks and then runs off. "So, where should we start first?" Jack asks Grace. She was about to answer when they heard rumbling. They looked forward to see what looked like a giant band, with sand colored armor and a bad attitude.

{Sand Mite}

"At least there is just one!" Jack said to her pulling out his hatchet. More of them crawled out of the sand and Grace said "Why do you jinx us?". They started attacking them, but their weapons just bounced off. "Oh come on!". They heard something coming towards them, and a giant long green viper, slithered past and curled around one of them, squeezing it.

They heard yelling as Laura ran over with two daggers and stabbed it in the throat, killing it. "Laura?!" Grace said in surprise. They then also saw Penny dove down and stomp on one, pecking it repeatedly. Autumn came over with his gun and started firing. "Die insects, die!" He said shooting. "Autumn?!" Jack said shocked. Once all the mites were dead, the two walked over.

"Sand mites, from summer! Due to recent activity, the remnant of Spring has decided to push them into human lands." Autumn said straightening his glasses. "What are you guys doing here?" Grace asked. Laura smiled and said "We figured that since you guys were going to see Blaze, it'd be a good idea to join in on the fun!". The snake slithered over and Laura said "Good Thorn! You did great!".

Autumn looked at them and said "Grace, you ride with me! Jack is gonna go with Laura!". Jack looked at her and could see the evil glint in her eye. He looked down and said "Oh joy, I'm gonna die.". They started to move across the sand and Laura said to Jack "So, how are you doing Jackal.". Jack went pale and said "That's right, I know who you are. Though, I might not have to do anything about it!".

Jack looked at her and said "What do you mean?". She laughed and said "You really are clueless! The kingdom of Summer is practically designed to prevent a season shadow from getting in, bright-stone weapons everywhere, guards and archers at every post, you might as well be walking directly into hell!". Jack sighed and said "I still need to fix this, because now innocent people are getting hurt!".

Laura smirked and said "Do you want to know why she'd never accept you if she knew? It's because....". They arrived at the kingdom and she said "A season shadow killed her mother!". He got off the snake and said "You know what, you and that snake are starting to have a lot in common, especially how you act! So calm and caring when around people, but in reality, cruel, and mean!".


They walked through a large gate, and saw the prince of Summer. He had jet black skin, dark red hair in a Mohawk, and he was wearing a large golden cape with sand colored gloves, and pants that matched his red eyes, and 6 foot height. "Grace! How nice to see you all!" He said pulling them all into a hug. "Blaze, you're crushing us!" Autumn said struggling to breathe.

He released them and said "And you must be the human I've heard so much about, Jack!". He had them follow his to a large round table and said "Now then, I've decided to participate in the ritual, but first, I need you to help me with something!". His bright smile faded as they entered an area like a hospital. "As you may know, the remnant of Spring has decided to strike my home.".

He showed them over a dozen people lying in hospital beds with black vines attached to them. Laura looked horrified and Blaze said "She's released some kind of plant into a small nearby forest, all the people in it were fine when they evacuated, but yesterday they became like this.". Laura touched the vines and said "These plants are all dodders. The dodder is a parasitic plant, that drains the life and energy out of the ones around it.... Why is this one attacking people?!".

Jack glared and said "You said that all of these plants are from the remnant of spring right?". Blaze nodded and said "We think she might be one of the only ones to fix this, and any warriors I have command over would kill her on sight. Not to mention she's got floral wraiths and frost wraiths with her. Which is why I need your help! I need you to help bring her alive!".


Autumn opens up a map and says "Okay, these two locations are where she could possibly be. Me and Grace will go to the outer forest, while you and Laura explore the inner ones!". Blaze walked over to them and said "Grace, one more thing!". He pulled out a bag of red fiery powder and said to her "Combine this with your arrows, the powder will make them explosive so they'll detonate on impact!".

She took the powder and they all split up. Where Jack and Laura were, the two of them were talking about their plan. "So shadow, what's your plan if your little lackey shows up?". Jack turns to her and says "For the record, I didn't send her here, so I still have to force her back! Another season shadow named Shade sent her here, so I have no control over what she does!".

This is when the two encounter wraiths. Arrows made of ice fire at them from the trees. "GET DOWN!" Jack says tackling her behind a rock. Frost wraiths, had ice spikes sticking out of their body, and were made of bone and ice.

{Frost Wraiths}

"Any dramatic quips from your mouth shadow?!" Laura yells at him. "Just use your powers!" He responds. He gets ready to throw his hatchet when a whip cuts his cheek. He turns to face several wraiths, these ones being covered in vines.

{Floral Wraiths}

"Floral fury, or frozen flurry?" He asks her. "I'll handle ice!" She responded.


"Autumn, you see anything?" Grace asks him. "Nope, just trees, trees, and more trees!" He says complaining. "Jeez, you'd think that a prince would have a little more respect for nature, especially coming from fall!". They both looked up to see a girl who was 17, black hair, light grey colored skin, nails painted dark green, blood red eyes, and she was wearing a dark green dress that was covered in.... Dodders.

"The remnant of Spring.... Venus Flytrap." Grace said glaring at her. "Just call me Venus. I see you got my gift, how is Blaze holding up? Is he still upset about his dumb little people?". Venus already had scratches and a few bruises. 'That's odd, didn't Blaze say he didn't say none of his warriors were sent out here?' Grace thought. "Once my job is done, I'll be able to leave this hot and humid place! DIE!". Venus yelled shooting little thorns from her hand.


"Tell me that was all of them!" Laura said catching her breath. "Yeah, if not we'd hear them! All these wraiths used to be humans, it's awful what happened to them.". Laura stares at him and says "Why are you still acting like you care, you helped cause this!". "When will you realize that I do care?" He responds. The two hear an explosion and Laura says "I'm guessing that's Grace.".


Venus goes tumbling onto the ground, smoking from the explosion. "Ha, I can't lose now! I'm so close!" She said trying to stand. "It's over Venus, you lose!" Autumn says. "Easy for you to say, I don't even want to be in this hot ass desert!" She shouts at them. They hear something coming towards them and Venus is snatched from her current position, and pinned to a tree by.... Shade.

"S-Shade! Wait, we can talk about this-" He starts squeezing down on her throat with one hand and in the other, he creates a ball of dark energy, shaping it into a knife. "You know, all you damn remnants are so useless! I said I'd let you live if you succeeded. You failed! So now....". He raised the knife and said "You die!". He was then knocked off by something fast, and dark colored.

"Who dares to-". A dark colored spear aimed directly into his face, and at the end of it? Jackal Shadow-Star. He was wearing his season shade outfit and had a purple mask covering his mouth. "You know Shade, one of the most important orders we've been given, is to not just kill them unless necessary, so I initiate a little something called, a Shadow Trial!".


In the kingdom of summer, in an arena, Venus is being held by Blaze. "Blaze! What the hell is a shadow trial?!" Grace ask. Blaze sighs and says "Per season shadow law, if someone asks for one, they are allowed to fight for the life of another person. Yet, I still don't see how this is so important....". They look into the arena to see Jackal twirling his spear. "That Jackal Shadow-Star would come here of all places. I only even agreed to let him borrow the arena because I need Venus alive!".

Shade walked out and said "You're going to lose this young Jackal, I'll make sure of it!". Shade charged at him and Jackal just caught the attack. Shade then punched the ground and made himself a suit of armor from stone. "I got a little bit of words for you actually: No matter where you run,". He tried to hit him again and Jackal said "No matter where you strike,".

He punched Shade and said "You cannot stop me,". Shade looked up in fear to see him generate hundreds of spears, so much that it blocked out the light behind him. "Because I am the darkest shadow alive!". He sends them down, and right before the impact, Shade shouts "I YIELD!". The spears stop and Shade opens his eyes to see on spear directly in front of his eye.