
Kingdoms Of The Seasons

In the world, there are 4 kingdoms. Each one meant to help run a specific season. However, they are forbidden to interact with mortal affairs. But once a strange series of weather takes place, the princess of Winter must act. If not, the world is doomed.

FlameKingWarrior · Fantasie
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18 Chs


"How did you manage to defeat a Remnant in the time it took me to defeat all those wraiths?" Grace asked him. "Uhhhhh.". *Remembers the threats on Hades life*. "Luck! An extreme amount of luck!" He responds quickly. The two walk up to Laura and she says "Just got word from Autumn, I'll participate in the ritual. Not like I have a choice. With me on board, your next objective would be to recruit summer. Now don't just stand there, we've all got stuff to prepare for!".

{Quest 2: COMPLETE}