
Kingdom : History is rewritten

A modern day army veteran dies struck by lighting while playing Total war Three Kingdoms. His death only marked a new beginning as he woke up at a 12 year old kids body living in 260 BCE during the warring states period of China. Thrust into a bloody era, will he be able to defend his nation or maybe become the conquerer himself? What will his presence bring to the history itself? Read to find out! Kingdom manga AU with a few generals from the Three Kingdoms period.

Virtuosso · Anime und Comics
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31 Chs

The war of supremacy Part 3 ( Battle under the moon)

Houken glared at me as I stood between him and Kyou with a provocative smirk. The Qin soldiers cheered as more and more reinforcements rushed in slaughtered the Zhao soldiers. KaRin was already set on her position and she would be the main force who would show off in this battle and my job was only two things. Beat Houken now and hold off Lu Bu tomorrow. As my last battle for a while, I have decided to show my full might in the open to leave behind a legend. Legends only spread further with time after all.

Kyou walked next to me and gave me a hug as she spoke," You are on time as always little brother of mine. And it looks like you have grown a lot in the last year. You are already this handsome, wonder how many girls had their heart stolen by you."

I smirked and replied," unlike you, I don't have a single person dedicated to marry me, so I welcome all beauties. I plan to have a big family after all." She smiled hearing my joke and it seemed we were just having a chat with tea, not on a battlefield surrounded by enemies.

I noticed that Houken was still calm as he watched me carefully and didn't interrupt. I turned my attention to him and asked," So it was a trap afterall?"

Houken took a step forward and replied," Thou art a being that Heavens themselve has acknowledged. From thou, I senseth the shackles barely holding thyself, thou have achieved what I yearn for.This Houken is grateful, for showing that my path isn't unattainable. I thank thou."

Among everyone present, only I understood what he meant and replied," Sadly, your path is a different one from mine, and the end to that road lies a mystery. However, I believe Riboku is soon going to interrupt us, so I shall get rid of you for now."

Houken replied calmly," I am but a distraction. Someone far stronger is coming to test thy mettle."

I immediately realized their plan and chuckled for not seeing the patterns. From the very beginning, it was never about anything else but me. Riboku had targeted only me and even Houken became just a decoy. The real problem is coming towards me now and I better beat him soon before they arrive.

I charged at him with full force and he braced himself for impact. But it was no help as my full strength attack sent him flying with his horse as he toppled down from the edge of the cliff. That didn't kill him for sure, but he should not be a problem anymore for this battle. The real trouble was about to begin and I wasn't sure completely if I could solve it easily.

I looked at Kyou and spoke," You must leave this place and hurry to Ouki's camp. Gather everyone and defend till dawn. Zhang Liao would be here by then. This was a trap for me and I fear Lu Bu is coming with his army. I will hold him till Zhao Yun gets here. KaRin will assist you to defend the camp. We must not let either of our generals to die here. "

Kyou widened her eyes and asked," You can't hold him off by yourself. Even Ouki sama lost to him. Please let's retreat together. I don't mind losing this battle. I can't lose either of you."

I patted her head with a smile and spoke," You can't be silly. We have already won the war. We just need to hold on here. You don't wonder where both Zhao Yun and Zhang Liao went?"

Kyou was shocked and looked at me with a gaping mouth and I closed it and said," You can marvel at my brilliance later. Now go, we don't have much time."

She nodded with a serious look and gave me a hug before leaving the parting words," You better not do anything wreckless."

I helplessly smiled and replied," That is something in my nature."

After she left, I soon heard the hooves beating and the soldiers getting slaughtered.The new Zhao army showed up soon as I sent Kyou to secure Ouki. Zhao allowed them to go without any fight as I realized I'm facing the same dilemma OuKi will face in Bayou 9 years later. Soon, my doubts proved true as A warrior dressed in a silver and red armour, riding a red giant horse came in front of me. He had an arrogant smirk as he pointed his Sky Piercer Halberd at me and spoke," So you must be the KouRyu Riboku spoke of. You are indeed better than Ouki. But still not good enough to face me. "

I shrugged and replied," That's why you had to plot a deliberate trap which you couldn't even think of. Even then, you let Ouki go just to lure me and attack me during night when I was unprepared when my generals are not present. Seems like you went through a lot of trouble just bring me down to your level. Even so, you sent that Houken to weaken me which didn't work. Now who's not worthy?"

The entire army went silent, both Zhao and Qin.

I heard a Qin soldier in the distance yelling," Damn! Our general is so ruthless he didn't even give Lu Bu any face!"

I quirked my eyebrows hearing the phrase I only read in some stories. Lu Bu was absolutely livid as my soldiers laughed at him. He just uttered," That's your death warrant you pathetic mongrel" and charged at me. I sighed and switched to my Glaive as Lu Bu was bearing down on me within a moment.

There was a defeaning bang as I clashed with Lu Bu. Our weapons gave off a screeching noise as both tried to overcome each other. But surprising me and everyone else, Lu Bu was the one who was pushed back a few steps. So my estimate of my full strength was quite wrong. The peak limit of humanity is indeed something. I grinned at the shocked Lu Bu and rushed at him swinging my Glaive. To which he could only strike back and he was sent flying this time. I didn't let up and continued with my onslaught. The Zhao soldiers were dreadfully quiet as I overpowered Lu Bu in the initial strikes.

Lu Bu looked up at me and suddenly his demeanour changed. So this is his full strength. The entire aura surrounding him turned into deep red as he exuded a murderous aura. He grinned and spoke," You are indeed strong. So I can go all out against you. Zhao soldiers, move as far as you can from us, don't blame me if I kill you accidentally."

I looked at my soldiers and also said, " defend the camp. KaRin will take over as I fight Lu Bu . Notify Zhao Yun and make him go behind the incoming army. and pierce through. Tell KaRin to hold nothing back." The commander nodded and sent out my orders.

The soldiers created a big space for us as the battle started again. We both went all out and it was a close fight. Lu Bu had more skills and experience but our strength was quite similar at the moment. We didn't let up and gave our all. With each blow, shockwaves were sent out and earth was cracked. There was some small cuts on each of us but no deep wounds. Both of us were looking for that small breach in concentration of the enemy and break through that defense. Although we were fighting to kill, there was a strange smile on both of our faces. Because we have finally found someone worthy to challenge us and push us beyond our limits.

I can only hope Kyou and KaRin can defend the camp. OuKi can barely fight so I hope Zhao Yun can make it in time. The only consolation in this is we have already won the war as Riboku focused on me too much. By tomorrow, Bayou castle would fall to Qin and Zhang Liao would be back. Our counter attack shall begin then. We just need to pass the night.

Decided go into some detail as this is the final battle of this volume. 2-3 chapters more till arc finishes

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