
Kingdom Conqueror

After exploding in a ball of fire Navy Seal Kane is given a chance by a shameless god to reincarnate with a system that will help him become a Conqueror who will rule the world. He will summon his armies to war and rise to the top. From a bandit to a king all the way to Emperor of all. He will be able to slay any man, monster, or woman. Time to have some fun and make this world his. PS: This is my first novel and will probably not be the best, but I will enjoy it and hope you enjoy it as well. It will hopefully improve in story quality and writing quality the more I write so please be patient while I test the waters. If you do not like harem or opmcs or systems then please know this book is not for you. This book will also be slow-paced especially in the beginning. Sometimes in the late game, there will be some fast-paced content. Also please feel free to give me advice about my novel and if there is something you want to see. The last thing is that I do not own the cover so if you own it then please let me know and I will take it down if you want me to.

KingOfDragons · Fantasie
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131 Chs

Chapter 17

Kane woke up feeling refreshed. The inn may have not been anything fancy but it was much better than his current accommodations. He would see to making his house better back at camp when he got the chance. He got dressed and went downstairs to have breakfast. He would visit the Romans at the store later today. First, he decided to walk around and have a bit of a break. He felt he deserved it. Speaking of the store he decided to name it Emperors Arms. After eating he left and headed to the main merchant district as that's where all the action was.

At the main street, Kane saw many interesting stores and stalls. The food smelled good and it generally seemed like a happy place. The only time you did not see any smiles was when a guard patrol was walking by. The citizens did not seem to like them much. This was good for Kane though as it would be easier to take control.

"Hey how much for these masks?" asked a street vendor. "Haha, I can tell you like masks friend. These masks are all hand-made and I will sell them for 5 copper each." said the vendor. Kane smiled as he was currently wearing a mask. He quite enjoyed wearing them so people could only guess what he looked like and it would give him a mysterious vibe. "I will take these 3," said Kane while pointing to the 3 he liked. He was always happy to have more masks. He bought them and some other things he felt would be useful. After shopping, he decided to eat some food and went to a nice-looking restaurant.

"Have you heard? The Ivory Eagles have killed a group of soldiers sent to hunt them after their last robbery." Kane eating his meal when he heard a man tell his friend about a group of bandits. It piqued his interest so he listened intently. He found out that this bandit group was pretty famous and is very successful in their robberies. They would be the perfect target for Kane and decided he would leave the kingdom soon to prepare his recruitment plan. First, he had to make sure the Emperor's Arms was in good condition and ready to begin selling its wares and that the Speculatores were preparing his plan and info.

After leaving he noticed a commotion down the street. He decided to take look. There were several guards burning down a building. An unhappy crowd was watching the scene. An old man and woman for crying by the side. Kane mixed in the crowd to figure out what was going on. Apparently, the daughter of this old couple had hit the King and he was so angry that he killed her and ordered his men to burn down the couple's shop. The daughter had been taken forcefully a few days ago to please the king but it ended up like this so clearly it did not turn out well. This did give Kane an idea though. He needed to gain some fame for his newly formed Crimson Crusaders and also wanted to have the citizens happy when he took the kingdom over. This would give him the chance to plant his seed into the minds of every citizen.

He also decided to have some of the Speculatores help the citizens in situations just like this and claim to be a part of the Crimson Crusaders. This would gain fame and favorability from the citizens. Kane put on a different mask and exchanged his cloak and stepped out of the crowd. The guards were laughing until they noticed a man move towards them. The couple also noticed the man and looked worried. Did the man know what he was doing? He was asking for death. "Hey, you! You better leave before I decided to kill you where you stand!" yelled the lead guard. All the guards lifted their weapons in preparation to teach this stranger a lesson. The citizens looked scared for the stranger and wondered what his intentions were.

"The Crimson Crusade had decreed that you are not fit to live. I am here to kill you and wash away your sins with blood!" yelled Kane. He lifted his morning star that had already had oil on it and used his magic to light the weapon in flames. Gasps of shock came from the citizens who watched this scene. The guards looked nervous. Kane added to their nervousness by activating [Blood Aura] and his killing intent made the guards sweat and tremble. "Stay back before you go against the king even more! You are a mage and the king will let you off if you serve him" said the lead guard who had fear in his eyes. "You will pay for what you have done to this couple!" Kane yelled again and stopped walking. Then all of the sudden he burst out in speed and ran to the head guard and jumped lifting his mace and bringing down on the guard's head killing him. He then swung it to hit the stomach of another and then swept his leg under a different guard making him fall. Kane then slammed his weapon on the guard that fell killing him. The guard on the stomach had died from his wound and the flames. 2 last guards dropped their weapons and started to run. Kane pulled out his bow and shot 2 arrows at the guards killing them both. The fight was very short and Kane was happy with how weak they are because it meant that taking over the kingdom would be easier.

"You 2 come with me," said the stranger. The couple looked at him with shock but reverence could be seen in their eyes. It was the same for all the surrounding strangers. The couple was a bit weary but decided to leave with the man before more guards came. The rest of the citizens left before things got uglier.

[Congratulations to the Host for improving relations with Iron Rose Kingdom's citizens. Current relationship unknown -> admiring/curious]

[The Host has worsened relations with Iron Rose Kingdoms King/Army. Current relationship: unknown -> Wanted]

Kane gave the notifications a look before focusing his attention on getting back to his store. The couple was behind him. They looked confused but still followed Kane. Then they stoped out of a store and the couple could finally take a break. "Thank you sir for helping us. We don't have anything but please let us try to repay you for your kindness." said the old man. Kane looked at them and said "do not worry about it. Worry about the king and his revenge. I am. going to be leaving soon and offer you to join me. I will be able to take you to my base in the forest where the king will not be able to harm you." The couple looked shocked again at the offer the man gave them. "Thank you sir but it would be hard to get us out of here. The gate could already be closed off. We are old and will die soon anyways. We are just happy you could get revenge for our daughter" said the man.

At this time 2 of the Romans in the shop came out looking at Kane. "Ave Emperor!" they said in unison while saluting Kane. The couple looked shocked again and wondered who this man was who had saved them. These men called him emperor. Kane decided to tell the guards the rest of his plans and what they should do when he was gone. He then got three horses and prepared to leave. The couple just watched the whole time. "I plan on many things in life and one is taking this kingdom for my own and making it better. You will be able to be happier when that day comes" said Kane. "But first I must prepare and also you should still come with me. I promise you will be safe." The couple looked at them with admiration and the fear in their eyes went away. "Ok thank you, sir. I promise that we will do whatever it takes to repay you. We may be old but we can still work" said the man. He and his wife bowed to Kane.

"It's alright you do not need to do anything. Just live to see the day I make the King repent for his crimes against the kingdom. Live to see the day I make this kingdom rise!" and with those last words, Kane and the couple rode their horses to leave the kingdom before the army closed off the Kingdom. They would have to be fast if they were going to make it but Kane was confident and the couple had a firm belief in their savior.

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