
King of Warriors (X-Men/Marvel)

Without anywhere to go, a boy decides to follow the X-Men back to Xavier's school after awakening his X-Gene ruins any chance of a normal life that he had. But once he arrives at the school, he realizes that there is so much more for him there than there ever was. He just needs to embrace it and master his new powers. But before all of that, he needs to get along with his new roommate first

TrueBoredAsura · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs

Resisting Arrest

The teens were stunned. But before long, their fight-or-flight reflexes kicked in. And Hellions never run from a good fight.

Unlike how most people would think Julian or Asher would make the first move, it was actually Sooraya that did it. The young woman transformed into a massive sandstorm that obstructed each federal agent's vision.

With their vision blocked, Brian charged forward and pressed his hand on Agent Richards' chest. The agent barely heard the teen say, "you're it" before he backed off.

Agent Richards immediately pulled out his gun, ready to shoot the teen in case he did anything harmful to him but he soon felt several people rush toward him from behind.

Richards opened fire blindly, thinking it was other mutants charging at him. Unknown to him, though, he had begun firing on his coworkers. Luckily, they were only given a few light injuries before they had all piled on top of Agent Richards. And with his shots going out, the shitshow truly began.

The other agents also began firing blindly in response to the gunshots. Although they were all aiming all around them with no clear target, no one knew who they were actually shooting at.

Julian had set up a barrier around the sandstorm to make sure no stray bullets hit the school or any students that had decided to stay and watch.

When the agents ran out of ammunition and were getting ready to reload, that was when Cessily and Santo made their moves. As the only two members of their team that were fully bulletproof, they could hide Sooraya's sandstorm without fear of the wild shots the agents were letting out.

The duo quickly took down each of the agents, leaving them all with some bruises and a light concussion or two. With all the agents down, Sooraya returned to her base state.

All the students watched in awe as the sandstorm disappeared to reveal the Hellions Training Squad standing proud and unharmed while all of the federal agents were on the ground either groaning in pain or completely unconscious.

"Oi, Sword Guy. Why didn't you help?" Santo asked

"Once again. If I join in, that means people die. It also means that this goes from you guys getting several charges of assault to assisted homicides. Not really a good deal if you ask me."

The golem shrugged his shoulders. It seemed that he still didn't like that Asher couldn't always use his power to help in every fight.

"So what do we do now?" Sooraya asked, truly confused about how to handle this. She rarely got into trouble like this.

"Simple," Julian explained to her. "We run before we get caught!"

The others agreed with that answer and ran towards the garage where Julian's jeep was parked. All 6 quickly hopped in before speeding off. By the time the X-Men had arrived to see the mess on the front lawn, the kids were already a couple of miles away.

Asher sat in the front passenger seat and was thinking about how the people he had just met and the biggest asshole he knew had just helped him escape federal prison and most likely just got themselves charges as well. He couldn't help the smile that appeared on his face.

'I guess it really is true then.'

Asher looked around the car and saw that all of the teens had green and blue lines of energy that connected themselves to him.

'These must mean teammate and friend. Though which means which, I haven't figured out yet. Emma and my tutors were all yellow so that probably means mentor. I wonder if I can find out about other relationships too.'

While he was thinking about how he should thank his new friends and the limits of his powers, Asher felt the car jerk before coming to a screeching stop.

"Watch it, man! That shit hurt," Brian complained

"It wasn't me," Julian defended himself

"Indeed. It was me," an aged and dignified voice came from above.

Soon, the jeep was floating in the air before it was turned around. The group of teens saw a man wearing red and purple armor as well as a matching helmet. And that was when they knew, they were fucked.

"Deputy Headmaster Magneto," all of them called out at the same time

With the reformation of the school, there were also several new positions. While Professor Xavier was still the headmaster, there were 4 deputy headmasters under him, each was allowed to represent the school in public and had the final say on certain matters.

Emma was in charge of teaching, Scott was in charge of extracurriculars, Ororo was in charge of ethics, and lastly was Magneto. He was the Deputy Headmaster of Discipline.

"Children. You are needed at school. You have made a mess and it needs to be cleaned up properly."

Without giving them a chance to respond or explain themselves, Magneto began flying away with the jeep behind him.

"Now I know that this seems like a bad time to ask, but what do you guys think our chances are of beating him and running away?"

The others glared at Santo before ignoring him. He was just asking to get them into even more trouble.

Besides the fact that they were currently in a metal jeep that the man could just use to restrain them and that one of their members was literally made out of metal, he was also an incredibly powerful mutant that had decades to perfect his power while each of them had just gotten their powers within the last few months. They had no chance of challenging him.

And with that thought in mind, the group of teens sat quietly in the car as they were being carried back to their executio... back to the school.