A rat, that is what I am. Well, to be exact I'm a man rat. an abomination of untold proportions, a deviant to the beauty of mother nature. Born to inhabit the dirtiest of sewers and the deepest of holes. To hide away beneath the dirt only leaving to hunt down some of the weaker prey. That is the race I was born into. The weakest of the weak, a fetid and miserable group whose hatred for one another is only beaten by our immense dislike for Goblins. Those scummy little green trash. But me, I am an outlier to this, an anomaly of sorts. For I was not born a brainless buffoon who can only feel hatred and hunger. I was born intelligent.
We waited in abject silence for several hours.
Nibbler had long since been silenced but the methodical thuds of the heavy feet still reached my ears even this far down.
How long we waited I do not know. All I know is that after a while the thuds trailed off back the way they came.
After a sufficiently long silence, we dug free from our earth prison.
The sun which had shone when we entered had now been replaced by the shrill shreds of moonlight piercing through the leaves.
"We should go get Twig"
I whisper out the words still apprehensively waiting for one of the large creatures to charge out from the bushes.
Keeping low our group of 4 crept into the clearing.
It took a few minutes to eventually find Twig however upon exiting his own hole he seemed relatively healthy.
Finally regaining a slow confidence I stood fully up to better observe the surrounding field.