
king of the Night

The long night covers the world, and the dawn is slow. Evil has descended on the earth, and all living beings have been devastated. He wandered in the long night, hovering on the blade, swinging between the clouds and hell. Ignite the fire of the star soul. Since the night is long, I will be the king of the night. is the eighth book of Feng Lingtianxia same author of :[Legend of Lingtian] [OTHERWORLDLY EVIL MONARCH] [Proud of the Ninth Layer of the World] [Celestial Firmament] [I Am the Supreme] [Left Way Qingtian] [Blue Falling Heavenly Sword].

FALCON_N · Aktion
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53 Chs

Chapter 5: Where do we not meet in life (Page 1/2).

Chapter 5: Where do we not meet in life (Page 1/2).

The Su family is working hard to open the door.

The sound of the giant hammer pounding sounded continuously.

On the other side, more than ninety corpses of the Su family were stacked in a pile.

Some had been chewed to the point of exposing their bones.


With many masters working together to bomb.

The thick stone wall at the entrance of the cave finally shattered with a roaring sound.

"He's already here!"

Su Yunhe felt overjoyed.

Twenty-nine people gathered in front of the cave, looking inside with excitement.

At this moment, they completely forgot about the sadness of their loved ones now dead.

King's inheritance!

For a small family in the remote city of Beppu, this is a figure above the clouds!

Any king is a legend in the world and a boy's dream.

This is the hope for the rise of the family!

When they were full of joy and imagination...

Suddenly, from within the broken crater, a gray mist with dust floated up very quickly.

Once it appeared, it covered the entire cave entrance.

Su Yunhe and Su Changsuan were the first to be affected, and they were directly surrounded by the gray mist.

Then the gray mist rose, covering the twenty-eight people at the door!

Gray fog is spreading.

The earth-shattering screams began.

No one is excluded.

Everyone's exposed skin began to rot.

Especially the eyes.

Suddenly, twenty-eight people fell to the ground and rolled violently, screaming miserably, including the head of the family, all the elders, and the masters…

And all direct descendants who have survived to this point.

Toxic fog works quickly. The screams and struggles only ended in a short time.

More than twenty people were lying on the ground, motionless, slowly beginning to rot.

Among them was Su Fei, the first heir of the Su family and Su Yue's big brother.

The eldest son of the Su family was worried when he saw that his younger brother had obtained such important information.

He was afraid that his younger brother would take this opportunity to rise in status and take his place, so this time he begged and shouted that he would follow him to search for the treasure and contribute to the family's rise.

Finally, he rotted and turned into a pile of mud here.

Silent and calm.

Only two people were left alive: Su Yue, who was in charge of guarding the corpse, and another cousin, Su Yun, who was younger than him.

Now, both brothers stood stiffly with confused and frightened faces.

Their eyes were blank as they looked at the corpses scattered around the cave entrance.

Those corpses are rotting

Those are their relatives.

Father, mother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, brother...

It is a confidential matter, and the risks are very high.

Therefore, all those who came this time were from the direct lineage of the Su family.

Even their relatives have been in the dark until now.

In this wave, the Su family was almost wiped out!

The main problem is that they still don't know why.

How is that?

The two were completely surprised, and their minds went blank.

When they looked at the twenty-eight corpses in front of them, it felt like the entire universe had exploded in their minds.

They couldn't understand at all, how could this happen?

Just now... there were more than a hundred people there!

Why suddenly…

They go? !

The mountain wind blew, shaking the treetops, and the sound was like a ghost crying.

In this remote and desolate place, it is especially porous.

"Ja! Ja! Ja!"

Several sharp and strange screams added to the feeling of terror.

It was a strange, unknown bird that smelled of blood and corpses.

Su Yue and Su Yun shivered and woke up. Their feet were weak, and they crawled from crying.

"What's wrong? What's wrong with all of you?"

"What is wrong!"

"Dad! What's wrong with you? Speak up!"

No matter how they called out, the people on Earth would never respond.

The two were crying and crying, tears streaming down their faces.

Amidst the howling mountain winds, a voice suddenly sounded.

"You're good, and you're kind."

With a friendly smile on his face, Fang Che walked out of the cave slowly with his hands behind his back, wearing black clothes and a dark golden robe.

As the dark patterns move, the light of the dark golden threads looms.

He walked out of the cave with his hands behind his back, The first step was to step on the head of Su Yue's father, Su Yunhe, the head of the Su Family, and the second step was to step on the head of Su Changsuan…


He walked over head after head, flesh and blood dripping beneath his feet.

But Fang Che's face remained unchanged, gentle, calm, and friendly.

Arriving in front of Su Yue, under Su Yue's blank gaze, Fang Che had an extremely gentle face and said to Su Yue: "Brother Su, it is a coincidence that we meet again. We really don't meet each other in life."

Su Yue seemed to understand something, but he still couldn't understand it completely.

He looked at Fang Che's face with eyes like fire, gritted his teeth, and said, "Fang...Fang Che? What, why are you here?"

Fang Che said with a smile: "Because you are here. You are my best friend and my best brother. You have taken care of me for so many years, so of course I must return the favor."

"Repay me?"

Su Yue's confused mind suddenly became clear.

He remembered Fang Qi's words again.

"This is a small way for me to repay Brother Su for taking care of me for so many years."

Finally, he came back to his senses.


Su Yue's breath was held in his chest, and he was speechless: "... It's all your planning? You have such evil methods!"

Fang Che smiled faintly and flashed the long knife in his hand.

The bloody light exploded.

Su Yun, who was stunned from one side and had not yet recovered, fell to the ground.

He rolled his head.

Su Yun is just a martial arts disciple, and his cultivation level is lower than Fang Che's level before the breakthrough. This trip was just to get him out to see the world. In addition, this was the first time he had experienced such a big change in his life. He was shocked, his mind shaken, and he was still distracted until he was killed with a single strike.

Fang Che wiped the knife on Su Yue's clothes, who was stunned, then the tip of the knife touched Su Yue's right knee, apparently unintentionally, and laughed: "We brothers are talking to each other, and there is an outside person listening. I feel a little uncomfortable. After all, what do you think?"

His voice was gentle.

Su Yue shrank.

His dull eyes turned and looked at his brother's body with his head missing, and blood was pouring from his neck, spreading on the rocks and dripping from the edges of the rocks.

Tik tok, tik tok.

His eyes met his brother's wide eyes, which remained in confusion until his death.

Su Yue trembled all over.

He turned his head to look at Fang Che, and his eyes suddenly became filled with endless fear.



He wanted to pull out the sword, but when he extended his hand, he felt that his hand was sticky.

This is his brother's blood.

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