
king of the Night

The long night covers the world, and the dawn is slow. Evil has descended on the earth, and all living beings have been devastated. He wandered in the long night, hovering on the blade, swinging between the clouds and hell. Ignite the fire of the star soul. Since the night is long, I will be the king of the night. is the eighth book of Feng Lingtianxia same author of :[Legend of Lingtian] [OTHERWORLDLY EVIL MONARCH] [Proud of the Ninth Layer of the World] [Celestial Firmament] [I Am the Supreme] [Left Way Qingtian] [Blue Falling Heavenly Sword].

FALCON_N · Aktion
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53 Chs

Chapter 21: Accidentally Hitting the Mark (not divided).

Chapter 21: Accidentally Hitting the Mark.

 << Note: I will publish complete chapters (not divided) starting from these chapter, Chapter 21. >>


Fan Tian Tiao pondered.


"Fang Che's situation must be taken seriously again. Regardless of how coincidental his entry into the sect was, the fact that Yin Shen Gong personally participated in his initiation is extraordinary. There must be something remarkable about him, otherwise Yin Shen Gong wouldn't be so interested."


"That's true. If it were you or me, we might be interested in going to see a genius examination, but would you be interested in an ordinary warrior exam?"




"Isn't that enough?"


"Furthermore, this piece of information clearly indicates that Fang Che has already joined the One Heart Sect and has passed the initiation," Chen Ru Hai asserted.


"Didn't we just discuss that?"


Fan Tian Tiao organized the information and finally relaxed a bit. He looked at Chen Ru Hai, who appeared troubled, with some sympathy. "Old Chen, although I don't particularly like you, I still have to remind you of something."




"If you have time, go find Dream Doctor to have your head checked. Seriously."


"Get lost!"




Several days later.




One thousand kilometers away from Bibo City, Iron Blood Fortress was attacked by the One Heart Sect.


Iron Blood Fortress was a stronghold of the Guardians' Alliance, always standing guard to the south and north of the Guardian Hall, protecting this peaceful area.


This time, the One Heart Sect had been planning for a long time and launched a large-scale attack. There were five imperial-level experts and several king-level experts mobilized. Obviously, they wanted to uproot Iron Blood Fortress with overwhelming force.


Yin Shen Gong personally took command, mobilizing a large number of One Heart Sect experts from nearby areas secretly.


This operation had been planned for over half a year and was finally being implemented.


As soon as the attack began, they felt that something was wrong.




With a wave of Yin Shen Gong's hand, the experts immediately launched their attacks, flying into Iron Blood Fortress from all directions.


With a loud bang, the gates of Iron Blood Fortress soared into the sky.


The walls also collapsed in an instant.


The One Heart Sect's experts, fierce as wolves and tigers, rushed in with their faces covered.


A loud roar echoed through the night sky.




"Leave no one alive!"


The brutal battle began instantly.


In an instant, blood almost covered the ground.


A long roar, countless figures soared from Iron Blood Fortress to meet the enemy.


Suddenly, the long roar, the sound of bells and shouts, the sound of slaughter, and the sound of screams resounded together.


Iron Blood Fortress was in chaos for a moment at the beginning, and the casualties were indeed not small. However, as the people from Iron Blood Fortress rushed out, the situation became a stalemate.


Then, the unexpected happened.


Before the two sides had been fighting for more than a breath, suddenly the night was filled with figures, and countless experts from the Guardian Hall suddenly came from all directions.


They joined the battlefield without hesitation.


Moreover, the lineup was very luxurious, instantly launching a defensive counterattack!


In terms of combat power, the One Heart Sect, which had been preparing for half a year, unexpectedly fell into a disadvantage!


Iron Blood Fortress immediately launched a counterattack.


With coordinated internal and external forces, they fought with all their might and encircled the enemy.


They almost wrapped up the One Heart Sect in a dumpling.


Helpless, Yin Shen Gong, who had been observing the battle and commanding, personally took action along with the three Great Devotees to resist the Guardian experts. Leading their subordinates, they fought desperately to break out. After a bloody battle, they managed to escape with their remaining forces.


However, they also lost four king-level experts, over a dozen general-level experts, and more than fifty innate grandmaster-level experts who fell here.


It can be said to be a heavy blow.


Interestingly... the One Heart Sect originally concentrated its superior forces to launch a surprise attack, but in the end, it turned into a breakout!


Although "surprise attack" and "breakout" are only one word apart, they are completely different things.


Something that shouldn't have happened in the first place strangely occurred.


Everyone had the same thought: traitor!


Afterwards, Yin Shen Gong was furious: "Investigate! Investigate thoroughly! There must be someone leaking information; otherwise, how could the Guardians have arrived so timely?!"


But no matter how they investigated, they couldn't find any clues.


At this moment, news came from the undercover agent in the Guardian Hall: this was purely a coincidence.


It turned out that a legendary super-tier monster, the Flame Red Fox, was being hunted and escaped to this area. The Southeast Guardian Hall Master summoned several experts, including several hall masters, to hunt down the monster.


On that day, the Flame Red Fox happened to flee near Iron Blood Fortress.


So, the Hall Master led all the experts to sneak over to capture and kill the monster. However, at that moment, the One Heart Sect launched their attack.


With no other choice, only the Hall Master had to abandon the Flame Red Fox to rescue Iron Blood Fortress, which had unexpectedly run into the One Heart Sect's attack.


This incident was said to have been a pleasant surprise within the Guardians.


They unexpectedly hit the main target all at once. Oh, how well this was handled, tsk tsk, truly impressive.


They successfully disrupted the One Heart Sect's operation, which was personally led by the One Heart Sect's Sect Leader Yin Shen Gong.


It was simply a delightful surprise.


A huge victory that they hadn't seen in many years.


Now, the Guardian Hall is celebrating...


Although the Flame Red Fox escaped, being able to disrupt this plan and kill so many One Heart Sect experts was a huge victory beyond expectations. It was much stronger than capturing the Flame Red Fox.


It's worth celebrating.


When Yin Shen Gong received this news, he was so angry that his vision went black. He held his breath and felt chest tightness, unable to speak for a long time.


All the senior members of the One Heart Sect were speechless.


Everyone felt like they had a lump in their throat, unable to spit it out or swallow it.


Damn it, is that all?!


With such heavy losses, almost everyone was seriously injured.


You're telling me this is a coincidence?!


"It's still not right!"


Mu Lin Yuan had a special status. Even when attending meetings, his face was covered, but one hand was covering the hole in his head, and his eyes were dark and angry.


During the breakout, he was hit by a blow from a certain hall master, and a hole was punched in his head on the spot.


If it weren't for Yin Shen Gong's timely rescue, he would probably have been laid to rest.


For many years, he had never suffered such a big loss. Mu Lin Yuan was extremely angry.


"It's obvious that Iron Blood Fortress was also prepared. All their experts were gathered together from the beginning. Otherwise, how could they be so organized, with not a single one missing?"


"This, too, is a coincidence."


Yin Shen Gong's lips twitched. "This was planned in advance. On this day, the people at Iron Blood Fortress were most numerous because the son of the Iron Blood Fortress Lord was getting married. During this time, they've been discussing the wedding, the safety of the procession, etiquette, and other matters."


"This operation was also intended to wipe out this old man's family on the day of his son's joyous occasion. By gathering them all together, we could achieve this result."


"Just a coincidence?" Mu Lin Yuan was dumbfounded.


"Sigh..." Everyone looked like deflated balloons, full of frustration.


Yin Shen Gong's face was gloomy as he said, "This time, our sect has lost face. The Night Demon Sect, the Three Holy Sects, the Radiant Sect, and the Celestial Sect have all sent their condolences. The news hasn't reached us from the other sects yet, but it will come sooner or later."




Everyone was at a loss for words, their anger mixed with gloom.


Is this a condolence? This is mockery!


This is blatant schadenfreude!


"The Night Demon Sect's letter congratulated Master Yin for his well-planned victory and toasted to his success from afar!"


Yin Shen Gong slammed the table and said sharply, "Our sect cannot afford to lose this face!"


Not only Yin Shen Gong, but everyone in the One Heart Sect couldn't afford to lose this face!


Everyone was about to explode!


"This is too much! This is too much!"


Hou Fang's thigh was wrapped in white cloth, oozing blood, and he was breathing heavily. His masked face was flushed.


Yin Shen Gong's eyes flickered. "The rest of you, leave."


Then, he only left Mu Lin Yuan and two other devotees.


After the room was quiet.


Yin Shen Gong said with a sinister look, "If I'm not mistaken, it seems that the Night Demon Sect and the Three Holy Sects once mentioned that they had a genius in their hands? Prepared to infiltrate the Guardian Martial Academy as a spy?"


"There is such a thing!"


Mu Lin Yuan's eyes lit up.


Yin Shen Gong's gaze was cold. "Why should we be mocked by them after losing one time? Who is better than whom? Besides, at this critical moment, if we lose once and their spy wins the championship, they will be two steps ahead of us... Hmph... Hurry up and investigate. What is the name of their seedling genius?"


"What does the Sect Leader mean?" Qian Sanjiang asked.


"They have a genius, don't we?"


Yin Shen Gong was furious. "Once we know their names, order the Night Devil to intercept them. Under no circumstances should they be allowed to win the championship!"


He said fiercely, "Tell the Night Devil that if they complete this task, I will give them an additional two hundred contribution points!"


Mu Lin Yuan was stunned for a moment before he remembered that the Night Devil was the nickname given to Fang Che, the genius they had just seen but hadn't activated yet.


His face twitched uncontrollably as he realized that the Sect Leader had actually directly bestowed Fang Che with the name of the Night Devil.


How much resentment did the Sect Leader hold against the Night Demon Sect?


"Cough, if the Night Devil completes this task, he will already have seven hundred contribution points. With seven hundred contribution points, according to the rules of our sect, he is already qualified to lead a team."


"Give him a team leader position, how about that?"


Qian Sanjiang said, "When dealing with geniuses, we must treat them differently. Who knows, in a few decades, the achievements of the Night Devil... hehe, might even bring us some glory."


"Then it's settled!"




"Hurry up and investigate!"


"Got it!"


"Provide the Night Devil with some cultivation resources to enhance his cultivation. Tell him that this mission is a matter of life and death, and only success is allowed, not failure!"




Fang Che was in cultivation and naturally unaware that a wave of good things was coming his way because he had unknowingly sold himself to Yin Shen Gong.


He was currently secluding himself, focusing on cultivation.


This day, Fang Qianyi went to the Fang family and discussed with Fang Zhenhang about merging the courtyard. Now, as Fang Che was practicing, Fang Qianyi felt that her independent small courtyard was a bit small.


She wanted to merge the three adjacent courtyards.


However, the other three courtyards were already occupied, so Fang Qianyi went to discuss how to give her son a more comfortable training environment.


Ye Meng was in distress.


Being undercover on Fang Che's side was too smooth. So much information was obtained effortlessly without needing to use his brain.


But these days, she has found that there are good and bad sides. The good side is that it's easy, but the bad side is... Fang Che doesn't go out at all.


You go out.


You go out and handle things, so I can follow you and get more information.


Why aren't you going out?


This afternoon.


Sun Yuan, who hadn't seen Fang Che for five or six days, walked into Fang Che's house in a dusty manner.


Sun Yuan brought a new mission!





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