
king of the Night

The long night covers the world, and the dawn is slow. Evil has descended on the earth, and all living beings have been devastated. He wandered in the long night, hovering on the blade, swinging between the clouds and hell. Ignite the fire of the star soul. Since the night is long, I will be the king of the night. is the eighth book of Feng Lingtianxia same author of :[Legend of Lingtian] [OTHERWORLDLY EVIL MONARCH] [Proud of the Ninth Layer of the World] [Celestial Firmament] [I Am the Supreme] [Left Way Qingtian] [Blue Falling Heavenly Sword].

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53 Chs

Chapter 2: Fang Che (Page 3/3).

Chapter 2: Fang Che (Page 3/3).

"I didn't understand either, but Yingying Chuochuo heard that he was somewhere a thousand miles away..."

Fang Che pretended to think carefully about his memories and said, "It seems to be an absolute sword master's inheritance; it is not a hidden treasure. I have been there many times and have not been able to find it. Moreover, there were a lot of poisons in that place, and it was extremely dangerous. If someone encounters an extremely poisonous snake that has reached the master level, it will result in failure."

Su Yue immediately felt overjoyed.


This is more valuable than hidden treasure.

Moreover, he belonged to the Absolute Sword Master.

This is far above the level of a Golden Sword Commander.

More importantly, through Fang Che 's words, he had basically revealed all the information!

Absolute Sword Master, Inheritance, a thousand miles away, many poisons, extremely dangerous, master-level poison python!

For Lao Jianghu, this mainly refers to the situation!

"Are you serious about what you said?!"

Su Yue asked excitedly.

"I don't know anything about that. Anyway, I heard what Grandpa said when I was in a coma. I can't guarantee whether it's true or not. As soon as I opened my eyes, Grandpa stopped talking."

Fang Che was confused and extended his hands apologetically. "The matter still requires careful research, and progress is slow," he said.

He said to himself, I made it quite clear; if you still can't find it, what a waste.

The more Su Yue thought about it, the more he felt that this matter might be true.

The more he thought about it, the more excited and excited he became.

He turned to look at Fang Che and felt proud.

I'm afraid this little idiot doesn't know the extent of the secret he's revealed, right?

Ha ha ha ha...

It's worth the trip.

He thought to himself and wanted to leave.

But how could Fang Che allow him to leave like this?

What does Five Spirits Gu plus Yixin Card mean? How could he, as an old man, not know?

Fang Che said intentionally or unintentionally: "Hey, this Yixin card... Did you really find him?"

"How could I lie to you?"

Su Yue took out an iron tag from his sleeve.

Fang Che extended his hand and took it naturally.

Su Yue:? ?

Why did you just... take it?

Fang Che looked at the iron plate in his hand and suddenly understood.

It is certainly the lowest calling card for the selfish doctrine that causes problems in the world.

Why did I actually meet an old rival in this rebirth?

Will the Orthodox community receive this child? In other words, is there a conspiracy?

In his previous life, he and his brothers had struggled against the Self-Orthodox Sect their whole lives, and he knew deeply how powerful the Self-Orthodox Sect was.

The hardest thing about this organization is that, as long as it is not exposed, no one will know that it is selfish.

The general identity can be a warrior, a great scientist, an alchemist, or an ordinary person...

The disciples are spread all over the world; Once one of them explodes, it will be a disaster.

Almost the entire history of the continent is a history of war with selfishness.

This group of people has strong beliefs and a gathering of masters, and they are extremely difficult to deal with and cannot be eliminated.

In fact, even Xue Fuxiao, one of the Three Guardian Giants, once sighed and said: If the Self-Orthodox Sect does not collapse internally, it is almost hopeless to be completely wiped out!

Not only is it hopeless, it is getting stronger.

In these years, the Self-Orthodox Sect's own power became stronger. She was originally hiding in Tibet, but now she was able to rival the Guardians and even mysteriously surpass them.

Once the darkness turns into light one day, I fear it will be a catastrophe that turns the world around overnight.

The Guardians sent countless secret agents and elites to break into the place, but they had no effect. Once exposed, it will lead to painful retaliation of selfishness.

Moreover, the sect is so powerful that no matter how powerful the secret agent is, he cannot break into the upper levels.

The Yixin Sect is one of the sects of the Autonomous Self-Orthodox Sect.

Fang Che thought at lightning speed in his mind: Internal collapse?


Suddenly, my mind flashed.

Yixin card?

Five Spirits Gu?

He put the banner in his arms and said: "Thank you very much, Brother Su."

After Su Yue returns, he must report the whereabouts of the Absolute Sword Master's inheritance to his family, and then he must follow them to find it.

How could Su Yue give up such a great achievement?

In this case, who went will definitely not return.

I better keep this card for myself, or I'll miss it.

Although Su Yue was a little confused when he saw Fang Che putting the card away, he thought that he would eventually lead this man to the sect when he returned, so it didn't matter if he took it first.

Moreover, he feels impatient now.

"Then I will say goodbye first. Brother Fang, please take care of yourself. I will be back in a few days."


Fang Che muttered: "I will try to find out more details during this period. Next time we will search for this inheritance together."

"OK, I will wait for you."

Su Yu laughed.

There was disdain in his heart.

Still want to find it?

And within three to five days, at the latest, it will be mine!

You idiot, the Fang family has been so good to you, yet you actually turned on your grandfather's family under my temptation with a few words. You deserve to be taken advantage of!

"Brother Su, have a nice trip."

"Don't send it. Your letter today is useful."

"You're welcome. This is a small way to repay Brother Su for taking care of me for so many years." Fang Che smiled coldly.

Su Yu laughed, turned around, and walked out.

Fang Che watched Su Yu walk out with a smile on his face.

His eyes were incomprehensible, and the corners of his mouth rose slowly.