
king of the Night

The long night covers the world, and the dawn is slow. Evil has descended on the earth, and all living beings have been devastated. He wandered in the long night, hovering on the blade, swinging between the clouds and hell. Ignite the fire of the star soul. Since the night is long, I will be the king of the night. is the eighth book of Feng Lingtianxia same author of :[Legend of Lingtian] [OTHERWORLDLY EVIL MONARCH] [Proud of the Ninth Layer of the World] [Celestial Firmament] [I Am the Supreme] [Left Way Qingtian] [Blue Falling Heavenly Sword].

FALCON_N · Aktion
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53 Chs

Chapter 15: Passing on Skills and Techniques.

Chapter 15: Passing on Skills and Techniques (Page 1/2).



Yin Shen Gong took a breath after saying this, and his gaze became solemn.


He shoute: "Pay attention, listen carefully!"


"The Blood Spirit Sword Technique relies on the mind, guided by divine intent. Before the sword is drawn, the divine intent has arrived. The sword technique pinches the flaw with a virtual grip, and with a solid grip, the sword is already out. The tip of the sword moves everywhere, and when the enemy's blood splatters, I have already returned, without worrying about backlash..."


He slowly recited the technique, using his body's spiritual energy to visualize the practice route, and his body and footwork moved along with the sword technique. With his left hand pinching the sword technique, he continuously changed the sword finger.


The Blood Spirit Seven Swords were executed slowly, one move at a time.


Yin Shen Gong's speed was very slow, much slower than when Sun Yuan usually taught.


Although it's called the 'Seven Swords,' the changes in body and footwork, sword techniques, practice routes, and the coordination of essence, energy, and spirit in the Blood Spirit Seven Swords are so diverse that they can be described as ever-changing.


It is extremely vast.


Mù Lín Yuǎn and the other four were also watching, but by the second move, they felt dizzy and overwhelmed.


They all stopped their efforts and sighed.


With such vast complexity, how could anyone learn it in one go?


This kid was probably just enjoying a fleeting moment of joy that would soon dissipate.


As Yin Shen Gong wielded his sword, he felt somewhat helpless. His sudden idea today was truly whimsical and absurd.


It had taken him three whole months to achieve just a basic understanding.


Giving this kid only one chance to learn it was ridiculous; even if he exhausted himself, he wouldn't remember it all. Doing this just for the centipede god's appreciation was a bit reckless...


He sheathed his long sword.


The sword intent returned to his Dantian. Yin Shen Gong fell silent for a moment before asking: "How much did you remember?"


There was no longer any expectation in his voice.


No one answered.


Turning his head, Yin Shen Gong saw Fang Che standing motionless, his face solemn, his eyes looking ahead but empty, as if he were deeply immersed in the process of recalling memories.


After a moment.


Fang Che blinked and regained clarity in his eyes. He said: "Please enlighten me, Leader."


With that, he floated three feet away and drew his sword.




Yin Shen Gong and the three high priests widened their eyes, unable to control their surprise, even letting out an astonished exclamation.


Because Fang Che's initial move, the stepping technique he used to float forward, and the ethereal feeling he exuded were exactly the same as Yin Shen Gong's just now!


If it weren't for the differences in clothing and facial features, just by looking at his back, one would almost think that Yin Shen Gong had returned.


"This kid... is interesting."


Yin Shen Gong suddenly became somewhat expectant, his gaze burning.


Fang Che stood firm, his long sword swinging out with a cold light and his feet shifting from an ambiguous stance to a clear step forward.


Heel slightly raised, the arch of his foot suspended, only the big toe and second toe touching the ground, with the toe in a half-rotating position, as seen from the curvature in front of the shoe. 


Left hand holding the sword tactic, as if grasping the weakness of the enemy in front, a spiritual energy rising from the Dantian, rushing into the right arm, it was the starting route of the first move of the Blood Spirit Seven Swords.


A flash of cold light, the sword thrusting out.


The slight forward tilt of the body was also exactly the same as Yin Shen Gong's just now.


Even that calm demeanor was somewhat present.


Slowly chanting, "Blood Spirit Sword Technique, relying on the mind, guiding with intent, the sword is not yet out, but the spirit is already there, the sword tactic virtually grasps and breaks the weakness, the sword tactic practically grasps and the sword is already out; the sword tip moves everywhere the spirit has moved, when the enemy's blood splatters, I have already returned, no worries of backlash..."


He actually repeated everything that Yin Shen Gong had just recited, word for word.


His posture was completely identical.


His footwork was exactly the same.


The sword tactic was completely identical.


He recited the verse without missing a single word.


As the first move ended, he immediately began the second move, then the third, the fourth...


Beside him, the eyes of Yin Shen Gong widened.


On the side, Mu Linyuan, Hou Fang, Qian Sanjiang, and others were all stunned, with their mouths wide open as if they could swallow goose eggs whole.


Sun Yuan wasn't any better.


His whole face was dumbfounded.


He now realized that when he was teaching, this kid didn't even pay much attention.


He could learn the Blood Spirit Seven Swords just by watching them once. What about what he taught? Was it worth an hour?


Yin Shen Gong was shocked to the point where he couldn't even think.


With his eyesight, he naturally saw that Fang Che had never been in contact with the Blood Spirit Seven Swords before and had never learned them.


Because the clumsiness of each move was very obvious, it was the clumsiness that beginners would inevitably have.


He only had the form, without any charm, and even lacked killing power.


It was just copying without understanding.


So the doubt of 'this kid learned it before' disappeared in a flash.


It was unique in the world, unless he had taught him and then forgotten himself.


But this was too fast!


Just one time!


Remember it all?


At this moment, the leader of the One Heart Sect even heard his own heart beating rapidly.




Until the seventh move, which was the final move of the Blood Spirit Seven Swords, the speed finally slowed down, and there were a few movements that were not standard.


But, in the end, he still memorized it perfectly.


After performing the sword moves once, there was silence.


Fang Che put away his sword and stood still, thinking about the mistakes and omissions in his performance.


Then he whispered: "In the fifth sword, when turning around to strike, my footwork was off, my posture was slightly off, and the sword technique was half a beat slow... By the seventh sword, it was basically completely wrong, there were... six... eight... nine... yes, nine mistakes, and also, in the oral instructions, there's a phrase 'the sword picks the enemy's blood, transforming into the solemn kill,' but I'm unsure if it should be 'kill' or 'omen.' From the context, it should be the ominousness of killing, right? So it's about cultivating a sense of aura?"


He took a deep breath, his fair face slightly flushed.


He spoke up and pointed out: "In the fifth sword, when turning around to strike, the body should turn with the steps, and although the left hand is holding the sword technique, it is not aimed at the enemy pointed at by the sword tip, but is intended for other possible enemies. I did not grasp this concept and treated it as a single opponent, hence the deviation in posture. This is not my mistake. As for the mistakes in the seventh sword, those are indeed errors, and the mistake lies in..."



He explained in detail once again.


His voice was solemn, with a hint of 'pouring out one's heart.'


After reenacting the technique, Fang Che suddenly realized: "So that's it. Thank you, Master."


The Inder Palace nodded with a smile.


Turning to look at Sun Yuan, his gaze complex, he sighed softly: "A genius, truly a martial arts genius!"


Meanwhile, Fang Che continued to practice for the third time, and everyone noticed that he had already memorized all the moves.


Although still somewhat immature, it would only be a matter of accumulating proficiency in the future.


And for such a genius, what could proficiency possibly be a problem?


Mu Linyuan, Hou Fang, and Qian Sanjiang were all completely stunned!


They still hadn't recovered their senses.


In this world, there was actually such a genius!

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