
The Kingdom Of Skyfall

**Chapter 3: Kingdom of Skyfall**

The new day at Black Rose Academy began with a sense of anticipation as the freshmen gathered for their first period—a joint history class. The classroom buzzed with excited chatter, filled with students eager to make their mark in the prestigious institution.

As the classroom door swung open, all conversation ceased. Valeron entered, clad in the school's uniform of black and gold, his presence commanding immediate attention. His pale visage and striking appearance were further accentuated by the serpent tattoos that coiled around his hands, a visual testament to his lineage from the Clan Abyss.

Whispers swept through the room like a gust of wind as students exchanged hushed words about the rumors they had heard. The last member of Clan Abyss, a living legend, had graced their presence. Valeron's entrance was met with a mixture of awe and curiosity, his enigmatic aura casting a shadow over the otherwise mundane atmosphere of the classroom.

Their professor, a disinterested man in his thirties with an air of perpetual boredom, seemed entirely unimpressed by the youthful enthusiasm of his students. He launched into the topic of the day: the Kingdom of Skyfall and its ruling clans.

"Clan Skyfall," the professor began, his voice devoid of enthusiasm, "consists of the royals and their esteemed family members. Their rule has endured for generations, guiding our kingdom through prosperity and strife."

As the lecture continued, Valeron listened attentively, his stormy gray eyes focused on the professor's words. He knew that understanding the kingdom's history was crucial to unraveling the mysteries of his own past.

"Next, we have Clan Abyss," the professor continued, seemingly glancing at Valeron with a hint of annoyance. "Once the kingdom's black ops, they undertook tasks of utmost secrecy."

"They were said to have never failed a single mission ".

The professor droned on, discussing the roles of the other ruling clans: Clan Dragonstone, responsible for the military; Clan Firebrand, heading the Mage Association; and Clan Snowtide, in charge of internal affairs, ensuring the kingdom's peace and stability.

Hours passed, the monotony of the lecture weighing heavy on the students. When the class finally concluded, there was a collective sigh of relief as they shuffled out of the classroom and headed for the cafeteria.

As Valeron made his way through the bustling cafeteria, he noticed the peculiar boy from earlier, sitting alone at a corner table. Without hesitation, he decided to join him. The boy was in his own world, giggling softly and mumbling something about "tons of test subjects" while casting fascinated glances at the other students, as if they were exotic specimens under a microscope.

Valeron offered a friendly smile and said, "Mind if I join you?"

The boy looked up, his eyes wide with a mix of curiosity and mild paranoia. "Oh, it's you," he replied, his voice a hushed whisper. "Sure, you can sit here. Just don't mind the tests. They're watching, you know."