

The most important existence among the daemons was known as the ‘Great Sages’ A young man who wishes to become immortal leaves the mountain village he lives in and wanders around the world, entering legends step by step, becoming part of mythology itself. At this time, Li Dalang deftly tilted his back and took a few mouthfuls of alcohol. He casually wiped his mouth and smiled. “I want to travel to all corners of the world, across the entire universe! I want to taste all the delicious food and drink all the best alcohol the world has to offer! I want to train the fiercest abilities, fight the strongest enemies, and sleep with the most beautiful women! Only then will this life not be in vain! Do you think this dream of mine can come true?”

Suryaada · Fantasie
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6 Chs

chapter 3 : a beauty that could destroy a country

Inside the magical beast mountains, Still in the same place Li Dalang. was understanding the current situation, still looking at the woman in front of him when. From her appearance, it seemed she was unconscious. Instantly Li Dalang's heart. immediately hesitated. Should he save him? Or shouldn't it?

"If I save her, I might become a third party who supports this woman, and the person who has the heart to hurt this beautiful woman to such a state..., is definitely not just anyone... I'm sure he must be someone evil who is targeting this woman!!''

"I don't want to die a second time!!, I just transmigrated a moment ago, I'm just an ordinary human!"

"argh...god why did you give me a heaven-defying choice like this! I don't want to die young!!" both hands held tightly with his head up like a madman,

Li Dalang... seemed to already know the possibility when his thoughts crossed his mind, seeing the woman in the magnificent, glamorous clothes worn by the mysterious beauty, Li Dalang. expect, as it were, the woman in front of him right now is not an ordinary woman.

"This woman is definitely a person with a very important high existence" Li Dalang. very clever at understanding the current situation with certainty and stability, after stopping holding his head, while looking at the adult woman in front of him

Li Dalang. He could only curse himself in his mind, reasons that didn't make sense immediately crossed his mind.

Coming here alone, it was full of magical beasts that would be ready to attack at any time, which Li Dalang had never thought of. himself, he came stupidly, like a child chasing a kite that had broken its string,

Li Dalang's eyes. Blinking rapidly as if Feeling pressured or uncomfortable the next second. Li Dalang. Turning his face away from the woman in front of him, he then turned away from her, blurting out his words with a helpless face showing the corner of his mouth, smiling forcedly,

"It's none of my business anyway, I'll just pretend I didn't see it. As if this never happened..."

After his words stopped, Li Dalang stepped forward. Now suddenly he stopped walking, a forced smile appeared on Li Dalang's face. now faded, replaced by a sullen face,

For some unknown reason. Li Dalang. actually couldn't hold back his desire to save the poor woman in front of him.

So, although Li Dalang. knew it was very dangerous and none of his business, but Li Dalang. still determined to get closer to the mysterious woman, to come and save her life.

Li Dalang. didn't want to feel guilty in his heart, even though he could have left the mysterious beauty alone as if he had never met her.

But in this mountain range full of magical beasts, with the smell of blood on her clothes attracting crowds of magical beasts, the fate of the mysterious woman's life and death would be unknown.

Another reason for that was because there was something flowing in Li Dalang's body. that haunts him.

As for that something, it was called a man's stubborn and honest nature!!!

who wouldn't want to save a beauty!!!

Li Dalang… himself was none other than such a person.

"Ugh, lady you are so lucky!" After approaching, being close to him, he put his hands on his calves and the back of his head. warm sensitive skin like smooth and silky feeling when in contact with it feels amazing.


At this time Li Dalang's body. all over his body, suddenly stiffened. Several roars belonging to magical beasts came vibrating from the forest not far from his location.

"I already thought that this woman's blood would attract some magical beasts..." with a blank look on his face, the next second, with a slightly panicked expression on Li Dalang's face. clenched his teeth and hurriedly ran to find a hiding place,


"Damn what's wrong with me!"

When Li Dalang. running around with the body of the mysterious beautiful woman, touching and sometimes merging with her, Li Dalang's hand. which lifted the woman's thigh covered in warm yet soft jade, causing an evil fire to rise in her lower abdomen.

Biting the tip of his tongue and suppressing the feelings flying inside him. He then carried the warm body of the mysterious beauty. ran after finding a hiding place towards the cave entrance in front with all his might.

Li Dalang quickly placed the mysterious female beauty on the stone cave wall, gently but carefully leaning her against him.

After that. Li Dalang. Rushing out towards the cave exit, Li Dalang was quick to respond but also steady. Disguise the entry point by covering it with thick bushes Li Dalang. prepare,

Luckily the blood stains of the mysterious beautiful woman didn't drip on the road, otherwise something like a magical beast would have been lured here!

Actually, the sound of the magical beast roaring was quite far away, because of Li Dalang's careful attitude and actions. He acted quickly, all he had in mind was saving himself and running away as quickly as possible.

Maybe it was because of Li Dalang's humanitarian nature. who is still mortal without any spiritual power, makes him very quick to analyze his actions for the future.

With this, Li Dalang calmed down because the magical beasts in these mountains would no longer detect their aura from him, after he returned to the cave,

Li Dalang. Entering the cave, the area is not very long and wide. but for the two of them, the size of the cave is quite large. There is nothing special in Digoa apart from the light stones that light the way,

Beside that, the figure of a mysterious beauty, still leaning against the cave wall, Li Dalang approached the mysterious beauty.

Without Li Dalang realizing the eyes that were initially closed on the woman at first, suddenly her beautiful curly eyelashes moved and then her pupils opened and slowly found herself in a strange place.

"Urghh what happened..." pursed her red lips, feeling the pain all over her body. When the mysterious beauty woke up she was already there, finding herself in a small cave somewhere.

"Huh..... I'm still alive. It turns out I'm still destined to live..." said the mysterious beauty, with a slight smile around her cherry mouth,

The corners of her beautiful eyes scanned the surroundings in confusion, for a moment her pupils were startled, with those beautiful eyes carrying the coldness and annoyance of her shyness as they stared at Li Dalang. after seeing a young man frozen in

in front of him, without moving an inch

Quickly the mysterious woman suddenly stood up, while taking one breath, a sword made of bright red qi made the cave area sparkle, using her smooth, flawless left hand, the sword qi pointed at Li Dalang.

The mysterious beautiful woman looked at Li Dalang's black eyes warily at the young man in front of her.

Looking carefully at the young man in front of him, his posture was tall and tall with a bright but natural face with a firm jaw. It could be said that the young man in front of him was quite a handsome young man, with his beautiful eyes shining gold, he examined the young man, suddenly the sword qi in the woman's left arm lost and gone.

'It turns out he is just a mortal' the voice of the mysterious beauty said in a low tone.

In the next second, he turned around and left Li Dalang. Still frozen, the mysterious beautiful woman walked to the corner of the cave and sat down, in a lotus state with her eyes tightly closed as the woman began to prepare for meditation.

On the other side of Li Dalang's mouth. found himself frozen without the slightest movement, his mouth twitching strangely, he thought the mysterious beauty would directly attack and kill him,

However, the mysterious beauty only stared at him for a moment, but for Li Dalang, the mysterious woman looked into his eyes as if she could reveal everything to him, making Li Dalang tremble slightly in fear.

"Who exactly is this woman?" spoke to himself, Li Dalang. looked at the mysterious woman in front of him who was meditating, and who made Li Dalang. A little annoyed was that the woman just ignored him as if Li Dalang's existence meant nothing to be here, for him. Feeling ignored was the worst feeling ever.


It's painful to be a person who always tries to be what others need, but is never appreciated.and It's very sad when you realize that you are not as important as you think to someone.by HEAVENLY BOING