
King of Rebirth Minerals

From China to the world, we   started from finance,   based on minerals,   straddling all countries in the world,   becoming the industry hegemon and the financial emperor

iron_man_9331 · Urban
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131 Chs

Chapter 25 Discrimination Seeking Revenue and Recommendation

At 8:30 in the evening on April 30, the flight landed on time at Los Angeles International Airport on the southwest coast of Los Angeles. The two girls who had just arrived in the United States were in a mess of excitement. They kept looking around and were extremely happy for the 12 hours they had earned.

"We started from home at 8:30 on the 30th and came to the United States at this time. This time has made us in vain. Yueyue, what are you looking at?"

"Many planes..."

Yan Fengjiao leaned forward. In the night sky, several passenger planes waiting to land hovered in the sky, and the huge searchlights reflected the night sky extremely beautifully. Zhou Ziye shook his head helplessly and said, "Well, don't look at it. In two years, there will be more planes at Beijing Airport than here. Pack your luggage."

The three of them came here this time, each of them had a small suitcase, and it was almost empty. The purpose was naturally to come for large purchases. After all, the price of goods in the United States is relative to domestic prices, which is nothing to say. The complex of not caring and not patriotic.

The three of them didn't have to wait for their luggage, they were much faster than the other passengers, and they arrived at the customs exit soon. Zhou Ziye knows that these people who come from China are often discriminated against, especially those who have clean passports like Jiang Yue and Yan Fengjiao and go abroad for the first time.


When he himself was in school, he followed his mother to visit the United States and Europe. Both the United States and France have experienced unpleasant experiences. In many cases, the other party may not be directed at you, but that kind of superior posture always thinks that you have a tendency to stay suspicious is very disgusting.

Glancing at the hall, Zhou Ziye found several customs passages. The passage of this domestic flight was arranged in a special passage along with many third-world countries. There are more inspectors and stricter inspections.

Zhou Ziye handed the passports of the three people to the customs staff. The forty-something black woman had a gentle attitude and a polite smile on her face. But the scrutiny eyes of the other two middle-aged men kept blazing on the faces of the three.

The middle-aged man asked, "How old are you this year? What is the purpose of coming to the United States?"

Zhou Ziye's English was learned from his mother when he was a child, and Xu Qinghe's English was learned from a Jewish family living in Shanghai when he was a child. This Jewish family came from England to China. So Zhou Ziye's English from novels is the standard London accent. Later, the owner of the company he worked for was also from the south of England, so his English accent was much taller than those from the west of the United States.

He said casually: "Chinese universities are on holiday, so I brought my fiancee and friends to the United States to buy some engagement supplies."

The more you don't take them seriously, the less they dare to be presumptuous. If you are polite to this kind of watchdog, the more they will think you can be deceived. Zhou Ziye deliberately pointed out that two girls were still in college, which also showed that he would not have a tendency to stay in the United States.

"America." The middle-aged man nodded and asked: "Congratulations to you and your beautiful fiancee first. But why would you think of the United States to purchase your engagement supplies?"

Zhou Ziye smiled and said: "It cannot be denied that prices in the United States are much cheaper than those in China. A 5-carat Tiffany diamond ring is 40% lower than that in China, and a Gucci one. The price of long skirts is twice as low as in China. If you buy a c.k suit here, you may only buy a shirt in China. So..."

These customs staff are all ordinary middle-class people. They usually wear clothes worth tens of dollars a piece. Sometimes they may dare to enjoy the brand mentioned by Zhou Ziye in luxury. Hearing Zhou Ziye's words, they fell silent. A staff member said: "Your English is very good. I can hardly believe that you are from China.

. "

Zhou Ziye brags and said: "Although English is a worldwide language, only the pronunciation of southern England or west London is the authentic pronunciation of English. And I have been educated by a tutor from Chelsea since I was a child."

It may be that those customs staff did not want to be hit by Zhou Ziye again, and did not question anything. After looking at their luggage, they stamped their passports.

And most of the other people are not as smooth as they, strict inquiries, meticulous inspections, each group of people is not subject to half an hour of inspection, it is difficult to get out. Only one tour group cleared the level a little faster, and they passed the level quickly under the leadership of the team leader.

A young couple who may be a newlywed couple did not know what suspicious points were discovered. They were dragged into a small dark room by two big men and a woman with a big waist. The woman kept yelling in Chinese: "Help us, for the sake of Chinese people, help us."

Yan Fengjiao looked angrily, "Why are they doing this? I'll go and see what's going on!"

Zhou Ziye grabbed her. "If you want to act bravely, if you want to be a hero, you have to see where it is! With your half-baked English, it is difficult to communicate. You are careful to get caught in the small black room together. I'll ask what's going on, you two don't move."

Zhou Ziye walked to the group of inspectors and asked, "I'm sorry, excuse me, what happened to my two compatriots just now?"

"Boy, it's none of your business."

"If you maintain this attitude, this will definitely affect the outcome of our conversation. My lawyer at American Express will be very happy that he has received another case to expand his popularity. I believe that even in the United States, racial discrimination is not on the stage. Come on."

The staff member glanced at Zhou Ziye and said: "They came to the United States for travel, but the property certificate they provided has expired. You should understand such things. We are just doing business."

Zhou Ziye smiled and asked, "Then how would you deal with such a thing?"

"We have officials from your Chinese Immigration Department here, and we will hand them to them. What awaits them will only be repatriation."

Zhou Ziye nodded and said, "Thank you for your explanation. You see, you only need to spend a little time, but you can reap my gratitude and the goodwill of us Chinese people. This has a lot to your image. the benefits of

. "

The staff member murmured. "I don't have a bad feeling for Chinese people, just because of this damn job."

A group of Chinese people gathered in the hall, looking to this side. Zhou Ziye walked back and said, "These two people are prone to immigrants. They provided false proof of property in order to settle in the United States. But they failed."

The others sighed and left. No one can help them with this kind of thing.

When the three people left the terminal, Jiang Yue looked at the city under the shady timidly, and asked: "Where is the room you booked? How do we get there?"

Yan Fengjiao is also a little short of breath, "I heard that many taxis in the United States are controlled by gangsters. We won't get in black cars, right?"

Zhou Ziye smiled and said: "Come out with me, and you can rest assured. I have booked a car with Hertz and wait for their company's commuter bus to pick us up."

"Traveling by car?!" Yan Fengjiao became excited. "You didn't say that we would travel by car to the United States."

Zhou Ziye said: "Only one week, where is enough to travel the United States by car? We will spend a few days here in California. It is more convenient to have a car."

"Then how do you know Lu?"

Zhou Ziye certainly wouldn't say that he is familiar with Los Angeles and San Francisco. He smiled and said, "Have you never heard of GPS?"

Jiang Yue asked: "What is gps?"

Zhou Ziye was stunned, only to remember that it would take a few years for GPS to become popular in China. The introduction said: "gps is the global satellite positioning system, with road information in major cities around the world, no matter where we are, we can check destinations and road information through gps."

"You know so much." The two girls both looked at Zhou Ziye in admiration, which made Zhou Ziye feel very good.

Less than five minutes later, the Hertz company commuter bus drove over, and a group of renters who had booked with Hertz company got on the bus in an orderly manner. This kind of commuter bus is very luxurious, the luggage rack is specially made and large, and the large luggage can be easily put in.

After driving for about ten minutes, I entered a large courtyard with a layout a bit like a domestic car 4s shop

. Entering the hall, a group of people orderly register under the arrangement of the service staff. Zhou Ziye placed an order online, he reported the receipt number, and the staff called out his order.

"Mr. Zhou, your planned travel destinations include Los Angeles, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Colorado Grand Canyon, and the car is booked for a Ford f150. Do you need insurance?"

If Zhou Ziye came out alone, of course he wouldn't think of buying insurance, but this time there are two girls, so it's better to buy it. He nodded and said: "Help me calculate the cost of renting a car and insurance for a week. Note that it is insurance for the three of us."

"Of course. You can sit in the lounge for a while. Our coffee tastes good."

They waited in the lounge for less than five minutes before the car rental contract and insurance had been printed. The rental fee is 270 US dollars a week, including GPS, and a full tank of diesel. When returning the car, if the fuel is not full, money will be deducted. The insurance cost for three people is $210, and the price is fair.

"Why did you rent a pickup truck?" Yan Fengjiao said displeasedly: "Even if you don't rent a sports car, you should rent a better car, or rent a Japanese car. At least it's fuel-efficient."

Zhou Ziye laughed: "You, you just don't understand anything, but there are quite a few opinions. You'll know in a while."

When he saw a staff member parked the mighty Ford at the entrance of the hall, Yan Fengjiao really stayed. "This is a pickup truck? It's more powerful than a tank."

Zhou Ziye didn't remember if the Ford 650 came out. If she saw the 650, she wouldn't be even more surprised. It was a monster that claimed to be driving on the second floor.

Pulling the car door, Yan Fengjiao was shocked again, "Wow, why is the interior of this car so luxurious?! It's comparable to a Mercedes-Benz BMW! This place is too wide, and it's almost like a bed at the back." She chuckled. , "We don't have to go to the hotel, we can save a lot of money!"

Zhou Ziye laughed, "This is not something you have to consider. What you two need to consider now is how to arrange the time for this week, have fun, and leave no regrets."

Jiang Yue said with a smile: "We don't care about this anymore. Anyway, the two of us will just listen to your arrangements."

Zhou Ziye said vigorously: "Well, let's set out now to conquer America!"

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