
King of Oblivion

DragonBloodKing · Fantasie
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2 Chs

chapter 1 (its the real one, i promise) september 7th, 1603

"Where do we drop him off? They never specify with us." I woke up in darkness. This wasn't here last i was here. What's going on? "He's breathing again. Means he's awake, right?" The man said. "And what of it?" I asked. What ever it was that was obscuring my vision, was removed. I saw who was speaking, and can say that i was not impressed with his performance so far. if it hadn't been for his incessant talking, i wouldn't have woken up. "Do i have to repeat myself, or are you going to answer me? Cause if u are, it better be important, and honest. Otherwise, you may as well kill yourselves." Who do they really think they are? They reek of blood. "I will not wait forever." i spoke with a scowl of disgust. They look at each other, then back at me. There are two of them, someone else is driving. The first one is big, looks kinda like a body builder, only a little smaller. He'll be hard to take out. the second one is short, and lean with muscle. they both have weapons. The first one has a shotgun, the second a rifle. "Well, which is it? Or can u tell me why you people pulled me from my bed at, what time?" I asked, needing to know the time. Never get on a womans bad side, thats what i was raised with. and today was the one day that i didnt need this. today, my wife is giving birth. "You have 1 minute to tell me the time, give me a phone, and leave me alone." i stated with a calm voice. "Ya'll aint the first ones to kidnap me, and u wont be the last. so plz just follow along." i continued. at that moment, the big guy put the barrel of his gun to my forhead. "now you listen here, we aint doing this cause we want to. our employer asked us to grab you, as all he wants to do is give u a proposition. so plz just shut up before i blow you're brains out." he stated. i just simply spoke the first question that popped into my head. "whos your employer?" they froze at that. "youll see soon enough." and that was that. it took us 20 minutes of travel to reach our destination. "now im begging you, please just behave. all he wants to do is talk. can u do that?" the big guy asked me. "i will as long as this doesnt impead on my childs birth. should i not be there, everyone of u will die. copiesh?" i stated with a smirk. with that, they walked me from the van to the elevator nearby, and clicked the botton for the top floor. when we reached the top, there was a man yelling over the phone at a person who didnt get his order right. "how the hell am i supposed to eat this, when im allergec to fish?! i specificly stated that i wanted everything but the fish! either you fix it, and ill pay for it, or i want a refund! that simple! how stupid are you people?!" he screamed over the phone. "20 minutes till it gets here? fine, but if ur a minute late, i dont want it, clear?" and with that he hung up. we had been standing in the front hall since we didnt know where exactly to go. there boss came out, and he was a big guy, but not in fat, or muscle. he was just, big. "are you lomenite degero?" he asked looking at me. "yes and no." i answered with a look of contempt. i absolutly hate that name, but everyone seems to know it. "what is this about, i have a family to take care of." i said in annoyance. "yes, yes, i know. i just needed u to get rid of someone for me. u are a contract killer, correct?" he asked with what seemed to be respect. "i am, but i aint cheep, nor do i like to be dragged around. i especially dont like to be cuffed and shoved into a car, and driven to an area that i dont know where." i said. he got a look of pure rage, and raised his hand. he then proceeded to slap the 2 men across there faces. "i told u to ask him if he would be available! but u took him like this!?" his men were confused, and scared, as they thought they were about to be disposed of. "but sir, u never said how to bring him here, u just said to bring him." the short guy stated. "do u realize who he is?" there boss asked them. "no." they stated. "he is a man who the united states of america, nor anyone else for that matter, doesnt tell no. he could kill u before u even knew. the fact that he hasnt astonishes me." he said. "honestly im just tired, and want to know the time." i said. the man looked at his watch, then shooed the men away. "the time is 2:04 am. and if u would like, i can get u a coffee." he said. "lets get this over with, and then i would like to know my location, a car, and ill make sure the target is dead by tomorrow evening. how does that sound?" i said clearly. he paused, and seemed to conssider the fact that i was letting what all acered on my way here, i was letting it go. he turned around, looked me in the eyes, and nodded. he then proceeded to enter his office. "the man i want u to kill is well protected. thats why i wanted u for this. i am srry about my men, but i guess kidnapping people for a living gets to them, and they forget how to treat certain people. the mans name is hang sekle. he's a business rival, and makes there money thru worse things than me. but i cant have him just killed. i need it to be an accident. this is a file on him, what he has, does, and likes." the man stated rather quickly. i started going thru the file, just skiming it. i realized why he wanted it to look like an accident. "ill need a few days to get prepared, but itll be done. wait 4 1/2 months from today to send the payment. and dont even think about skimping my money. ill send the bill when its time for u to make sure u have it. ill meet u here when im going to pick it up. understand?" i said, looking him in the eye.