
King Of Heaven

Sol a young alien with a human appearance but with a monkey tail. When his universe is about to collapse, he is forced to flee, but ends up being sent to a strange universe after a destination error. There, he is adopted by Kauly, an adventurous elf of Rank S, who teaches him martial arts and magic techniques. But when Kauly is about to reveal the true nature of Sol, she is murdered by an unknown and extremely strong being. To bring his mother back, Sol is challenged to find and defeat this being, and discovers that he needs to reach the King of Heaven, a mysterious place where his deepest desires can come true. Thus, Sol departs on his journey to understand the King of Heaven, face challenges, hone his power, and seek revenge for Kauly's death. Along the way, he discovers more about his own race and the significance of his presence in this strange universe.

BlueMors · Fantasie
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1 Chs

Goodbye a New Beginning.

It was difficult times in my universe, a war of 15 years was going on, the war was in full swing throughout the universe, I remember that my home planet was beautiful, full of life and technology in full harmony, but one day the war burst by cause of a deadly game created by a being that I did not understand at the time what it was ...

Sun don't go we can go together with the Sol! "I remember that those were my mother's last words.

it was something curious I was only 3 years old and was in a spaceship ready to be launched, while my mother looked at mewith a sad and serene face, she could not say but nothing.

" do not worry Draelir I swear I will defeat the Buddha, we can not go with the Sol or Buddha had felt our chi" were those the last words I remember my father, he was serious but his hands were slightly trembling and curiously my mother knew it was not accurate, she in light and shaky steps blinded near my face and gave a kiss on my face, I affectionately played on her pairs of horns on her head, and even she said nothing I felt she was telling me, take care Sol.

while my father looks at me with great affection, and then my mother squeezes the start of the ship...

the ship begins to start counting, and my parents found themselves activating their lush auras, and firing flying into space, I remember the fear that was coming when the ship began to rise at high speed, it was flithing and fast, in an instant I was in space, and through the window glass of my little ship, I saw how beautiful the planet Earth was, but this peace was fleeting...

it was like fireworks several explosions were beginning to hatch through the universe was scary.

But my ship begins its departure at hyper speed of lightand 5m towards the planet Aymia that was 120 clusters of galaxies away, I hoped it would be all right but at some point the universe was beginning to turn white, and the darkness of the void disappearing, a great timeless impact was coming towards my ship that is hit hard, causing various damage, diverting its route and entering a black hole the size of a galaxy,

While that was extremely scary, it was incredibly beautiful I knew deep down that it was the end, and I would never see my parents, while I looked through the cracked glass of my ship's window, my feature would be with a great emptiness in my soul, my home universe being destroyed and I couldn't do anything, just watch ed as I was swallowed up by the darkness of the black hole, but the greatest personal experience of my life, were the events inside the black hole, appeared several images as figures of various parallel realities and far removed from reality in my mind, it was something addictive for a child aimia.

But not everything was flowers the ship was badly damaged the fuel was leaking, and had no destination, it was when by chance the ship turned right entering a kind of portal, and little knew I was in a universe totally different from mine, quickly life support came into action activating the following commands "breakdown in the life support system and severely damaged ship, activating protocol, calculating the nearest route, highly habitable planet at 8050 light years, fuel at 5%, start hyper speed light" was like jumping into a puddle of water, the ship was already in the established location but had a big problem the fuel was less than 2%, making the ship go into preservation mode.

With that the gravity of the planet ends up pulling my ship down with everything while it started to catch fire, I deep down i didn't understand anything I thought was my end, my cells were telling me this, that's when a big yellow glow covered my body, and my ship crashed into the ground in the middle of a dense forest.

Severely destroying my ship and making me lose my memories because of the impact, I was unconscious for hours, that's when the sensors of the ship in piece had recorded an approaching life form.

"humanoid being approaching, without hostile intentions"

That's when the person who saved me arrived, and her name was Kauly, a beautiful woman with black hair and eyes, who was hunting around, her ears were funny put on were long and pointy.

She approached with cautious steps in her hand was a bat, "What is this?" replied Kauly with several questions,

Put her didn't understand what that "thing" was.

The life support system said he began translating the language of this species, and said his last words " Be smart to approach take care of this child" then a red light went out and the silencer echoed in place.

Kauly was highly suspicious thinking it was a trap, but the ship's door opens and she saw that there was actually a child inside the quela thing.

"This thing just dies, but I wasn't lying," said Kauly who was much more confident about whether or not he was going to move forward, that's when I started crying and I had woken up and was full of hunger.

She thoughtlessly went towards me and caught me in her arms, "A human with white hair and orange eyes?" it was when she took a fright " It's not a human this kid has a white syrup just like a monkey!, when I noticed this thing falling from the sky on fire, I thought it was a fireball of a dragon, so I ran, thinking it was someone in need of help" Kauly was trying to reason what I was and where I came from...

But that was too much for her understanding, because of her doubts even a child on my planet would know that this world is very primitive compared to us.

But her smile was so warm and kind, that's when she decided to adopt me and strangely she knew my name, "her name will be Sol Elfiray" with a beautiful smile on her face she was glad to have named me " now Sol will teach you everything I know" at first she taught me to write and read and about some details of this world , then 5 years passed and I was already 8 years old, " hey Sol i left from today onwards i will teach you to use magic" said Kauly all confident, she was a woman of strong and strange personality, so I got up from my chair with various doubts.

"Mother, what is magic?" she was looking disappointed in herself because she had forgotten to tell me what magic was.

then she raises her hand lightly " Sol I'll show you an example, pay close attention" my eyes were shining with curiosities, that's when flames appeared in her hand out of nowhere, "wow what is this how you did?" I was very curious about.

" hahaha, Sol That's fire magic" so I answered full of cheer my eyes caught fire with anxiety "how cool!! Teach me, Mom, please!"

With a funny look my mother replies "one should I teach you? Are you worthy?" I quickly climb up a table and put my fists on my waist and say with all my conviction " but of course you can boss!"

That's when my mom started laughing and I was getting confused about, "why of the laughs did I say something wrong?" so she approached and put her hand on my head, "what about my son you said everything, I said the same thing to my dad hahaha!" was when I smiled and she too and we started laughing, "before I explain to you let's have lunch because I'm starving" so I replied "ta good!" u was so excited that had repeated 3x the flaming boar meat, they caught fire on the shore so kinda their meat was a good and nutritious barbecue, my mother was waiting for me at the training site, as we lived inside the forest there was an open place that my mother had created for her training, that's when she went to the place.

She was with her arms crossed but her feature was one of excitement, I was crazy to learn about magic that kept paying attention to what she said.

"Sol pay good attention post i'll only explain once" she raises her 2 arms and opens her hands, creating a flame and a floating rock in each hand.

" this here as you have seen is magic, but magic is something acquired with much physical and mental training, this mysterious energy is acquired in everything, such as the sea, the earth plants and etc., the more you use magic, the more magic you will have inside you, there are the 6 elements of nature, which are fire, water, earth, wind, lightning, darkness, and light." So I responded with great excitement "amazing!"

But the explanation did not end there, " remember Sol the magic is in all things, so it is very malleable, and can be used stop combat, support, and things from day to day, such as turning on a light using magic of light to illuminate a dark path, are many enableable, I like to use magic of fire and earth" she was bragging to an 8-year-old, but it was still something amazing and magnificent, that's when she asked me to try to use basic magic.

"Concentrate Sol, imagine a light and a path you want to illuminate, then say path of light channeling your thoughts"

I was even more excited I was crazy to use magic, that's when I positioned myself and imagined a extreme dark place a Bleu and shouted "PATH OF LIGHT" and nothing happened, so I tried several times had passed 3 hours later, that's when I looked at my mother and she was with a guy would be in high thoughts, " probably he can not use magic because of its origin, but I will check, hey Sol get here" even though I failed several times, I was still very excited to learn any magic.

" stand still Sol" she gently puts her hand on my head and says "Detect magic" was when she stood silent and thought " it was as I thought he does not have even a trace of magic, but has something different inside him" she then looks inside my eyes and says "My son there are several paths and we will know what is yours" these words were simple but I understood the affection that my mother had for me, so we went home and another day passed.

It was 7:30 in the morning the day was beautiful and Solny, the birds singing and a beautiful breeze of dawn touched my hair, which were already great up to the shoulder, " Sol to depart from now I will teach you everything I know in combat" with a smile I answered. It was months of heavy training, like running several miles, push-ups squats and etc. Todo the holy day besides practicing martial with my mother every time I evolved had a test, it had passed 4 and a half years and I had learned several things from the world that my mother's race is called Elf and had 3 more dominant races of this world, while I trained my mother appears and calls me, " Sol you evolve a lot, much faster than I could evolve, now let's start a simple test but deadly, if you do not pass you will die" even my mother saying that she knew I was capable and totally trusted me, then I beat my fists with a defiant smile " can send I'm ready" she smileand says "that's my son"

So we took away from each other and goal was simple not to be killed and I could not leave the place just diverts the batting.

She raises her hand towards me "are you ready Sol?" and I answer "I'm yes mom" so she says "great.." in the blink of an eye she had already launched her rock shooting magic towards me, by instinct I had burst with a punch this rock that came at very high speed, its size was a head, " awesome a lot would have the arm blown off if i didn't use reinforcement magic on your body, now let's go to the next step, grade 3 booster magic!" my mother fortifies her body with booster magic and then disappears like a tornado, and appearing in various places around me, "look away from everyone, Fireball!" it was several bursts towards me but I swerved with minimal movements by instinct, that's when I was surprised, my mother was behind me and the fireball she was carrying was bigger than me, that's when she threw again my instincts activated a yellow aura around my body, that while I hit a knee on my mother who defends herself with her arm throwing back hitting a large tree, a yellow energy that had released from my hand had been shocked by the fireball, causing an explosion that hits me hard, damaging my clothes, that's when my mother appeared in front of me with her technique prepared "bokator style flaming elbow" striking me with his elbow, the blow was so heavy that he threw me in front of a big tree, making me cross it, it was an intense pain, but I was excited about the fight it was as if my cells had excited and evolving every moment, that's when I got up and my mother was in front of me with a beautiful smile, " congratulations Sol you

It was approved, now from here on ward the drills will be deadly survive my

son"I was so excited that I had even ignored that my stomach was bleeding and pierced, I was almost broken in half with that blow, that's when my mother used a healing magic on me, " amazing I can use basic healing magic, put with you Sol, the cure is faster, will it be because of the strange energy quela you used? The injuries were closing until fast my mother had ration, " I do not know what this is that aroused in me but I know it is not magic, but we will find out with time" so with a look of curiosity and excitement she replied "right my son" so I left there the workouts with my mother were getting more and more intense until one day.