
King In Red

Set in the SCP verse, a young boy with a horrifying heritage tries his best to survive the horrors of a reality where anything and everything is possible (possibly murderous)

AxellAcce · Bücher und Literatur
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3 Chs

And there was a child...

        I sat in my chair, staring thoughtlessly at the metallic table in front of me as my hands rhythmically tapped to the tune of the metronome, which hadn't yet stopped moving. The barebones room which was usually used for interrogating- oh, sorry, questioning, anomalies had blinding white lights that made simple thought of looking at anything painful.

        "So," the nameless researcher who sat across me began in a hoarse tone, "do you have any idea of what might have caused him to notice you this time?"

        My right eye twitched upon hearing that statement.

        "I've already told you guys before! He always notices me… He just decides not to react to my presence at all. Why he actually did this time, I have no Idea." After a bit of careful thinking, I decided to add a bit more info to the end of that statement "But, it can't be for any good reason."

        Just to emphasize on the creepiness of that whole statement, I stared directly into the researcher's eyes, the red glow of my eyes reflecting upon his. The, now pale, man gulped as he began to realize the implications of that statement. His shaky hands reached out to a red button on the table, which he pressed, causing a team of 'Mobile Task Force' members to come in and escort him out of the room.

        As soon as he left, I begun chuckling. It was slow at first, but then it eventually turned into full blown laughter. Despite the extremely horrifying thing that I had witnessed 2hours prior, I still found joy in creeping out inexperienced researchers. Most of the ones who've been working for 10+ years would have ignored me, but every once in a while, I got a kick from enjoying the terror of the newer ones. It was the next best thing to watching TV, which I unfortunately had no access to.

        "A fourteen year old has no right to have a laugh that sounds that disturbing," spoke a distinctly loud and medium pitched female voice. It pulled me out of my thoughts, making me realize that someone else had walked into the room while I was preoccupied with my hysterical chuckling.

        "Oh, come on, Reyna" I retorted, purposefully prolonging the 'e' in her name just to annoy her, "How do you expect me to know what 'normal' laughing even sounds like, when I've never heard anyone do it before? Even for someone like you, that's pretty stupi-"

        I was cut off from finishing that sentence by the forty-something brunette's glare.

        'Quick! Change the topic!'

        "So, you said yesterday that you had some info to pass to me?" I spoke.



        "Good save. Anyways, I have something very important to tell you." She finally replied, "You'll be going out tomorrow."

        My hands begun trembling at that statement, which she luckily didn't notice as I managed to calm them down. Air flooded my lungs as I took in a deep breath, shoving down the past back to where it belonged – the deep crevices of my mind that nobody ever visits.

        Nobody apart from dear old dad, of course.

        "I thought that after…last time I wouldn't be allowed to go out for at least a few months?" I managed to croak out after a few moments of hesitation, something that I'm sure she picked up on, considering her next statement.

        "It… It's not going to be like the last one…"she spoke in a soft tone, something that was unusual from her, "This time, you won't really be doing anything…" she paused as if searching for the right words, "Dangerous."

        Hah. Dangerous is a bit of an understatement of what happened.

        "How so?" I replied, my voice still slightly shaky.

        "Well… we managed to locate an anomaly that's quite… evasive. It somehow keeps on switching its position whenever one of the foundation agents nears it. It's been giving me quite the troublesome time, especially considering the recent developments with your-"

        My glare cut her off from finishing that statement.

        "Well, we were hoping that we could use your abilities to assist in locating and subduing the entity." She continued.

        Sighing, I ruffled my jet black back hair and asked her a question, "OK, then. What exactly do you want me to do, here? Stop beating around the bush and get straight to the point"

        She frowned my tone, "Well, we'll need you to head over to the last place it was located and attempt to find its new position and subdue it, since for some unknown reason, it seems to match the signature produced whenever you use any of your abilities."

        "Ok, then, where exactly did you lose this thing?"

        "You're not going to like this answer... It's a high school"




        … what?


        "You don't have a choice in the matter, Aiden."

Man, this hurts me to read rn.

AxellAccecreators' thoughts