
King Among Kings

Due to his poor performance as King of the Olympus over the millennia, the other kings of other domains of gods have come to the conclusion that Zeus isn't fit to succeed after Odin who decided to abdicate the title of The KAK (King Among Kings). Zeus lacks one key aspect of a ruler, compassion. What he once did to his son, Apollo, is done to him and he is transmigrated to the mortal realm as a baby boy who has to grow up understanding the ways of mortals and prove his fit to be King Among Kings. However, this tale shows that mythology isn't what we thought to be. There is conspiracy, betrayal, lust, conquest of gods, death of gods and the occasional destruction of the mortal realm by a drunk god but this time both the divine and mortal realms in danger by the wickedness of one god who no one thought who never do this. Will Zeus be able to uncover a hidden truth that he has been so blind to see? Will he save the realms and become a true king among kings? Will he stop being promiscuous for once in his entire existence?

Khovi_Kun · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Chapter Five - The Debunk

Göndul is here in Bristol and is protecting me from my enemies who are yet to reveal themselves, but what's more frightening is that Göndul hates me, and don't ask me to explain right now. I'll get to that soon. She's one of the most dangerous Valkyries, and despite being a demi-god, she could rival some gods, like Dionysus and Nike. However, it could be because some of them were demi-god who transcended to godhood like Dionysus, but she's not one to take lightly.

I first encountered Göndul in the Titan War. She was a commanding officer who fought alongside the gods at Odin's side. Her broad fiery wings, blood red armour, and golden lance that could cut through anything and anyone. Odin gave her the name Fire Valkyrie fiery look. And believe me, she looked amazing in her armour. And I know what you thinking, how are Valkyries in the Titan War which was between the Greek gods and Titans? Well, that myth has a lot of false accounts and allow me to debunk it as someone who was actually there, if my fragmented memory serves me right. Let me start from the beginning.

After the dawn of creation, then came the primordial gods, the most powerful deities. The primordials are the personification of certain things that exist in the Divine and Mortal Realms, which means they can't dwell with us, but the manifestation of their godly aura produces the matter of both realms. That's what we interact really with. Primordials ruled from their dwelling called the Celestial Realm, the realm of god transcendence. Titans were the gods that preceded Olympians and were children of two primordial deities, Uranus and Gaia, my grandparents. However, Uranus wasn't the tyrant the mythological books say he was. My grandfather is a peaceful and timid, yet powerful god. Whereas, Chronos, was an unruly tyrant who envied his father's authority and was a poor father himself.

My grandparents enjoyed embracing each other to produce more gods, and this led to a scheme for Chronos to overthrow Uranus as King of Olympus. Once. when the manifestations of Uranus and Gaia descended to embrace each other, Chronos attacked Uranus and castrated him and from his blood, Gaia created the giants. But Chronos bathed in the remnants of his blood and inherited a portion of the primordial power. With this power, he sealed the entrance of the primordials to manifest in the Divine and Mortal Realms, The Pyli, thus dominating Olympus.

In mythology, it is said that after Chronos overthrew Uranus; he received a prophecy that one of his children will overthrow him, just like he overthrew Uranus. He then swallows his children except me and I then free my siblings and overthrow him by slicing him to pieces and throw him into Tartarus. This couldn't be further from the truth. When Chronos overthrew Uranus, I was already a young god, and he did not swallow my siblings. My siblings and I all grew up together.

However, we never grew up on Olympus. Chronos sent us into other godly domains to study how they ran their domains and inturn one day return to help govern Olympus effectively. If we were to fail this task, well, we were going to be punished just like Promethesus. You thought I was the one who punished Promethesus? That was Chronos, and it was because he thought Promethesus wanted to sleep with Rhea.

In our absence, Chronos grew more conceited and drunk with the primordial power on Olympus. His godly compulsion grew so strong that he could compel any god and titan. No god could challenge him except a few deities like Odin, Ra, Amaterasu, Huitzilopochtli, and Shiva. These were among the oldest gods, after the primordials, that were powerful enough to stand against Chronos.

In secret, my mother, Rhea, sought the help of these superior gods to help reopen the Pyli. She was successful in persuading them, except Odin. Rhea pleaded and even suggested that her husband might set his eyes on Asgard one day. However, Odin was confident in his ability to defend Asgard and he was within his right to believe so. Desperate to open the Pyli, Rhea offered Olympus as a vassal domain of Asgard, meaning an Olympian will rule Olympus but under the authority of Asgard. Odin rejected the offer and Loki, god of mischief, interjected and gave a counter offer; Rhea becomes one of his brides and one of her children rule Olympus independent of Asgard. Odin agreed to his proposal and Rhea reluctantly accepted but refused to bear him any offsprings because she still cared for Chronos. Thus, Odin became my stepfather. However, neither my siblings nor I acknowledged him as our father, and he was content with that.

The superior gods rallied their fellow gods to retake the Pyli and reopen it to allow the primordials back into the Divine and Mortal Realm to punish Chronos. Chronos, through godly compulsion, rallied all the titans to fight against them. It was a vicious war with battles that lasted months in the Divine Realm, with the landscape altered by each battle. I was in most battles with Göndul, and we got close during the war.

The last battle took place on mount Olympus at the Pyli. Alongside me; Göndul and her Valkyrie sisters, Hades, Thor, Anubis, Susanoo and Tsukuyomi, made the vanguard unit that had to hold down Chronos. The battle raged on for days until I struck the final blow onto Chronos neck with a bolt of lightning I saw flashing across the sky. We held him down as long as we could until the Pyli opened and the manifestations of all the primordials descended; Uranus, Gaia, Chaos, Izanagi, Erebus, Tartarus, Eros, and Nyx, to name a few. They judged Chronos and found him guilty of high treason against the Celestial Realm. As punishment, he was blinded by Chaos, tongue removed by Gaia, cut into eight pieces by Uranus (serves him right), bound by Night and swallowed by Tartarus. His punishment was grotesque, but that's how we deity get punished if we cross the line.

The celebrations proceeded after and by unanimous decision; they crowned me King of Olympus because I struck down Chronos and hence, my title as god of the sky and lightning came to be.

Later, after the celebrations, I got really drunk with my brothers and invited Göndul to my new room for some action. I knew she was excited because we had so much 'energy' to release. But come morning, I found out that Hera tricked her into going to the wrong room while she snuck into my room and banged drunk me like crazy. Göndul was heartbroken and never spoke to me again. Oh yeah, incest doesn't exist among gods because Uranus was actually Gaia's son and husband.

Now, you now know the story of the true Titan War and you also know that Göndul would have been Queen of Olympus if Hera didn't trick. How do I even trust that she will actually protect if she hasn't spoken to me in over a millennium? I need to know who Göndul is in the Mortal Realm. All I know is that her first name is Cindy and that she's close.

- Nike is the goddess of Victory

- Dionysus is the god of wine and son of Zeus.

- Huitzilopochtli is the god of war and sun from the Aztec tribe in South America.

- Amaterasu is the god of sun and ruler of the kami(gods) in Japanese mythology

- Shiva is the Hindu god of destruction

-Chaos is the personification of void

- Nyx is the primordial god of the night

- Tartarus - primordial god of abyss

-Susanoo is the god of the storms

-Tsukuyomi is the god of the moon in the Shinto religion Japan

- Izangi is the god of creation of life and father of Amaterasu

Erebus - primordial god of darkness

Eros - primordial god of love

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