The Council announced that all of the groups will merge as one and they vote for the main captain
The winner Varglorkirr
???: Well well well congrats my brother
Varglorkirr: What do you want Zelio…
Zelio: To be proud of you… *annoying smirk*
Zelio and Varglorkirr the ying and yang of the Canniliar Dynasty
Varglorkirr hold the Truth magic while Zelio is cursed by deceit
The Bishop guide and nurture Varglorkirr and Zelio is just standing there can't cry… can't feel pain because of the deceit curse
One day he walk to the forest and saw Xeno being a wild beast…
Zelio: Hey… Are you OK?
Xeno: I Hate everything!!!
Zelio: If you hate everything then try lying it can help you think of a positive outcome…
Xeno: I rather hurt myself until I gain tranquility rather than act like I'm ok… The pain can kill you over time
Then Melvert come out
Melvert: I overheard your stories… For me, if you feel frustrated… Just sleep
Zelio: I never felt this before… Thank you guys
To the council
Varglokirr: Mind magic!
Zelio mind
" My 2 best friends die I can't do anything… and because you are reading my mind I will kill all of your comrades and sleep on them"
Varglokirr: Song now!!!
Song: Bullet Magic… *No ammo*
Zelio: I can read minds too brother *punch song in the stomach*
Sugar: CAPTAIN!!!!! Static Magic… Paralyzing glaze!
Zelio: I can't move….
Wendy: Panda Magic Buddha's Palm
Zelio: Everything is a lie…
Wendy and Sugar cough blood
Zelio: I don't need magic to kill you all don't worry brother I will keep you alive
Zelio takes out his dagger and rush to Tor
Tor: Potato magic…
Zelio throw his knife randomly and tor falls to the floor
Zelio: Your power is not potato magic… You can't fool the charlatan
Slice: I don't need magic… *rush at Zelio*
Renz: Magic Enhancer… *Get buff and Rush at Zelio*
Zelio: Bunch of Fools… *instantly kills them*
Raul: This is messed up… I give up… What do you want
Zelio: Make a good choice
Wujen: *teleport at the back of Zelio* Whale hole blow!*
Raul: Earthspike!
Grudge; Fortify magic… Magic conversion
The stone became a steel
Zelio: Curse Magic! Voodoo! The last person who cast magic will deal the pain that I receive *Laugh hysterically*
Grudge falls to the floor
Zelio: Goodbye brother… Next time create a strong Group… and for the monk, you earn my respect
Wujen: *Twinkle Eyes*
Varglokirr: He is just lying… The meeting ends up being a disaster… I will retire as a captain… every guild is now disbanded *cries in agony*
Zelio: That monk is so strong that I didn't lie that time… I didn't even know that he is in the room plus the captain of him… It got an aura… The wait can a person hide in the aura? I need to heal as soon as possible
Meanwhile, other updates while in the real world
Jack is now recovered
Blizz is now stronger than before
Nikki travel to Viper's hideout and study new magic
Teck and Vath team up
Portal Open
Project S.Y.C.A is now at the Grel
Shiva: We need to buy material first before heading to Viper's Hideout, *change the facial expression* Step right up… step right up… I have a magic
Shiva makes magic with Yasmin as his assistant
People enjoy his magic and Earn 40 copper
Shiva: Is that an Eagle? It is so majestic
Yasmin: Ok… take the 25%( 10 copper) I want to buy that…
Charles saw a raffle…
???: Step right up step right up… One gold for mystery Scroll
Charles: How about *Give the chocolate*
???: Ohhh nice… *Try eating it* Thank you for that marvelous taste… For that, I can give you one random scroll…
Charles: I don't know how to use it
???: Don't worry look at me *open the scroll* Fire Magic (Common) Now you try
Charles pick up one and open the scroll
Soul Horse (Rare)
Not bad…
Charles: This is cool… *give the merchant Chocolate again* Thank you
???: Appreciate it… *excitedly grab the chocolate*
Charles: By the way can you see my horse
???: What horse? Ohh the Soul Scroll magic is like you can only see the magic unless they have foresight or mana aura
Azroil: Can I have that drink?
Yasmin: NO!
Shiva: We need to be ready for our next venture
Suddenly Shiva got attracted to the scimitar and try to steal it
Adventurer: Not so fast young one
Shiva: How dare you touch me?
The Adventurer got knocked out in the barrel
Shiva: you are a weakling
Yasmin: I'm so sorry… Here let me heal you
When Yasmin cure the adventurer the body became fragile
Azroil: I can heal it better!
The adventurer coughs blood…
Charles: What happened *try to touch him*
Adventurer: I cant see I'm now blind… * Got Exhausted*
Shiva: If he is a warrior he will not get defeated easily
People watching: Yeah true… *walk away*
Azroil looks at the adventure palm…
Azroil: Yep he is 100% dead
Charles: What the heck happened
Shiva: I think we are overpowered in this city
Azroil: I mean look at that statue… They treat Frank as a GOD!!!!! And you think that we are weak… We are the project of chronus and chronus power is equal to a god we are mere human!
Charles: Too OP I know… But can you see my Horse… His name is Chocolate
Yasmin and Azroil: We can see it
Shiva: What horse?
Charles ride the horse
People and Shiva got shocked
Shiva: You are floating!!!
Charles: yep it is because my horse is invisible
Jack and Blizz walk at the market to buy something
Blizz: What will you buy?
Jack: *Telepathic* I think the potion
Blizz saw a weird guy floating wait I will buy this carpet
Blizz: Wind Magic… Wind Arrow *Jump and shoot the arrow*
Jack use his vine-like spiderman
Azroil: I think we need more training to do