
First Quest

As the roulette spun, the Guild Registrar announced their first quest: to hunt a Swift Fox. Jack's excitement was palpable, his anticipation evident in his hushed silence.

Blizz, on the other hand, opted to bypass this quest and expressed his desire for a group quest to seek revenge on the hobgoblin that had crossed their path. However, the Registrar had other plans.

"You can't join a group quest just yet," she explained. "You need to complete your first quest roulette to gain access. I can reserve it for you if you wish."

Reluctantly, Blizz agreed, and the roulette once again set into motion.

As the wheel spun, Blizz awaited his fate, wondering what creature he would be tasked with hunting. The Registrar informed him that it was a promotional quest—a rare opportunity. Success could lead to a significant job upgrade.

Blizz, intrigued, responded with enthusiasm, "A... A what? I already love these random quests."

Proteum, too, was eager for his turn as the roulette continued its unpredictable dance.

Okay, for every random quest, you will receive experience: 

Stick: 0 XP

Stone: 10 XP

Copper: 100 XP 

Iron: 300 XP 

Bronze: 500 XP 

Silver: 1000 XP 

Gold: 3000 XP 

Platinum: 5000 XP 

Diamond: 10000 XP

Every quest is worth 5 XP, and group quests depend on the rank: 

D-Rank quest: 5 XP if solo, 2 XP if in a party 

C-Rank quest: 10 XP if solo, 4 XP if in a party 

B-Rank quest: 20 XP if solo, 8 XP if in a party 

A-Rank quest: 100 XP if solo, 20 XP if in a party 

S-Rank quest: 500 XP if solo, 100 XP if in a party

Again, the Registrar announced the outcome, revealing Proteum's destiny: a government quest. This development meant he would be serving in the government and earning double the usual pay upon completion.

The Registrar then clarified the experience points awarded for each quest, categorizing them based on rank, and explained how group quests would provide different rewards depending on their rank.

Blizz, with an air of concern, asked, "What rank is the Hobgoblin?"

The Registrar replied, "D rank. Why do you ask?"

Blizz, now understanding the odds stacked against them, sighed in realization.

Sophia Caiten, the Guild Registrar, interjected with another aspect of ranking—popularity. Those less combat-oriented could engage in service quests to bolster their standing.

A new arrival, Vaqui, entered the scene—a girl with striking green hair and fake elf ears, perpetually portraying an elf-like persona.

Vaqui approached the Registrar, lamenting her failure at a Golem dungeon quest. Sophia offered her a word of solace and explained that each adventurer could attempt the roulette quest only once per day.

Soon after, a trio of adventurers entered the guild area—a formidable lizard-like figure wielding a giant trident axe, a charming mermaid girl in her human form, and a resolute Triton bearing a bow.

Sophia greeted them with a meow, and the mermaid introduced herself as Sha, employing telepathy to communicate.

Jack, showcasing a newfound ability to mimic voiceless magic, joined the conversation, eliciting laughter from his companions.

Triton Don Quira, alongside his sister Melinda Quira and friend Primus Stormlord, shared their recent success in completing a group quest involving the body of a Chaos Shark.

Sophia, the Guild Registrar, commended their efforts and then invited them to spin the quest roulette.

Primus initiated the spin, leading to the discovery quest of hunting a moonstone.

Melinda followed suit, landing an emergency quest to slay a necromancer—a C-rank endeavor.

Vaqui volunteered to join their party for the necromancer quest.

Unexpectedly, a newcomer named Silver expressed his desire to join the mission, revealing himself as an Undead Slayer.

With the party assembled, Don Quira took his turn on the roulette, resulting in a hunt quest to track down a giant electric eel, with a strict time limit of nine hours.

Sophia provided a brief overview of the quests and their participants' roles before bidding them good luck with a meow.

Jack, intent on embarking on his quest, offered a farewell as he ventured forth.

Meanwhile, in the Blackmire, Prince John Scarlett, spurred by urgency, enlisted the help of his owl familiar in locating the lost scroll.

Back in Jack's perspective, he pondered the possibilities of his newfound vine powers. Engaging in a whimsical conversation with the sentient vine, he discovered his ability to create berries and decided to keep this secret ability to himself.

While contemplating his options, Jack encountered a Swift Fox and, with a bit of creativity and the berries, successfully tamed it as his own.

In the Health Department, Proteum initiated his government quest, engaging with Nurse Wilma, who requested his assistance in gathering herbs. A friendly exchange ensued, and Proteum introduced himself as a shaman apprentice with a penchant for disguising his orcish appearance.

The adventure continued for our intrepid heroes, each embarking on their own quests, their fates bound by the ever-turning roulette of destiny.