
Kindling Fire

Apollo_8 · Fantasie
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10 Chs

To the Kingdom of Nothing - 2

The port was bustling with people and species from many different lands, selling food and trinkets from their travels. Should I get something from here? I have heard that the bread is divine and the potions are of top quality.

I feel a tug on the back of my shirt.

"Look over there!" He pointed towards a burgundy tent with candles floating around the path and a sign that read 'Fortunes and Palm Readings for [50,000 shilvings].'

The rekindled flame reached the deep red tent, dragging me with him. The shop keeper had a mystical feel to her.

Her eyes were white with the exception of a drawn third eye that was made with a bright glowing blue. Her hair was silver and long and curly, and free.

The shop itself was just as magical. Moroccan lamps hung from every corner, filling the room with light that was bright enough to see but dim enough to keep the mystery. The air was packed with smoke that smelled of lavender and cinnamon.

There was a small circular table that only carried a phoenix in a small, jeweled cage.

"Ah, I have been expecting you, Milo and Arthur. Come, take a seat."

"How do you know who we are?!" The he... Milo seemed almost ignorant, however, I could not bring myself to say anything, seeing as that would make me just as ignorant.

How did she know who we are?

"My god has told me aalll about you. With Abath's all-seeing eye, she has shown me your fate. However, seeing our prince's face now, I do not think you wish to know what lies ahead. If you wish, I may be able to give you the tools you need for your journey if you so desire, my lord."

"Yes please!" Milo's voice broke through the thick incense.

No matter how much I dispise the gods, I have been taught to never disregard another's beliefs, so I continue to say nothing.

"Then I shall give you the knowledge you seek."

Her third eye started to glow as she spoke in tongues,then her other eyes. Soon after, she started speaking back into the native language.

"With each sin comes a virtue. For Wrath has meekness, Greed has Charity, Lust has Chastity, Sloth has Diligence, Pride with Humility, and Envy to Kindness. Each virtue resides in a different location, and you must find each to bring peace once more.

Be warned, however, for one cannot live without its other. Within each sin is a virtue, and within each virtue is a sin. Both must be balenced to achieve true peace."

Her eyes went back to normal.

"What does that last part mean, exactly?"

Before my question could be answered, the woman had disappeared. We watched as the incense took her place and any chance of any possible answers were blown away by the breeze.

We started leaving the tent. My eyes needed to adjust to the bright sunlight. Everything was a blur, but when my eyes could finally see again, I noticed that everyone was staring back at us as if we were crazy.

"Woah..." Milo was looking back at where the tent used to be, but all that was in sight were quaking aspens.

"Did I ... imagine it?" I muttered under my breath.

"Both of us couldn't have imagined the same thing ... Could we?"

"I don't know, I don't think so."

"The why are people watching us like zoo animals?"

"I ... don't know."


We continue passing through the sea of people.

"Sooooo ....." Milo has a playful expression on his face.

"What are your abilities?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like, I can sword fight, there are spear fighters ... Archers, tamers .... Magic users. Which are you?"

"I .... am supposed to be a magic user."

"Why 'supposed'?"

"My father and mother are both healers, so I am expected to be as such. However, I have not been able to use magic. The advisors believe I don't have an ability."

"What does it matter?"

"If I am not a healer, then I will not become king."

"What?! Why not?!"

"The soul sword did not choose me, and I was not born with ability by the powers of magic or protection by the god Keal or Sveal, nor was i blessed with the knowledge of war or fighting by Tekat and Nem. If I cannot fight for or save my people, then I am not worthy enough to call myself a leader of the people."

Before Milo could refute, a man's voice broke through the barrier of noise created by the market.

"Thief! They took my bag! Thief!"

Another man was going against the current of the crowd, running with a leather satchel.

They're running towards me at full speed.


Before I could even think on what to do, they were in the floor, with the stolen satchel in .... my hand?

I am pinning him to the ground.

Milo was clapping, excited, along with the crowd that had formed around the scene.

The man who's bag was taken was praising me, shaking my hand and telling me how amazing that was.

From the crowd, I could hear the chattering of the people, saying things like "as expected of our crown prince!" and "truly a king worthy of Alchazar!"

I am not completely surprised that I was able to take them down. I have gone against people before.

What really shocked me was how natural it felt, so much so that I didn't notice that I did it.

Although I didn't notice it at the moment, I felt the phantom of the feeling of the moment.

I felt how my leg swiftly went under the person, and how one of my hands caught the bag in the air and how the other pinned them by the neck. I felt how my knuckles hit the earth and how my knees were scratched by the rocks on the road.

I hand over the bag to the man, and he starts handing me a rock that i had never seen in return.

"What is this?"

"It is a recently discovered energy source! I am supposed to take it to the Castle so my king may approve and fund research, and possibly use the energy for future technologies! I have plenty extra, so take one as my thanks!"

It looked boxy and it shined quite brightly inside, making it look like packaged stars.

"Thank you." I took it, and it started glowing even brighter to my touch.

special writing for special readers because special seasons yay

Apollo_8creators' thoughts