
CHAPTER 2: Part 5

"Why are you all suddenly being kind to me? Are you worried that I will become completely crazed after five years of solitude?" Luo Ran taunted as he watched the guards bring Wei Lin Jiang into the cell. He was seated in a lotus position; his gaze fixed on Wei Lin Jiang.

The metallic gate crashed against the wall with a loud clank; causing the dust accumulated on the wall to rise in a small cloud. Some of the particles landed on Lin Jiang's speckless robe. He couldn't resist the urge to dust it off instantly; his actions almost mirroring a noble.

"One moment you show kindness and the next you don't even reply; Aren't you very complicated?" Luo Ran spoke up again, getting to his feet and closing the distance between them.

The guard was quick to react. He pushed Wei Lin Jiang inside the cell and slid the latch into its slot quickly. His face flashed with sudden apprehension; afraid that prisoners might try to escape.

Li Dawi and Xiao Wen had accompanied Wei Lin Jiang only till the secret passage ended. The task of leading him to his cell was then handed over to another soldier who seemed to have just been inducted into the team. Lin Jiang could easily have escaped along the way but he decided to meet up with Luo Ran first.

Once the lock was secured, the guard finally relaxed. He snorted and finally replied to Luo Ran, "Who is being kind to you? I am just following my orders."

"Aww, don't be so polite," he teased. "You first brought that peasant boy to keep me company…. Now, that he is gone, you have brought someone better," Luo Ran's eyebrows furrowed as he looked at the man in white robes carefully. Why did the man look so familiar?

The guard was quite young and got flustered by his nagging. His gaze lingered on Luo Ran for a moment; his expression turning awkward. His lips parted as if he were about to say something but he changed his mind at the last moment. Shaking his head, he spun on his heels and walked away.

Now that the soldier was gone, Luo Ran turned his attention to the man in white robes, "Why did the guards bring you here in the middle of the night?" He scratched his chin and broke into a low chuckle, "Don't tell me you offended the lady of the mansion…."

Wei Lin Jiang's face flushed and he looked away in embarrassment, "Xian Sheng, please stop teasing me."

"Xiao Wei?" He blurted out, his eyes widening like saucers. Luo Ran looked genuinely surprised. "My! Look at you," Luo Ran exclaimed; holding him by his shoulders. His eyes twinkled with joy, "I didn't know that beneath the grimy persona of a beggar was hidden a handsome man."

"Xian Sheng? Did you really not recognize me?"

"You did look familiar but…." He let his voice trail off as he poked his face with his finger. Something flashed in his eyes but he shrugged it off, "So, this is why the guards led you out in the middle of the night."

A gust of breath escaped Lin Jiang's lips and his expression hardened, "Apparently, I needed to look humane enough to meet Lady Xiu."

"They took you to meet Lady Xiu?" The lines on Luo Ran's forehead deepened, "Why are you back then? She knows what happened right?"

Lin Jiang shrugged his shoulders in resignation, "Xian Sheng, You were right you know. Saving a life isn't as rewarding as it should be…."

"It depends…." Luo Ran's expression turned distant and his voice grew discerning, He squeezed Xiao Wei's shoulder gently and looked into his eyes, "What do you consider as a rewarding action, Xiao Wei? Is it something that gives you inner joy or is it something that is applauded by everyone?

"I…" Wei Lin Jiang was rendered speechless by his words. It was like someone had lit a spark of light in the darkness of anger and hatred that clouded his mind. He didn't save the lady because he wanted to be rewarded or even appreciated. He saved her because it was the right thing to do. Did it really matter that his efforts weren't acknowledged?

His lips curved in a smile as the anger that was bubbling within him dissipated. He felt a strange sense of contentment. He felt at peace with himself. Wei Lin Jiang's judgment of Luo Ran seemed to be right; he was someone with a deep understanding of the world.

"Master Ran, You have illuminated the right path for me. I will always remember this lesson," Wei Lin Jiang stood erect, pressed his fist against his palm in a respectful posture, and bowed from his waist.

Luo Ran was quick to help him up again, "You are making me feel old, Xiao Wei, calling me master and all…. " He shook his head and drawled in a careless fashion, "I was just spewing nonsense to cheer you up. You are the one who found the so-called illumination from my gibberish."

Lin Jiang knew that Luo Ran wasn't speaking nonsense. The words he spoke were pearls of wisdom he gathered from experience. However, he didn't want to upset Luo Ran. So instead of pressing the matter, he held out the jade trinket and the key, "Do you know what this is? It is the key to my freedom; our freedom. Lady Xiu gave it to me so that I could escape."

Luo Ran didn't seem pleased by this. A deep frown settled on his forehead, "Xiao Wei, You know that escaping would validate your crime. Even if you get a chance to explain yourself in the future; no one would ever believe you." His voice grew urgent and desperate, "You will be labeled as a criminal forever."

Lin Jiang shrugged his shoulders indifferently, "What does it matter? Let them think whatever they want. In my heart, I know that I am right. Why should I care about what others think?"

"But, Xiao Wei; you are so young. This will ruin your life…."

"If I stay here, I won't have a life to ruin." His expression grew serious and his eyes shone with the determination of an unyielding mountain, "I have to survive, Xian Sheng. I have to avenge my brother's death."

Luo Ran couldn't bring himself to counter him after that, His expression deflated and his hands slumped to his sides, "Since you have already decided, I won't stop you…."

"Xian Sheng?"


"Will you leave with me?"

Luo Ran's eyes flashed with conflicting emotions, "I don't think that would be appropriate, Xiao Wei. I can't just run like you..."

Lin Jiang raised his eyebrows and said in a voice that was slightly taunting, "Are you worried that everyone will criticize and mock you?"

"No, it is not that. I have never cared about what people say. It is just that…."

Lin Jiang held his shoulders and shook him as he begged, "Xian Sheng, Please come with me. There is no one in this world who can accompany me, or guide me. If you are not with me, I will probably be bullied to death."

Luo Ran's lips parted as if he were about to say something but the next moment his expression turned stoic. His voice was firm and decisive as he spoke, "I am sorry, Xiao Wei. I can't accompany you."

Wei Lin Jiang narrowed his eyes and sat down on the floor with a thump. "I had once said that I will take you with me if I ever get a chance to escape." His face hardened with a stubborn glaze, "I am a man of word, Xiang Sheng. If you don't come with me; I won't leave either."