
Kimi's Passion

Kimi is a displaced refugee living as a maid in the palace, when the dark lord had his eyes on her, her life as a maid was threatened, she was backbit and slandered by other maids. What will happen when her true identity is revealed? The poor orphan's life is threatened as well as her survival. This is a fantasy novel about vampires werewolves, witches and humans.

SnowPinch · Fantasie
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5 Chs

The ball

It was almost dusk and the palace was almost getting filled with vampires and fewer population of the other creatures, Kimi had changed into the blue midi dress given to her by Lola, she checked herself and hissed.

"This is too tight, sluggish and bad for my appetite." She said as she swivelled around. For a person who had spent almost all her life in the street, she had not grown used to the girlish style,

"It looks fine, and you know your beautiful ocean blue eyes will find you a young master, although be careful not to secure a 'bloodsucker!', " She said mimicking Kimi the way she used to squeeze her face as if she had her bile up to her mouth anytime she talks about vampires.

"Come on, you're always talking about securing a partner, why don't you find yourself one, huh? " She looked at the woman that was mixing the floor. "Because I'm not ready."

"Oh, and you feel like I'm ready? I'm barely eighteen Lola that is almost half your digit." She said not minding the scornful look the woman threw in her path.

"I'm not the one who sleeps in the stables and beg for a coating or food in the street." She spat at Kimi, who went to the other side to get a mug to clean. "Why is everyone talking about marriage," She rumoured silently, as much as she hates vampires she hates marriage and that's Kimi, loving her independence even when she sleeps with a yawn and wakes up to one.


She rolled her eyes, "why is anyone interested in finding a rich and accomplished partner, perhaps ending up becoming mistresses."

Kimi at a very young age had helped a man out, it was obvious you can't find a nice girl like her, he offered her some coins, a golden coin that would restock her life to a better one, not until that scumbag and pot-bellied old prick, was forcing her to bed, she might have been small, but she did what any street do would do, clawed his eyes and kicked his balls to red, before running out, on her struggle she lost the coin.

"Where is the king?" Kimi peered,

"Shut up, if the Queen hears you talking about him you're dead."

"I just want to know,"

"Truth be told he is the most handsome vampire,"

Not so handsome as the man she had seen earlier, his feature was almost like that of a god, a specimen of creation, it was obvious she had never seen handsome or beautiful vampires before.


"Rumoured and he is cold, harsh and uncanny, I don't advice you root for him, he would compel you and feed on you, and besides, you can't get near, the queen will have you smitten to pieces."

"That is silly, do vampires have emotions, I thought since they're walking corpses, their hearts no longer function." She sneered.

In the ballroom there was light brought to life by summoned, witches who were in charge of the coordination of the royal balls, they were the only ones allowed to use magic although it was during occasions any other time they would have to be sued either behead for practising blasphemy.

"You absolute rascal I didn't know you had taken such a crack."

They strolled down to the ball as the sidekick they were, would serve the drinks and fill the dining with different delicacies, that is if they would eat.

"All this food is going to waste,"

"I think so," she muttered, hating her crimson check and running pulses.

"Tell me, Lola, you've got a crush here?" She asked staring into her eyes as she grinned.

"Oh, it's that blond-haired guy."She pointed holding her palm to her mouth as chuckled, the people around them turned to look at her.

"Forgive my impertinence."She said and they turned to the engagement.

"Stupid girl, go and get more drinks." She said edging for the empty table at the horizon, "or get lost."

"But you said two trays and I'm done."

"When your mouth and out? No way I've changed my mind. "Now go and get it filled once and for all,"

"What about you, you're doing nothing." She said as she eyed the man, to her he was an eye sore and find him a leech.

"Shut your mouth and get out," she said and Kimi stood throwing her daggers. "And, oh! Better be fast, you won't want to miss his handsome face."

"I'm not interested." She said mellowly.

The only thing that was running through Kimi's head was the thought of her coins, she wanted it so bad, that she wished the man from earlier would show up any time soon.

The Viscount announced the entrance of the king and everyone trembled at the mention of his name.

"Welcome king Lorenzo!!!"

The trumpet sounded and everyone on their stand bowed out.

Kimi was still running errands in the kitchen by the time, she had come back, everyone was already chatting and making merry, whilst Maria's eyes were twisted in anguish from the humiliation Lorenzo imposed on her earlier.

"Where is the king?" She whispered to Lola's ear.

She took a surreptitious look into the crowd and saw the guy from earlier, her forced expression redressed.

"He is standing there, all in crimson." Lola pointed.

"He is beautiful in crimson." She uttered,

"No way he's the king, you playing pranks with me?"

Startled she glanced at her, "what did you just say?"

"You heard, the best looking man I have ever seen in the village, if I say so, unfortunately, happens to be a bloodsucker."

"Don't you think that word is too harsh at a place filled with flocks of them?" She whispered looking through the crowd, as the queens' eyes were fixated on them. As much as she likes her job, she would not want trouble on her path.

Reality came crashing back and her stomach formed into a painful knot.

"He is King Lorenzo you have been hearing on the street. And now he's caught your orifices."

His eyes darted towards them, and a shiver shot through their spines.

"He might have overhead us, oh no!" She squirmed at the sound of his shoe.

Kimi too wanted to disappear but when she remembered her coins, she stood on her feet and waited for him.

"Hey Lola, I have a confession to make."

"Not now—" She said.

"Either way I will still spill it out. You remember that kleptomaniac vampire I told you stole my coin, it is him."