
Kimi's Passion

Kimi is a displaced refugee living as a maid in the palace, when the dark lord had his eyes on her, her life as a maid was threatened, she was backbit and slandered by other maids. What will happen when her true identity is revealed? The poor orphan's life is threatened as well as her survival. This is a fantasy novel about vampires werewolves, witches and humans.

SnowPinch · Fantasie
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5 Chs

My coin

 Kimi was going around the palace, it was an elaborate building and the activities going on for the welcoming preparation have made it more intriguing, the witches casting spells to make the ballroom look more elaborate. They were confused and Kimi laughed at them.

"Vivid blue suits royalty more." She muttered as she squealed from there into the elaborate garden, which revealed different shades of flowers blossoming and the butterflies were perching from one nectar to the other pollinating.

The tranquil atmosphere that hovered around her was almost soothing until she heard voices crackling from one of the rooms.

"He has to announce me your queen today." The woman who was dressed in a back robe, her make-up almost puking like the goth, said to the maid that was trembling before her.

"Get out of my sight!" She yelled, almost shrieking in her loud voice.

The palace was different from what she had imagined, it was quiet and cold yet beautiful, she had thought the inside would look deadlier but it didn't the bloodsuckers were enjoying it while they worked on their asses day and night to provide and resort to the manger to sleep with the animals they were broadening for their blood.

The King announced that on no occasion should any vampire within his walls feeds on other creature, he was very strict with his decree, he kept patrol soldiers around all the time, and even though some deviate from his rules, it has helped those within the walls of Gandour to sleep peacefully without being turned to breakfast doughnuts.

It was said that vampires could hear distinct sounds as well as thoughts that went through everyone's head. Kimi was a rogue and had learnt about these tricky creatures. She was at her advantage as she was small, and hiding was quite easy for her.

"The queen is desperate to see you, why are you avoiding her?" The man said as he walked hastily to catch up with the king, folding his arm behind his back.

He halted at the spot close to his chamber, raising his hands he signalled the man to stop talking. The man behind him was the human, he had walked his way up by trading the human king to the devious king bringing him into power.

He hovers around, the head of his canvas brushing through the carpet that connected the sound instrument Kimi hid under to the centre.

"I can leave if you're busy, my lord." The man paced himself two steps back before stepping into the hallway.

He sighed and then removed his time from the long walk, he seemed exhausted even if vampires barely feel exhausted and sleep he could feign one actually and distract himself from the kingdom and the queen pestering, that was one of the main reasons he had travelled out of the kingdom to the temple and met some of the old acquaintance of his claiming he went in an official meeting.

He stood to the mirror that hung on the wall, glanced through to under the piano stand and saw her leg, and let out a chuckle, Kimi's breathe hastened and she was scared of what was about to befall her if he finds out she was there, they were cruel to humans that pray and would set an example of them with by gathering the citizen and eliminating them or feeding them to the ferals.

His eyes reddened and quickened his space towards the point, his fangs were already sticking out and Kimi blinked her eyes to see him drag her out from under his piano.

"Human." He growled and tossed her to the floor.

Her heart was pounding as she had met her end, the vampire didn't turn towards her, as she curled to one corner like she was whip-lashed.

"Who sent you to spy on me?" He asked but Kimi's heartbeat intensified and he could hear the echoes from every corner of his room.

"Answer me!" He sparked with a growl in his voice, the veins in his face were popping, and her rhythmic heartbeat was pulling his fangs to sink into her.

"No one, I came on my own," she finally opened up. Her heartbeat was racing. She was in the presence of a vampire and as a lowly werewolf, she couldn't do anything.

The man turned towards her, but her head remained in position. The man advanced towards her, taking in the scent which was somehow familiar, she raised her head and took a sneak peek like a child checking whether his parents were asleep before he went out for a play.

"Oh," she gasped, looking at him more vividly, "you!'' She became paranoid and went for him, but the vampire halted.

" What are you doing here?" He asked again, as he recalled her from the earlier incident.

He now towered toward Kimi, "you were the girl from earlier." He growled looking through her, she was again consumed by his appalling beauty especially now that the dark lord was half-naked his torso revealing to her, she gaped at his chiselled packs and his almond red eyes glared at her forehead, she was shorter than him.

Kimi choked on her saliva as the man down-turned lips and breathed warm air onto her forehead and her eyes puzzled at his broad naked chest.

"How should I punish you, dear?" He spoke and once again like a shadow the thought of her death curled up in her tiny little head regretting and wishing she could spank her legs. He did not seem to care however his kind and warm eyes like the one he showed her on the street were nowhere to be found.

"What are you doing here too, in the kings' room?" She had muttered a lot of bile and was high on adrenaline before she could force those words out on defence. No matter what she must escape this today.

The dark lord heard footsteps approaching and he worked his ear listening closely, then like that he pushed Kimi through to his closet and locked it.

"Keep your head low as well as your breathing." He commanded her, returning to put his shirt on as he heard a knock. He cleared his throat.

The Queen was crueller than him, especially if she sees him with any of the shifters, and worst of all a lowly girl from the street.

"Come in." He muttered and they walked in on an elegant woman, white and pale, her skin of the fairest like snow white and her detailed make-up with her silky dreamy pink kimono.