
Chapter 05

We had a seminar , all about discovering your talents and channeling it in the right and proper way and how to build on it . We also engage in some games too . However, there was a report on theft but the culprit was caught at the end .

            After all that, I got to hang with my friends till night time when I retired to bed .  I am going to miss this place, it help me forget all of my problems for a few days, make new friends, learn new things and have the most wonderful experience of my life. On the other side, I really want to go home and tell mom all about my experience.


   The next morning, everyone started packing up . We were assembled for the last time to be addressed.

"Good morning students, it's so sad that you have to leave. I hope you all enjoy your stay here. We won't allow you to go empty handed, so we will be distributing gift bags more like a farewell present to all of you . I hope in the nearest future, you will vist us again . Once again, it was a pleasure having you, thank you "

         In no time, we all got into the bus and said our last farewell to Virginia. I spent most of the time, smiling and laughing along, little did I know what I was about to meet back home. In a couple of hours, we arrived, the bus dropped me off .

        Home sweet home ! First things first, I went to my room and dropped my things.

"Mom ! Where could she be ?"

I couldn't find her in the kitchen, dinning area and even her room. I later found her in the back yard, but she isn't alone, someone else is there. My dad !! Yeah, yeah, I was surprised, he was the last person I was expecting to see .

"Mom ! What's this man doing here ?"

"Careful ! Control your tongue, this man you're referring to is the one who gave birth to you, your father !" My dad said

"Mom ! I don't get this, why is he here "   And before she could say a word, I left

"Joseph !! Look what you have caused Jeff, why did you come back "

"This is my house and I can come and go as I please ! "

  I left the house with my music player. I played some music to soothe myself . I drown myself in some sweet, sweet music. After a while, I came back home, relaxed a little .

"Why are you coming back at this hour ? Where have you been ? " my dad asked

"Jeffrey! Leave the poor boy alone "

"Well, if you must know, I went for a stroll, it is not as if you care "

"Control your tongue ! I don't like your tone "

"It's the truth! If you care even a little, you wouldn't have left us. You wouldn't have abandon us without trying to know how we are fairing. Excuse me, I am going to my room, I had a long day, I need to rest "

"Come back here young man ! We are not done talking . He has become so disrespectful, is this what he has been learning while I was away ?"

"Who will blame him ? He has lost all the respect he has towards you. Let the boy be, I really think you should leave, leave ! Leave Jeff!"

"Fine I will leave for now but I will be back , remember I still have rights over him"

"Whatever! Just go "

Moments later, I heard a knock at my door

"Joseph, can I come in ?"

"Yes "

"Are you hungry Josie ?"

"No mom, I am not "

"Are you sure ?"

"Yes, I had plenty to eat over there "

"That reminds me, I didn't get a chance to ask, how was Virginia ?"

"Mom,can we discuss this tomorrow ?"

"Alright but you will have to tell me everything, promise ?"

"I promise "

"About what happened today, don't let it get the best of you, don't worry too much "

"We were happier when he wasn't around but now that he is back, I feel awful "

"Oh Josie, I an sorry you feel this way, the problem is between me and your dad, so don't worry "

"But I am in the middle of all this mom ! I am still involved in this situation"

"That's true, you're the most affected. I am sorry that it had to be this way. How about this,tomorrow, we will go out , any place you want"

"Really ?"

"Yes Joseph, to relieve us even a little all this but first, you need to go to sleep, you need your rest"

"Alright mom, god night"

"Good night dear, sweet dreams "


"Joseph! Come down stairs, if we really are going out, we will have to finish all the chores in the house "

"I am here !"

"Alright, I will need to sweep and mop the floors and take care of your room, it's messy and after that water the plants "

"No problem !"

I finished all my chores after a rigorous cleanup . I came across a letter in mom's room .

"Mom! Look at this !"

"Where did you get it from ?"

"In your room, is this what I think it is "

"Yes Joseph, it's a divorce letter, your father is planning to divorce you "

"A divorce letter !!"

"Yes dear but don't let this issue spoil our day, have you finished all the chores ?"

"Yes mom "

"Alright, go take a bath "

I decided that this won't ruin my day, so I forgot all about it .

"Are you ready Josie ? Let's go, get into the car. As you know, this is going to be a long drive, so you can't stay quiet all the way, this is suppose to be fun not boring "

"Alright mom"

"Okay, so tell me about the excursion, you promised to tell me everything"

"Well, when we arrived, we were welcomed by a guide, he told us all about the place. We had spaghetti and lots of meatballs for dinner, it was so good "

"Oh, I see, you like their food, is it better than mine ?"

"Of course, yours is the best in the world"

"Thanks Josie, then what else ?"

"After dinner, it was time to retire to our beds and get some sleep, but I and my roommates didn't, we talked till midnight "

"Really ? Well, you know the consequences of sleeping late "

"Yes, as expected, I woke up late, I had to rush to get myself ready. Two hours after breakfast, we were assembled outside to explore the forest . Everything was beautiful, it looked like an imaginary land filled width lots of ornamental plants and animals."

"That's nice but is there not a lot of dangers in the forest ? Did anyone get hurt"

"Yes I am coming to that, we were instructed and given some rules to follow but anyways, Gabriella ended up hurt,she fell down "

"How is she ?"

"It was not that serious, she is fine "

"Is that all  you did ?"

"Nope, we had some teamwork exercises. We also went for hiking, rock climbing, bird watching, jogging , kayaking and swimming. We also saw the water fall, it was divine !"

"Oh wow , you were really engaged, its nice"

"And most importantly, I managed to make new friends too "

"You made new friends! Nice"

"Most of us were unhappy when were to leave , we didn't want to "

"Don't worry, I am pretty sure that you will visit Virginia falls again "

"I hope so "