
Chapter 02

          Oh gosh  !  It's Monday morning once again ! I said as I forced myself out of bed.     I really don't like school that much , although my classmates see me as a nerd or a book worm . Honestly I am fun to be it, I am someone who 'goes with the flow', I am not anti- social at all but with all that said, I still like studying and doing assignments, I see it as an obligation that I must carry out besides, if I don't, mom will give me one of her long lectures about the benefits of academic excellence in school and trust me, you don't want to hear that. As mom always says,    

" You're preparing for your future, so take everything seriously or you will live on the streets, no food, no shelter, no money and become a beggar "

   My dad always says,

"To be successful in life, you need to do everything it takes and grab every opportunity you get "

I  was brought back to reality by mom's constant yelling

   "Josie !!! Come take your breakfast"

   "I am here "

"How was your night ?"

"Refreshing, yours ?"

"Same thing everyday, tiring, now finish up quickly, I am taking you to school "


         I arrived at school very early, just a few students were present in class. I got a lot of personalities in my class, special in their own way.

     There is Andrew with the gorgeous hair, oh lord ! You need to see his hair, he is known as 'the guy with the awesome hair '.  Jane, whom I will call 'abnormal ', she talks a lot, prepare to get a headache once she begins to speak, she can talk all day. She talks too fast, you won't find it easy making sense from what she's talking about. Teachers are tired of her too . Then there is Zack, the toughest dude in class, you don't want him to be crossed with you,if that happens, you might as well start preparing for your funeral.

         Jessica, A.K.A , 'the modern Cinderella' A.K.A , 'Classy girl '. She likes treating people as if they were trash just because her father is filthy rich and a friend to the proprietor and the mayor. She goes around disrespecting everyone, even the teachers.

"I can do anything I want, they can not do anything to me, my dad can buy the whole school if he wants to" As she always says.                 

             She comes to school at anytime she wants and nobody is saying anything, I think they are afraid because of her father. I tried talking to her once but she shut me up, that's one of my embarrassing moments.

       Next on the list is someone who I strongly disliked with all of my heart, is no other than Jack, who likes intimidating others because of his size and feels like he owns the whole school. Last week, he threw my lunch in the trash just because he doesn't like it . His friends, Max, Gregg and Fred just keep on following him and doing whatever he asks them to do, I don't know why they keep on sticking around him anyways, I have nothing else to say about him. There is Samuel, he is a good guy, he is kind and gentle, I can say he is one of the people I really admire. Joan, my fellow nerd, the only problem she has is that she claims to know everything and that's just foolish.

       Jason, one of the most handsome guys in class,  i admire him too. Next is Tonia, I have nothing against her but honestly she looks like a prostitute. Peter, a bad boy, loves using girls, such a jerk! Linda, the Principal's daughter, you might be thinking that  she got a bad attitude but actually she is humble, kind, sweet and gentle, even though there is resemblance between her and Jessica but they are very different, opposite.

   There is Jesse, he is quite  obsessed with everything that has to do with sports. He is bad in every subject but when it comes to P.H.E, gosh ! He is always number 1. Jeremy, he is just weird and strange, he is odd. Jeff, has anger issues, he can't control it, he gets angry very easily. He might kill someone one day, if he doesn't control it. Stella, she is so different from other girls but she is amazing and tough.There is Mark,he's new but he seems to be a nice guy.

         It's time for Spanish class, our teacher, Mrs Miller walked into the class and without wasting time, she began teaching. I was surprised that she didn't fall asleep as she usually does.  Immediately she started speaking Spanish, all I could hear was 'blah blah blah ' I wished the earth could swallow me whole, time is so slow today !! After about an hour, she was getting tired of  standing, so she sat down and before you know it, she dose off.

"That's what was missing the who time!! I was beginning to get worried " Jason said

We all giggled quietly and softly so that she doesn't wake up . Zack left his seat to the front of the classroom, trying to mimick Mrs Miller. We all bust into laughter which of course woke her up .

"What Mischief are you trying to do young man ?"

"I..I wa.. I was trying to wake you up " Zack replied

"Go back to your seat ! Let's continue the class "

    Before she could stand up,the school bell went off, the class was over .

"Oh thank God ! The class is over " Jesse said

"Not so fast, let me give you an assignment"

"Awwwwww !!" The class chanted

          After our Spanish class, it was now time for Physics, I am not really pleased about that. Don't get me wrong, I love Physics but the teacher, Miss Lacey Smith, even hearing her name disgusts me. She is 'classy' and 'sassy' as she always says . She is just like Jessica, even worse , everyone strongly dislike her. I don't why they are still keeping her as a staff, fire her already !! By the way I don't like her Cologne, it's too strong, you can 'smell' her presence from  afar . Anytime she is class, we just keep quiet  or else you will have her to deal with. Don't get me started with her dressing, it so indecent, what kind of example is she giving us ? Although she can teach very well even better than the other teachers but her attitude is the problem .

"I am not surprised that  most of you didn't do well honestly, well apart from those who tried their best. Let's continue from where we stopped "

          She didn't wear one of those her dresses and her attitude is a bit different  wow ! I think she got baptized by the holy ghost.

"Hey Gabriella !"

"Hi, what's up ? So, are you ready for the trip ?"

"Almost ready, you ?"

"Haven't started yet. I am sorry, I have to go, my dad is here, bye Joseph "

"Alright, bye Gabby "


"Good afternoon mom"

"Afternoon dear"

"What happened  at work ? You're home early "

"Nothing really, I finished all my work early at the office today and decided to just come back home since I don't have anything else to do at the office"

"So what are you preparing for dinner ?"

"Let me help you rephrase that, you mean what are 'we'preparing for dinner "

"Come on !"

"Young man, I said you will help me in the kitchen ,okay ?"

"Yes mom "

"Your excursion is next week, right ?"

"Yep, I can't wait "