
Killing In The Shadows

I love Killing That's All

Daxinzph · Aktion
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1 Chs

Prologue: Haruto

It's now Mid December Winter Season has come a again and snow fall into the sky. Haruto look into the window inside his room

"Oh It's Winter Again Time Moves So Fast"

Haruto Gets up in his bed and starts preparing his things to go to school after he starting doing all his schoolwork before going to school. Hours Laters..... "Maybe it's time to head out". Haruto leave the house and start walking and suddenly stop after he hear a voice calling his name

.."Haruto kun wait for me..gasp"..

"Oh it's you Ayane I thought It's something else"

After she caught up she smiled at me.

Her name is Ayane, She's my childhood friend since we're still a little kids. Ayane is beautiful teenage girl with slim body, she's also popular in our campus.

"Did you hear the news last night Haruto' Ayane asked. I never watch news because I never fan of it or interested, I'm not popular like her, I'm just a normal guy who loves to be lonely.

"No, so what's the news last night" I asked.

"Shards right now is getting out of hands they everywhere now and creating a lot of crimes but the one who runs the organization named Unknown which is the greatest criminal in Underground."

Shards is a dark organization runs by a mysterious man called Unknown. They created crimes like murdering, assassination, heavy crimes and many more. Unknown is really Mysterious because they don't any about him even the higher ups from Government can't collect data about him. The only thing they know is he is a man. After we ends the conversation we finally reach school campus and separate our ways. After that I saw a man standing in pure black inside on our building "Is he staring at me". I asked to myself while getting bit scared and walk away like nothing happened. After Haruto continue walking like nothing happened he hear a loud scream. And he ran towards where the scream come from and saw corpses and a showed man showed up and getting closer and closer to him until Haruto fell from the ground.

After that the man start asking a question.

"Are you scared to death"smirking he asked.

"Wha..what do yo..u mea...n"

At that moment I didn't even move a single muscle because I was too scared.

"No don't kill me, please!!."

Also that time I start a evil laugh

"Why I'm laughing ahhh right maybe I start not pretending to be a afraid."

"Why you laughing!!!!!"

"Let me Introduce you myself I'm the Leader of Shards "Unknown"."

"Don't make me laugh how can be a highschool a underground boss!!"

"I don't need to tell you if you die right!"

And I slashed his throat and he die painlessly and starts laughing 'evil' at the copses and someone shoot me in back even the cops arrived at the scene. "My sight getting blurry what happened".

After Haruto woke up he saw a woman's unfamiliar face.