
Killer Move


selfish_dev · Anime und Comics
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4 Chs

Ch-4-The Dream

(As the moon casts its ethereal glow over the sleeping chambers of the Castle of the Sun God, Slicy lies ensnared in the clutches of a haunting nightmare. In the depths of his subconscious, the specters of his past assail him mercilessly. He finds himself pursued by a frenzied horde, their eyes ablaze with malice, their footsteps thundering like a relentless drumbeat.)

[Slicy's eyes snap open, his chest heaving as he jerks upright in bed. With a shuddering breath, he wrestles himself free from the tendrils of his nightmare, but its echoes linger, etched into the very fabric of his being.]

SLICY: (His voice is a whisper, yet it resounds with unwavering determination.) If I allow weakness to take root within me, I am but a lamb awaiting slaughter. In this world, it is the strong who reign supreme, while the weak are condemned to lives of servitude or oblivion. I shall be the epitome of strength, the master of my own destiny.

[As dawn breaks, painting the sky in hues of gold and crimson, Slicy emerges from the castle, his footsteps echoing with purpose. With every stride, his resolve solidifies, a steely glint in his eyes betraying the fire that burns within.]

SLICY: (His voice carries across the courtyard, a declaration borne of unwavering conviction.) Sun God!

[The Sun God materializes before Slicy, his countenance serene yet inscrutable, an aura of divine power enveloping him.]

SUN GOD: Yes, my son? What troubles you in this early hour?

SLICY: (Kneeling before the Sun God, his gaze unwavering.) My lord, I beseech you for your guidance and wisdom. Grant me the strength and skill to rise above all others, to become the very embodiment of greatness.

SUN GOD: (His gaze piercing, as if searching Slicy's very soul.) And what, pray tell, do you offer in exchange for such tutelage?

[Sensing the undercurrent of greed beneath the Sun God's words, Slicy meets his gaze unflinchingly, a flicker of realization dawning within him.]

SLICY: (His voice measured, yet tinged with boldness.) Forgive me, great Sun God, but you lack an heir to inherit your divine legacy. Should fate ever cast its shadow upon you, who shall ascend to claim your throne?

[In the pregnant silence that follows, the Sun God's expression darkens, his features betraying a flicker of indignation.]

SUN GOD: Mortality holds no sway over the immortal. Such concerns are beneath us.

[With a dismissive wave of his hand, the Sun God turns to depart, leaving Slicy to ponder the weight of his words in the wake of his departure.]