

This drama centers on a rich heiress who has the passion for dancing but can't pursue it due to her status but with the help of her brother and boyfriend she is able to archieve her dream....in between her journey to archieve her goal she is faced with betrayal from her most trusted people, depression,pain, helplessness, anxiety,regrets and setbacks. At the end she finds love again and determination to archieve her goal.

Nana_joanna · Urban
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8 Chs


( Due to the traffic the 30 minutes drive became 1 hour..... Jane car arrived at her home she steps out of the car and walks inside the house)

JANE: Good evening mom( kisses her mom on the cheek) where's dad

Mrs LAKEFIELD: He has a business meeting in city x so he won't be back till tomorrow, your friends are in your room.

JANE: I know ma,we are having a girls night.(Henry walks in)

HENRY: And they are very noisy ( looks at Jane) you should get rid of them.

JANE: As if I would do as you said (looks at her mom) I'm going upstairs mom.

MRS LAKEFIELD: have fun and if you need anything tell Henry to get it for you.

HENRY: Mom I'm not her servant,I have more important things to do than serve a group of ugly and noisy girls.

JANE: is not like we need you at all (sticks out her tongue, she heads upstairs walked down the hallway, arrives at her room and opened it) ok girls your pizza has arrived.

MELISSA: what took you so long we're starving ( collects the pizza from Jane)

JANE: Traffic, I'm going to take a shower , save some pizza for me.

LUCY: Ohh before I forget here( hands her a matching pajamas) that's yours.

JANE: really!! matching pajamas, we are not teenagers anymore.

JESSE: Even though what's a girls night without a matching pajamas.

MELISSA: Or even alcohol.

JANE: Fine fine ( enters the bathroom and comes out 7minutes later) where is Kate?

JESSE: She could not make it, she had to attend some meetings with her dad.

JANE: ohhh ok

MELISSA: I heard she is going to take over her father's company.

LUCY: That's what I heard too( faces Jane) is it true.

JANE: What made you think I would know.

LUCY: C'mon spill it.

JANE: Well my dad said her father has such plans but it's left for Kate to choose if she wants to be the CEO ( goes to the table and pours her self a glass of whiskey)

JESSE: What of her brother, why can't he take over.

MELISSA: Kate has a brother, how come I don't know.

JANE: ( sips her whiskey) well it's step brother though he is really not interested in taking over.

LUCY: I don't get why would he not be interested? is he not suppose to be fighting for the sit.

MELISSA: You read too much of novels Lucy, well he has his own company so he's really not interested.

JESSE: But who is to say he won't change his mind.

JANE: ( shrugs) who knows.

MELISSA: well enough of this topic let's eat I'm starving.

( After having their dinner,the girls did some singing, dancing and Truth or dare. After having so much fun they fell asleep well except for Jane....she was seen sitting in the balcony holding a glass of wine when Melissa walks in)

MELISSA: What are you doing outside?

JANE: I could not sleep .

MELISSA: what are you thinking about Jane.

JANE: you know Melissa (looks at her) I'm afraid, tomorrow is the dance showoff for the Bei lan competition and I don't even know what to do, what if I fail, and then I have a presentation to present in front of the whole share holders from the lowest rank to the highest rank,what if I shutter and embarrass myself and my father. The pressure is too much Melissa.

MELISSA:(sigh) come here(open her arms and hug her) you know Jane if you think about things this way then your bound to fail, (releases her from the hug and looks at her face) you are capable of everything you mentioned just believe in yourself Jane (punches her chest playfully) you are Sooo capable that sometimes I feel envious of you so just stop thinking and channel this energy for the dance show off tomorrow you will need it.

JANE:(smiles) That you Melissa, what would I do without you (hugs her)

MELISSA: Obviously nothing (laughs) Can we go to bed now)

(Jane nods her head, both girls enters the room)