

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · Aktion
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85 Chs

CHAPTER 7 : My Other Self

*Jun's POV*

"Its so cold..."

"It is isnt it? Imagine having to live inside a mind this cold for eternity. Jun."

I turned around to see an old friend of mine , I have known since the day I lost my parents.

"Sorry about that. I dont really have many warm memories " I said.

"You really lost yourself out there " said my friend, a being I created , my past gave birth to. He looked like me, only.. he ever existed in my mind...he was a twin I created to soothe my pain, to cure my loneliness.

"I did , didnt I..haha"

"Are you going to be okay Jun?" he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"I will be fine. I have you dont I? To bring me back to my senses if I am not"

"Your trauma is something only you and I can understand. No one else can share your pain, but I have a good feeling about these people gathering around us."

" I dont trust them "

" You dont have to , they will do it for you"

"Why are you so sure of them?"

"Gut feeling!!"

"Do you even have one?" I snorted

"We share the same gut, which is quite hungry at the moment- so hurry up and wake up !!"

A light flashed before my eyes.


"He is awake!!!!" someone shouted. As my eyes regained some visual I realized I was lying in the same room and bed I woke up in a few hours ago.


*Narrator's POV*

"God...I thought I killed you..."

"Aleena you should have seen your face when he didnt wake up for 4 hours"

"You were the one who basically paralysed him though , Josh , cant blame Aleena for all the damage."

"Samuel you didnt even do anything in this exercise."

"No Bow, standing by silently is also a skill that is very likely unknown to you."

"You guys are too loud !!!! Jun are you okay!!!" Batuhan yelled at the four students gathered around Jun's bed.

"Batuhan you are the loudest of us all" said Aleena , the black haired girl with teapink eyes, wearing a half red ,half black leather uniform , same as Bow and the two boys accompanying them , Josh and Samuel.

Aleena moved aside , taking Josh by arm , a handsome dark skinned boy with dark dark hair covering half his face, rest tied up in a ponytail, to make way for Batuhan. Samuel a bright and positive looking boy with light blue messy hair tied in a small ponytail and golden eyes.

"Jun !!" Batuhan grabbed hold of Jun and shook him vigorously.



"Stop it or you will actually kill him!" Dr Jackal hit Batuhan on the head as he finally let go of Jun who fell back on the bed, dizzy.

"Sorry Jun .. here I will help you get up" Batuhan supported Jun to help him sit up by wrapping his arm behind his back, a bump visible on the head.

"You will regain your strength in a day , I suggest you spend the night here at the infirmary. You have gone through alot of mental and physical pressure. Best to rest" Said Dr Jackal standing infront of Jun's bed.

"Excuse me doctor, Can I talk to your patient..s..boy!! what happened to your head?! Jackal!" The principle who just walked in followed by Aunt Iris, looked angrily at Jackal.

"What? I did it to protect my patient's life" smirked Dr Jackal.

"Jun how do you feel? " asked Aunt Iris rubbing Jun's head. Samuel and Bow moved aside to give her space.

" I am fine thankyou very much,but I would like to know the reason for suddenly attacking us?" Jun glared at the principle.

"Hmmmmm..." smirked the principle in response

"It was a test to determine whether you were fit to begin honing your talents at the Killer Academy." said Aunt Iris.

"sigh....you adults really like to show off.In case you donot remember , we were invited to go here, we never asked for it...." said Jun in a sharp cold tone that even shocked Batuhan.

"I don't care if you did it to test us or something , if me and my brother will be continually put in situations similar to our past, by the people we trust then, -