
Kidnapped by my best friend

Asking your best friends to arrange your kidnapping doesn't seem like a request a sane person would make but when Ella learns a devastating secret, her normal life as she knew it takes a chaotic turn, as people she once thought she could trust are brought into the limelight in the worst way possible. Left with no other choice, she relies on the help of her best friends and an old enemy and his gang to get herself away from the madness but how long will she be able to stay safe when her enemies are closer than she thinks? One thing remains thought, this is not your normal friendship story.

manuek409 · Urban
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11 Chs


I tore down the stairs and ran to my car. I swore as I fumbled with my keys. I was definitely gonna be late. I got in and kept driving until I got to a large building with a glass storefront. It had a red large above the door. Whole Wheat, the bakery I worked at. Home to every and any confectionery you could think of. It was the best place I could work with my qualifications; the pay was good, I got weekends off and the owner was a close friend of my mother.

I got in and quickly put on my apron rushing to the back. I picked up a bag of flour and almost crashed into Lila. She was the head baker and also the owner of the bakery. She helped me discover my love of baking. She and my mother were both co-workers and friends. They used to work together when they were in grandmother's restaurant.

It was the time before my mother met my dad. She worked part-time at different jobs to help support herself while she was in law school. My mother was amazing at cooking while Lila excelled at baking. They would often exchange recipes and see who had the best one.

After a while, they lost contact with each other but miraculously ran into each other when my mother wanted to order a cake for my 5th birthday party. The shop she happened to wander into was Lila's shop. Apparently, there was a lot of screaming and tears when the estranged friends met again. After I moved out and needed a job, Lila happily gave me a job and I had been working there ever since.

"Hello, dearie. Late again I see, aren't you?"

" I got up extra early but the time-"

"Got away from you. I know. The same excuse as yesterday" she said while raising an eyebrow.

I could feel myself flustering. Like I said before not a morning person.

Lila laughed and told me to get started on todays special: Cinnamon bites. I weighed out the flour, sugar and milk and then started whisking. I got so lost in what I was doing that I didn't realize someone was behind me. I crashed into the person and almost dropped my bowl.

" One day, I'm gonna have to fire you"

I huffed. "Well that's gonna be a long time from now, and besides if you did I wouldn't invite you to any of my birthdays not to mention the fact I'd skewer you, Michael"

" You wouldn't dare! You know how much I love your birthdays. A full day of all-you-can-eat sushi. Besides you love me too much to impale me with a meat stick"

"Let's not test my love now, shall we?" I said as I went back to what I was doing.

Michael Ervest. He was tall, muscular, and had dark brown curly hair which could be mistaken for black. Also, one of my best friends. And his mother was Lila, the owner. His father was off in the army so he rarely got to see him. Michael was actually the one who got me this job. In fact the day I decided to move out he offered to talk to his mum so I would work there.

We actually met because of our mothers. After our they reconnected, Lila told my mother about her son and they set up a play date. I still remember the day I met him. He was small and timid but he was kind and was always looking out for me.

The day was long, slow and boring. Fridays were generally slow. It was just a couple and a little girl and two old ladies. As I was tending to the counter, the storefront bell rang and a man came in.

He was tall.

Like really tall.

He was dark with a scar across his lip. He was wearing black trousers with a snake patterned belt and a grey shirt. But what immediately drew me in were his eyes.

They were green. Bright green.

I honestly felt weird but as he approached the counter I felt really nervous for some reason. When he finally approached me, I was seriously considering running away like a pack of dogs were chasing me.

"Good afternoon. Welcome to Whole Wheat. How may I be of service?" I said smiling as politely as I could.

Please don't snap my neck

"Do you have a phone I could borrow? My truck broke down and I need to call someone. Urgently" he said

"Uh sure," I said gently sliding my phone to him. His staring was borderline creepy and it was taking a lot out of me not to breakout in a cold sweat.

As I gave it to him, I noticed the little girl staring weirdly at us. She squinted at us then all of a sudden screamed. Everyone covered their ears then Micheal came running out from the back.

It was then I realized why she was screaming. My blood ran cold.

The snakeskin belt was actually a snakeskin SNAKE.

A real literal hissing SNAKE.


"What's going on in here? Why are you-IS THAT A SNAKE??!" Micheal yelled.

The snaked hissed drew itself up and hissed at Michael. Michael yelled and immediately backed away. Satisfied with Michael's immediate retreat, the snake rested its head on the man's shoulder and watched us silently. The man sighed.

"This is Renee. Don't worry shes not poisonous. She just doesn't like noise"

"Sir I'm gonna have to ask you to leave. We have a no pet policy" Micheal said wearily eyeing the offending animal.

"Understandable" he turned to leave but then came straight towards me. He handed me back my phone and I flinched at the intensity of his gaze.

"Thank you for the phone. You've been a big help" He said. He turned and walked away leaving a petrified little girl, stunned customers and a trauma of snakes.

Yup. Just another Friday


"Let's just say I'm happy I still have my eardrums intact. That girl has pipes. But the strange thing was that the guy kept staring at me the whole time. It was seriously creepy"

"Yeah. Pretty sure I hate snakes now"

My shift was over and Micheal was currently walking me to my car. After the guy had left, it took forever to get the little girl to stop crying and one of the old ladies almost had a heart attack.

I will never complain about having an uneventful day again

"Hey, Do you wanna catch a movie with me? I think we both need a break from the craziness that happened today" Michael asked as we reached my car.

"I wish I could" I said sighing "I have to attend a stupid family dinner. It's gonna be 2 hours of grown men talking about politics and legal stuff I don't know about and Neil ruining my sanity and Chelsea asking me way too many questions"

"Ouch, that sucks"

I then thought of something great.

" Hey, you should come with me" I said beaming.

" No way! The Last time I was at one of your "family dinners" Chelsea kept hitting on me."

I started laughing. It was one of the funniest things I have ever seen. Chelsea leaving not-so-subtle hints while batting her doll eyes. My uncle shooting daggers at Michael. I, my parents and Neil trying our hardest not to laugh and poor Micheal was beet red the entire time. It was one of the only times I truly enjoyed having family dinners.

" I know but Chelsea has a boyfriend now" I lied.

I know lying is wrong but I could not handle another one of those dinners alone. I saw some of the tension leave Michael's face the instant I said it.

He's definitely coming. I smirked.

" No"

I stopped smirking.

"Come on, please"

" No. Way. In. Hell."

" Fine but then you won't get any of my new dessert I'll make tomorrow" I warned.

He paused.


Micheal loved my cooking so bribing him with food was always the way to bend him to my will.

" What kind of dessert?"

" A new one I'm working on with a little help from Jade"

He stopped and considered. I could see him slowly giving in. I was just that good. He only needs one more push.

"I'll make it extra sweet. Just for you" I coaxed


I always win.

"But on two conditions. I get the first piece and Jade has to come as well"


Suddenly this day is starting to feel a lot better.

CHAPTER TWOOOOOO!!! What do you guys think? Don't you feel like that exchange was super weird? Also, Who do you think Jade is? You'll meet her in the next chapter. Get ready for crazy.

Please comment, vote and follow. I will read your comments trust me.

Peace, Sean

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