
kennel 127

hey so this is a disclaimer the universe I write in is indeed based on DC but there's no real connection to any previous DC story so dont try to make sense of it by connecting it to the DC universes you know. also leave a review please this is my first story so I'm looking for what i need to improve on.

blueberryrush · Andere
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2 Chs

The less you know

The robotic beeping of my alarm woke up from my glorious dream of sleeping with some grade-A actresses thrusting me into the bitter stale reality that felt colder with every day. that's your daily dose of Kelvin grade drama brought to you by our sponsor the pain of waking up on a Monday morning now back to the show. I dressed in a uniform that looked like something a sailor would wear in one of those classic films I are some breakfast that was actually not from a dumpster (thank you sis) and after I got done eating I sat down at the table to waste time until the clock decided that I had to be a good boy and go to school on time. as I sat there I drew some sketches nothing fancy just something I did when I had nothing to do of course my sister would go nuts over my drawings going as far to hang them up in her hang out for all her armed thugs to stare at and wonder why she was hanging up such garbage. besides the only thing I liked to draw she didn't know about AND NO it's not porn (I know how perverted you readers can be) it's the only thing I care about in this world the one thing- the one person who makes a difference. I guess you could call me a fan boy but for me batman isn't just a hero or a legend hes hope, hope that maybe not everyone is willing to push you down so they can rise higher a trait that everyone seems to have my sister included. people always seem willing to manipulate lie or outright beat down those beneath them so that they can rise higher in the pecking order and admitingly I steal things on occasion but only what I have to and I never take more than I need after all I can't rely on my sister for everything. As I drew the caped crusader exactly as how I had seen him on the tv the night before I lost track of time and as I finished up on the final touches a glance at my clock sent me into a mad rush to pack up my art and utensils as hid them on top of the fridge a place I couldn't quite see but knew my sister wouldn't be looking around. I ran out the door I wondered what she was up to so early in the morning, maybe beating some poor sod half to death or organizing a arms trade with a gang across the channel whatever she was up to he didn't really care the less he knew, the better.