
Chapter 5: Spirit Beast

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any other references mention in this fanfic

Chapter 5

Kenji leaned against the stone wall of a veterinary fast asleep all the while holding a cullender and a plate held tightly together with rope and talismans.

Part of his kimono was torn and there was a wide variety of bitemarks and scratches all over his skin. There were some bruises on his face and a patch of dried blood on his pants leg. Every once in a while, the make shift cage would rattle and Kenji would lightly stir before falling asleep again.

This was the scene that Hana Inuzuka and her three dogs saw as they went to open their animal hospital early in the morning.


Kenji lowered his sword and let out a breath when he saw that it was just a bunny. "Oh thank kami, for a second there I thought I would have to fight someone."

Placing the sword back on the rack where he found it, he smiled at the bunny that was small enough to fit in his hands. "Hey there little guy, I don't know how you got in here, but it's time for you to go," he said in a friendly voice as he extended his hand towards the small creature.

The rabbit followed his movements with its sharp eyes.

Kenji gave it a reassuring smile as he let it smell his hand, "There, that wasn't so hard. Come on little guy, I need to get ready for bed, and I'm sure your family is waiting for yo-Waa!"

The small plump boy was taken completely out of guard as the rabbit used his extended hand as a spring board to jump at his face like a missile. He was just fast enough to move his head out of the way as it sailed past him. He felt something warm run down the side of his neck and when he went to touch it he saw what it was, 'Blood? What! That bunny was aiming for my jugular!'

Terrified he glanced behind him and saw the rabbit looking at him again, the edges of its mouth had bloodstained fur. If he had been a fraction of second latter it would have gotten him completely.

He was regretting putting that sword away now.

Turning around to face the dangerous animal fully he watched it warily. This time he saw it as it used it's powerful legs to launch itself at him, this time for his Achilles tendon, it's teeth coated in a thin blue glow that could only be chakra.

Despite it's fast speed, Kenji was prepared as he jumped up on his counter to avoid the attack. What he wasn't prepared for however was for the bunny to crash through the wood and out of the back of the stand. When Kenji turned to look behind him to see where it had gone, he was already face to face with the angry rabbit as it had leaped at him.

Seeing as there was no time to dodge the attack, Kenji tilted his head down enough for his red bandana to take most of the damage.

Red bandana +8

Quality: Normal

Defense: 2


Chakra Points Until Next Upgrade: 15

The bandana did its job in minimizing the attack, but there was still enough force for the small boy to be launched away and into a weapons rack.

Kenji touched his head and noticed that he had a small cut on his scalp and the bandana was cut in half. He tried to stand up but winced as he felt pain in his leg. Looking down he saw that a spear had managed to cut him on the thigh.

Slowly he reached into his yellow scarf, making sure to keep an attentive eye on the rabbit that stared at him from the top of the counter, and took out a large bandage. Without looking he peeled the back and covered the injury. This was a much stronger version of the band-aid with a faster recovery rate and an ability to numb the pain, he made sure to hide a few in his scarf for such emergencies.

Taking a short sword in one hand and discarded half shield in the other, he stood up to face this knew threat. "I didn't think my first opponent would be a rabbit," he said to himself as he channeled chakra through his legs and pushed off the ground at the same time as the mystery rabbit jumped through the air. They met each other in the middle, neither one of them planning on losing.

(Flashback end)

The battle between the two finally ended until the early morning, where Kenji managed to get a lucky hit in and stun it enough to trap it with a spaghetti strainer and a plate, upgrading it so that it couldn't break free and sticking a bunch of rope over it.

"Hey kid, wake up," Hana said as she shook the small boy.

"Humm, what?" Kenji said as he yawned, then looked at the person that had awoken him. She had long brown hair pulled back into a ponytail, red fang tattoos on her cheeks, and a kind smile.

"You were sleeping in front of the door. Are you okay, you're looking a little banged up?" she said as she touched a scratch on his head, getting a wince from him.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm okay. You're a vet, right? Could you look at this thing here for me?" he said shaking the cage violently, getting angry noises from inside. "I was hoping you could tell me if it had rabies or something?"

The female Inuzuka looked curiously at the makeshift cage, taking note of the rope and talismans, "Is that what gave you all of those cuts?"

Standing up, Kenji noticed just how much taller the older woman was, not to mention the three dogs behind her that were his size. "Yeah, it somehow got into my room and attacked me late last night."

She smiled at him as she opened the door of the veterinary, "Sure kid, I'll check it out, but first let me take a look at those scratches, wouldn't want to get them infected."

"Thank you …" he said trailing off, since she hadn't introduced herself.

"Hana Inuzuka, and you?"

"Kenji Yamamoto, mam," bowing to her in the end.

"None of that mam thing here, just call me Hana," she said as she stepped into an examining room, motioning for him to follow.

"Then you can call me Kenji," he said as he placed the plate on the examining table.

She opened the cupboards and took out some swabs and disinfectant and indicated for him to sit on the table and take off his shirt.

Kenji did as he was told and took off the kimono top, and then the three chainmail shirts that were underneath. His body was riddled with bloody lines and bitemarks, the damn thing had gotten smart and somehow found a way underneath his clothes.

"Damn kid, the hell did you say it was that attacked you," Hana said as she took out a clean cloth to wipe away the blood.

"It was a rabbit."

His answer got a raised eyebrow from the woman, but she didn't comment.

Once she cleaned the wounds, Hana went throw a few hand seals and her hands glowed green.

Kenji seeing this had to ask, "What's that for?"

Looking at her glowing hands for a second she looked at his curious gaze, "Oh this? This is a basic diagnosis jutsu. It will tell me if you contracted any disease from all of those bitemarks."

"Oh, okay then," he said as he felt the foreign chakra enter his body scanning him.

"Hmm, nothing seems to be wrong. You don't appear to have anything besides exhaustion and those wounds. Here let me fix those up while I'm at it," she said as she started closing some of his wounds.

Kenji on the other hand was transfixed at the way that the chakra moved throughout his body, searching for any abnormalities and speeding up the regenerative process of the cells to heal. It was strange, just like all the foods he had ever eaten, this jutsu had its own distinct 'flavor'. He memorized the taste without realizing it.

"Annnd done. There all fixed," the female shinobi said inspecting her work.

The plump boy inspected his body and noticed that it was back to pristine conditions, even the cut on his leg had been completely healed. "Cool!"

"Now then what say you we take a look at this ferocious beast you have trapped under here," Hana suggested as she tapped the cullender.

Kenji saw what she was about to do and rapidly but on his chainmail shirts and took out a kunai. "Be careful Hana, that thing is dangerous."

"Oh I'm sure it isn't that bad," Hana said as she took a scalpel from her sleeve and slashed the rope. She tried to do the same with the talismans, but all her attacks bounced off. Looking at the kid that had not left his guarded position she pointed at the talismans and asked, "Can you?"

Reluctantly Kenji peeled them off one my one and then leaped back as far away as he could.

Hana let out an amused snort at the way he was acting but took the top off nonetheless. As soon as it was off, the furry menace jumped straight at her face, aiming for her eyes with its chakra coated teeth. Hana however was a trained kunoichi, a chunin to be exact, and while she was taken off guard by the sudden attack, she had plenty of time to casually stretch her hand and grab it by the back of its neck. The now incapacitated bunny snarled at her while thrashing in her grip.

"See! I told you!" the boy shouted gaining the attention of the rabbit and making it start clawing in his direction.

Holding the small bunny, a distance from her, Hana had to admit it, "Yeah okay, this is pretty weird. Let me run some scans on it. I'm actually rather curious myself."

Securing her hold on it, she performed another medical jutsu. She paralyzed it and set it down on the table, then took out a clipboard and began to fill it in with information she got from a scan. It took approximately 10 minutes before she looked up again, so lost in her work.

Kenji on the other hand had started to play with the triplets, scratching them behind the ear and giving them belly rubs. He was a natural dog person.

Hana turned back to him, finally remembering that there was someone else with her, just in time to see him cause another dog to go comatose from a belly rub.

"Huh, they usually don't let people they meet for the first time scratch them like that. Anyways Kenji, I'm finished with the scan," she said as she deposited the still paralyzed rabbit into a steel reinforced cage.

"Okay, what did you find out it?"

"Well for starters, 'it' is a girl, about a month old. She's on the smaller side of her species and seems to be suffering from malnutrition."

"Normal so far."

"Yeah, but the strange thing is that it seems to have an advanced chakra network, and rather large reserves at that."

"How large are we talking about," Kenji had to ask.

"I'd say mid-level genin reserves. Usually I don't see this in animals other than my clans dogs," Hana said with an impressed tone.

Kenji meanwhile chocked on his spit, 'What! It has genin level reserves already! But I'm only at academy level right now. Did I seriously lose to a month-old rabbit!' "Okay what now," he asked.

"Well I want to keep her under observation to see what else she can do or why she seems to attack you. Although I do have some theories on the later," she said.

"You can keep her, and what do you mean theories?"

"Okay then. I noticed that she seems to have ingested some type of weird powdery substance, most of it has already been absorbed into her bloodstream," she said as she walked him out of the office.


"I ask because I noticed that you and your clothes are also covered in this powered," she said.

Kenji looked confused for a second before he thought about what it was, "Ah that! It's this special dust I use when I make pills. I own a shop you see?"

"Really, for a second I thought you were an academy student?"

"Oh, I'm that too, but becoming a shop owner is my true passion," he said before taking out a piece of paper and writing the direction to his shop. "Here you go Hana, if you stop by I'll make sure to show you something good. Now what do I owe you."

Taking the piece of paper, she tucked it into her coat, "Nothing, since you brought me something so interesting, I'll wave the usual fee."

Kenji smiled at that and left, "Thanks Hana! Bye."

It was still early since, with many of the shopkeepers barely opening up their stores. Glancing at a pet supply store Kenji thought of an idea, "Maybe I should broaden my clientele. I mean there are plenty of people that have pets, like the Inuzuka, Nara, and Aburame. I should stock up on those supplies and find books on how to make my own. Plus I'm going to need to buy some new furniture after that crazy rabbit destroyed most of them. Good thing I have some money for now," he said already making plans on what to buy.

It took him twenty minutes to go to his tent and come back to the village, but once he returned he was armed with his yellow backpack and a pocket full of money.

Luckily it was a Sunday, so many outside merchants had set up make shift stands to sell their wares. The market place was buzzing with activity, and for someone like Kenji that was short, it was a hassle, but he managed to enjoy himself with the lively atmosphere.

He used this time to not only buy everything he needed but also sharpen his haggling skills.

With the money he earned yesterday he was finally able to buy some premium pieces of furniture from a professional carpenter which, meaning that now his shop wouldn't look like it was put together with things he found in the trash (which he did.) He bought some used weapons and armor, he hoped to repair them or at least cannibalize them into newer ones. He bought more jewelry, taking some higher end pieces as well as cheaper ones.

On a whim he took some plotted plants and a few seeds, since he wanted to experiment more on what his chakra dust was capable of. If it could make a seemingly harmless bunny into such a threat, he was curious on what effects it could have on some of the plants.

Not everything was for his shop however, he did buy plenty of things for himself. He bought different kimonos since his had been ruined, most of them being made out of cheap fabric with one or two of them being made of more costly material. He also bought a portable oven since he wanted some variety to his meals, and the sound of fresh bread every morning was very welcomed.

"Ah, I wish I could also sell food in my shop, but then I would need to hire people to man that. Speaking of which I really need to find someone to help with the store, or at least find a clone jutsu," he said out loud lamenting the potential loss of income. It was too bad that merchants were banned from selling jutsu scrolls and other shinobi related abilities. Konoha like all the other shinobi villages kept a tight leash on such valuable information from getting out. Anyone caught selling such items without a license or the proper clearance were given a large fine and could even face potential jailtime. Of course, taijutsu scrolls were completely different since they didn't require chakra and therefore were much easier to get a hold of. Kenji made sure to stock up on a couple of different ones, as well as some on how to use the more obscure weapons in his collection.

Finally, his last stop for the day was a blacksmithing shop. They had just bought a new forge a few weeks ago and were looking to sell their old one. Kenji had made a deposit on it so that he could reserve it for the time being until he had the rest of the money. No longer would he use his improved forge he had made from a few scrap materials, now he could finally start crafting his own weapons and armors.

He payed for the forge as well as a some of the spare equipment that they no longer had any use for. He sealed everything into a scroll and put it into his pack. The whole thing had ended up costing him roughly 500,000 ryo but at least he had a professional workshop now.

At the end of the day, he had spent most of his savings again, which left him with only 19,000 Ryo not including the 10,000 he set aside for his early graduation exam.

He walked the rest of the way to his shop, only stopping once for a brown rabbit that crossed his path. That however was enough for him to remember the little trouble maker he had left back at the vet, 'I have a feeling that this isn't the end of it.'

(Scene change)

Hana finished tending to her latest patient, an overenthusiastic pup that had gotten its head stuck inside of a jar of peanut butter.

Stretching her arms she began to write a report only to be interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Are you busy," spoke a rough feminine voice from the doorway. Looking back Hana saw that it was her mother, Tsume Inuzuka.

"Hey mom, nope. I'm free right now," she said as she motioned her inside, "Did you need anything?"

"Nah, just though if you wanted to join me for a drink," the feral looking woman offered.

"Sure, let me just finish up here. Oh! Hey, you will never guess what someone brought in today," she finished as she remembered the rabbit.

"What? Is it something interesting?" Tsume asked, slightly curious.

"Yeah, so some kid came in the morning, saying he got attacked in the middle of the night by some wild animal right. He was asking me to test it for rabies since he was covered entirely in scratches and bitemarks." Getting up she motioned her mom to fallow her out of her office and into the pens outside where she had placed the darn thing, seeing as it kept aggravating all the other animals it saw.

"Sounds like a tough little bastard," the mother huffed.

"She was, a month-old rabbit at that. But get this, it was already able to use chakra attacks and it even had genin level reserves," she said as she motioned to one of the cages.

"Really?" Tsume asked mildly impressed, "now I'm curious to meet the little thing. So where is it?"

"Where is it? It should be- Where did it go!" Hana shouted in alarm as the pen she had placed the rabbit in was empty. Taking out a key she opened it and inspected the inside.

Tsume who had stepped in looked around as well, "Ah, at least we know how she got out." Right in the corner of the cage, hidden behind a stack of hay was a small hole through the metal wall, that looked as if something small had nibbled it.

"Damn! That thing is smarter than I thought," Hana cursed as she bit her nail.

Tsume motioned for her partner Kuromaru to track her scent. "Do you have any idea where it might have gone?"

Hana didn't have to think too hard as she remembered how the small rabbit would try to attack Kenji. Taking the piece of paper the boy had given her she answered, "I have an idea. I just hope we get there in time."

(Scene Change)

Kenji took deep steady breaths as he meditated on the clear water's surface. He opened his eyes, well as much as he could, which wasn't that much, and spoke. "It's no use hiding, I know you're there. I knew you'd come for me sooner or later."

Kenji then stood up and turned around to face the rabbit that was standing on the grass a few feet away.

In reality Kenji hadn't even sensed the small menace. He had just been saying that same line and turning around every ten minutes to see if anyone would reveal themselves. 'Oh thank god, I was getting tired of doing that.'

Walking back towards land, Kenji was prepared, "You might have caught me off guard the first time rabbit, but now I know your tricks." Kenji unlike last time, was fully decked out in armor.

He had a metal breast plate over his usual attire, armored gauntlets and bracers on each hand, and strapped to his side was his trusty wooden sword. Unlike before, they were on an open plain, which meant that the rabbit wouldn't be able to change its directions by jumping off the furniture, and Kenji didn't have to worry about it breaking any of his stuff.

"This is what you are after correct," the small boy said as he fished out a pouch of his chakra dust from the depths of his armor. The angry eyes and thumping of her leg was all the answer that he needed. "I don't know why you want it, but know that getting it will not be easy," he finished by putting it back in its hiding place.

"It seems we are at a crossroad my friend. You want my powder, and I am unwilling to give it up. There is only one way to settle this!" shouting the last part, Kenji pulled his wooden sword from his waist and pointed the tip downwards.

Wooden Sword +12

Quality: Low Human

Attack: 80

+ 480

10+: 10% chance of causing the knockback effect on opponents.

12+: 25% chance of sending a chakra lance towards a target that you stab at.

Chakra Points Needed to Upgrade: 203

The rabbit didn't need much incentive to attack as it zig-zagged towards him.

Kenji didn't panic at all, only concentrated on his own movements. He noticed the brief glow that covered its body before it jumped at him with blinding speed, and yet despite its impressive speed Kenji sidestepped it's attack flawlessly.

The rabbit landed and turned to him, shocked that it had been unable to hit, when just yesterday that same attack left Kenji fumbling to get away. It tried again only for the same result to happen, only this time Kenji slapped it away with the back of his empty hand in midair.

The reason for the sudden increase in speed had to do with the two rings that were on his fingers.

Red Glass Ring +8

Quality: Ordinary

Defense: 0

+25 Agility

Chakra Points Needed to Upgrade: 5

Agility didn't just boost leg speed, but also reaction time and eye speed. To him, the bunny might as well have been moving through honey with how slow it was going. The 50 additional points in agility were incredible, even if he had needed to get used to the sudden increase in speed.

As he watched the rabbit skid on the ground, Kenji adjusted his grip on the sword and dashed forward. Once he was just five feet away, he thrust his sword forward. The distance however was too far for the sword to hit, but just as it looked like it would miss, Kenji felt the familiar pull of his chakra as the wooden blade gained a blue shine and a blue lance was launched from the tip.

The area where the chakra attack had hit exploded into a dust cloud, obscuring the area. Kenji waited cautiously for the dust to settle, and once it did he noticed a hole the width of his blade pierced the ground, a small burrow only an inch away. "Tch, it must have burrowed into the ground at the last minute."

Carefully he scanned the ground, waiting for it to pop-up. He expected it to come out of a new hole, so he was caught off guard when it flew at him using the same hole it had just dug. Kenji was about to slash it with his sword when it opened its small mouth and a ball of mud struck his eyes, blinding him. The rabbit took advantage of the opening and tried to slash his head open with its chakra covered claws.

Kenji raised a bracer covered hand to protect his face.

"Argh!" screamed Kenji as the attack had slashed his eyelid in half, but thankfully the eye was left uninjured. 'Shit! I really need to find a helmet or a mask that fits me soon!'

Wiping away the mud from his remaining eye he saw it leap away.

He held back tears as the pain from his eye continued to sting, he could feel a line of blood reach his chin.

"I-I have to admit. You surprised me. But no longer!" the pudgy boy declared as he got serious and went through a few hand signs. Nothing visible happened as he charged at the rabbit but as he slashed at it from the right, another sword appeared from the left.

The rabbit was confused, and so it jumped up only for a third sword to materialize above it. The hit drove it into the ground, making it bounce momentarily, but Kenji wasn't done yet as he grabbed it in one hand and launched it higher into the air. Grabbing his sword by the blade he threw it like a spear at the airborne rabbit, hitting it in the chest.

Then with well-practiced movements he performed the substitution jutsu with his weapon, disappearing with a puff of smoke and reappearing next to his opponent in the air. Channeling chakra into his hand he gave a palm strike to the defenseless animal.

Kenji landed back on the ground gently, while the white bunny crashed harshly.

Taking his sword back, the fox eyed boy walked to his downed opponent and pointed his blade at its struggling form, "Although, you might have more chakra than me, you are unskilled in how to use it. You carelessly launched attack after attack without control. You have no technique and no chakra control, only brute strength. You will never be able to beat a shinobi with just that alone."

The rabbit continued to glare at him, but was too weak to do anything else, it was far too injured to even breath properly despite using some of it's chakra to soften the blows.

Kenji stabbed his wooden blade into the ground beside him and sat cross-legged facing it. Taking out two red sake cups from inside his armor he placed one in front of him and the other in front of the rabbit that looked at it with suspicious eyes. He then took out a bottle of carrot juice from somewhere and filled both of them to the brim.

"I don't know why you want my dust, but I am not just going to give it away," he said taking the cup in one hand, "that being said, I am willing to give you some if you were to become my partner for the time being. What do you say? If you still feel like fighting me once you gain some strength again I will be more than willing to battle with you."

The rabbit continued to glare at him for five solid minutes before it tilted it's head the slightest bit downward in acknowledgment and licked at the juice in the cup.

Kenji smiled at that and took a sip of his own carrot juice. "From now on, I am the boss. If you want to be boss, then you have to defeat me, understand?"

The rabbit nodded reluctantly, before laying its head in exhaustion.

"Good! Now all I need is to give you a name. How about Akame, it means red eyes," he said as he went to pick up his new partner. She snorted at the name but didn't protest. "Awesome, my name is Kenji Yamamoto, now let's go visit Hana and see if she can heal you up."

They had just made it towards the entrance of the shop when Hana and Tsume appeared in a whirlwind of leaves.

They looked at each other for a second, with a bleeding and injured Kenji holding Akame gently in his arms.

"Damn kid, you got fucked up," the ever elegant Tsume commented.

"Yeah, she was a tough opponent. Hey Hana, do you think you could check on her, while I get something for my eye?" he asked the kind girl.

"Sure Kenji," she said taking Akame into her hands, getting an angry noise in return.

"Oh! Please step inside if you want. You're free to browse," offered the fat boy as he motioned them inside, even their canine partners.

Once they were all inside he went towards his room to clean his face and placed a medical eye patch over his injured eye, letting it take some of his left over chakra and turn it into medical chakra.

He walked back into the shop portion of the tent to see Tsume looking over some of the weapons while Hana was healing Akame.

"So, did you find anything you like?" he said with a smile.

"What's with these outrageous prices," the Inuzuka clan partridge complained as she held out a price tag that said 80,000 Ryo.

"I can assure you that everything is well worth their price. Would you like a demonstration," the small boy said with a devilish smile. After all the excitement of fighting for the day, he was ready to go back to something simple like manning his shop.

It took only a few minutes to demonstrate some of his items to the mother-daughter duo, but once he was finished he had managed to make them part with all of the ryo they had in their wallet. All shinobi carried around a stash of money on them at all time, since they never knew when they might need it, and Kenji was able to make take 28,000 ryo in total. He even threw in a set of chastity rings for Hana healing Akame.

They were rather excited over the rings and promised that they would come at a later day to purchase more for the clan. Kenji was happy at the promise of a future sale and asked them to tell anyone they knew about them.

It was as they were leaving that Kuromaru perked up and walked toward something at the edge of the room.

"Kuromaru what wrong," Tsume said to her partner as she walked in his direction.

"Something interesting," he said pointing to what looked like a mask/muzzle for a dog made out of metal with a row of sharp interconnecting teeth that looked like they were made out of kunai blades.

Kenji seeing what they were talking about picked up the contraption. This was a prototype for his new line of armor designed for animals. It was a metal muzzle designed to open up and let the dog bit the target with the row of razor sharp metal teeth, black leather straps secured it in place, and it had a built-in poison filter.

Metal Canine Jaws +10

Quality: Low human

Attack: 420

+ 500 Attack

10+: Can channel chakra through the mask to launch wind attacks.

Chakra Points Needed to Upgrade: 200

"This is just a prototype. I haven't fully tested it," he told them as he went to place it behind his counter.

Kuromaru spoke up, "Why not test it out now."

"I don't really think-" Kenji started only to be cut off by a hard pat on the back by Tsume.

"Ah come on kid, nothing ventured nothing gained, we're curious to see what it can do, isn't that right Kuromaru." she said throwing her friend a wild grin.

The small boy was still unsure but the more he thought about it the more it made sense, 'I do need to test it, and Kuromaru did volunteer. What could go wrong.'

Giving in he led them outside again.

"Okay, but please be careful with it, it's the first one that actual passed," he pleaded as he finished strapping it to the large dog's face. The once intimidating one-eyed dog now looked even more ferocious with the mask on.

"Looking good Kuromaru," Tsume commented as she inspected his new appearance, the mask was purposely made a little bigger than the actual jaw of the dog so that it wouldn't hurt its teeth.

"I guess the first step is seeing the biting potential of the jaws, why don't you try taking a chuck out of that tree," he said as he took out a notepad to record everything.

Kuromaru looked at the tree in question and opened his jaws, before giving the bark a soft squeeze triggering the biting mechanism. In an instant the metal jaws slammed close with a fast snap and the tree had a large portion of it missing.

"Nice, the closing of the jaws works perfectly. Next try a boulder, I want to test the toughness of the metal."

The large wolf dog did as it was told and bit into the boulder, the hard stone proved no resistant what so ever as the metal teeth sliced it like warm butter. Kenji inspected the grooves left behind and saw how smooth they were.

"Very nice. I guess the last step is testing the special ability."

"Oh, you mean like those kunai," Hana commented for the first time.

"Yeah, this is a low human grade chakra artifact after all. Kuromaru I need you to open the jaws as wide as you can and channel chakra through it. Make sure you are facing the lake while you do," Kenji shouted besides Tsume, Hana, and the triplets.

The large canine did exactly that, channeling a large amount of chakra into the metal jaws. A small almost invisible ball of swirling air appeared a few inches from his teeth shocking him greatly. So surprised was he, that lost control of the attack and it exploded out of his mouth and into the water, he was pushed back by the force of the wind since he had not steadied himself.

The seemingly small sphere hit the lake with the force of a hurricane and launched a large majority of its contents high into the air.

Kenji looked deadpanned at the large dog as he and the rest of the Inuzuka family were showered with the falling water. "That's a yes on the ability I guess. Try to do it again but experiment with how you channel the chakra."

The testing went on for another hour with the first ten minutes of Kuromaru just test new attacks, that was until Tsume couldn't contain herself anymore and joined him. Together they rampaged through the training ground, laughing at the strength of their new attacks, uncaring of Kenji that was yelling at them to stop, since he didn't want to pay the fine if the training ground got too damaged.

Finally, when they calmed down again, they listened to the small boy and stopped.

The ground was covered in huge trenches, and a whole section of the forest had their trees turned into sawdust. At least, Kenji was able to collect some good data. For example, Kuromaru could not only throw those air balls out, but also send out blades of wind, or a single blast of compressed air when he barked. He was even able to coat himself and Tsume into a ball of razer sharp wind during their combined attack, making it many times more dangerous.

"Hahahaha! That was fun!" the feral woman laughed before turning to her partner, "What about you Kuromaru?"

"That indeed was enjoyable?" he said wagging his tail behind him, his remaining eye showed eagerness to do it again.

"Thank you for helping me test it out," Kenji said as he undid the last of the straps.

"Hold on kid, I want to buy it, how much," the woman all of a sudden said when it looked like Kenji was going to put it back behind the counter.

"Huh? Are you sure? This is a low-human borderline mid-human artifact. It isn't like those kunai that you saw earlier?" Kenji said with a bit of doubt.

"Kid, I'm the head of a clan, I think I know what I am doing. Name your price," Tsume said, determined to leave with that item by the end of the day.

"Fine. Let's see, including the cost of the material, it's ability, the overall production time, … aaand the total is 400,000 Ryo. Do you still want to buy it?"

Hana and the triplets that were watching everything, chocked on their spit. Even the woman in question sucked her teeth before a nudge from her partner got her back.

Seeing the silent conversation between the two Kenji decided on a compromise. "However, I will lower the price to 100,000 Ryo in exchange for some jutsu."

Tsume was still unsure, "What type of jutsu. I can't give away any clan techniques, you understand?"

He waved her off, "I don't need any of those. I don't even have a dog remember, so those are useless to me. It doesn't matter the type as long as they are C-rank and above, I would also prefer a cloning technique."

"How many?" she said finding it a better alternative.

"Well it depends on the jutsu?" he said not giving her a fixed amount.

"Fine wait a few minutes until I return," she said as she disappeared in a burst of speed in the direction of the village.

It took less than a minute for her to reach her clan compound, and as she burst in through the front door she ignored her youngest.

"Hey mom w-" Kiba asked before being pushed aside by a hand to the face.

"Come one where did I leave them! I know I put them somewhere! Aha!" she said as she found some jutsu scrolls she had tucked in behind a hidden wall.

With that she was off again, and reached the tent in record time. Inside Kenji and Hana were chatting, with the small boy talking the lovely girl into an advance medical pack in exchange for some medical ninjutsu.

By the end of the day, Kuromaru was the proud owner of the Wind Jaws as he had named them. Kenji on the other hand now had 4 jutsu scrolls, including the Earth Release: Earth Clone. He also told them that he would inform them when he had more of the canine armor.

As he finished getting ready for bed, he placed the now healed Akame on a large pillow inside of a basket besides his bed. "Ahh, another day's work. I want to earn enough money to buy a store soon. That way I could have more customers on a daily basis. Oh well, ever little bit counts right. Good night Akame," he said to his new partner.

He received a glare in return, but at least she had stopped trying to attack him, so progress. Lifting the covered of his bed he noticed that someone had left him a present. With a glare he looked at the slightly smirking rabbit, "That's real mature, you know."

A/N: Done. I hope you enjoyed it.

I looked at some of the comments that you guys posted on what you thought the white rabbit might be, and I got to say I am impressed. Some of them surprised me. Got to say that Kaguya being trapped in the body of a rabbit would be hilarious but that isn't it entirely. Although it is very close.

I will say this, Akame does have a 'brother'. If you want another hint, I suggest paying close attention to her fur color, white and black.

That being said, Akame does introduce another trope that is found in wuxia novels, and that is Spirit Beast. Spirit Beast are basically the animal equivalent of ninja or summoned animals, the only difference being in that they hold special abilities unique to their person and have a beast core that can be eaten to strengthen others or to make artifacts and tools.

Akame is basically a 0 level spirit beast since she has yet to develop a beast core, but once the chakra dust in her system starts to settle it will condescend to form it. This is only unique to animals since humans are unable to make this crystal in their bodies.

I hope Kenji's small fight scene was good, even if it was against a rabbit. I am trying to not make him too powerful, instead am focusing on his character. He will be the type of person that will look at a powerful jutsu and think, 'How can I make this into a profit?'


Shadow clones= free labor

Flying thunder god= express mailing service

Wood release= free timber, / faster cheaper crops

You get the idea. If you have suggestions or just want to see him learn a certain jutsu write it down in the comment but be sure to include a way that it could make him money.

I am also working on updating some of my other fanfics to those who are waiting for that.