Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any other references made in this fanfic.
Now then, an author's note because some of you asked some really good questions that I felt deserved an answer.
Some of you wrote in the comment section that Kenji was being too open with his abilities, and that in a world like Naruto where there are practically no secrets that can't be uncovered, it is a dangerous route. First of all, I would like to say that I totally AGREE. The best kept secrets are those that have never been spoken out loud, even to yourself.
That being said, I have reasons for making it the way it is. For starters, his ability we can all agree is pretty powerful with the right training and materials, but like someone said, despite how well someone will try to hide their abilities in the end it will all be found out. Right now, Kenji is an average Academy student, not really able to protect himself against the likes of other enemy shinobi or even Danzo's Root ninjas.
In the Naruto universe, there are two ways to survive, be strong enough to protect yourself or find someone else who is willing to protect you. If Kenji had been from a clan, it would give him some amount of protections (not much because of Danzo) but enough for him to grow in strength relatively peacefully. Now that he has caught the eye of the Fire Daimyo's Wife he will do anything possible to get into her good graces, and hopefully those of the nobles in the Fire Capital through his products.
And while I do agree that making yourself too famous is generally a bad idea since many other villages will try to either kill you or kidnap you, it does offer some protection from those inside of the village. If everyone is looking at you to see what other things you can do, then it will make it much harder for certain individuals to simply make you disappear without it becoming a village wide problem.
Shinobi are opportunist and if they see someone that can not only strengthen the village as a whole but individuals as well, then they will do everything in their power to protect them. The reason why Sasuke was never considered a missing-nin right after leaving the village was because they still hoped to use him, it wouldn't matter what Naruto's feelings on the matter were, because if the village truly believed that there was no longer any hope of taking back the sharingan, then they would do everything in their power to eliminate him so that he couldn't be used by their enemies. The fear of Itachi wouldn't matter at that point.
So yes, I agree that normally exposing your abilities would be foolish, but since they are eventually going to get out, it would be fore the best to gain as much positive public opinion before starting your career where one might mysteriously disappear on a mission. Also since the Hokage would see him as a capable asset, he would be much more reluctant on sending him on long or dangerous missions outside of the village.
I'm sorry if this was a little long, but it was a really good question.
Quick reminder: 10 ryo is 1 dollar
Now on to the chapter.
Chapter 4
"Welcome!" Kenji proclaimed as he hid the pill furnace and walked around the counter to meet them. "Madam Shijimi, you're looking as radiant as ever. I take it you are here for the diet pills that I promised," Kenji finished with a bow as he had switched over to merchant mode.
Madam Shijimi laughed behind her hand, taking the complement, "My aren't you the little Casanova Yamamoto-kun. Yes, I came today to see if they truly worked, do you have them with you now."
Kenji nodded as he lead them to the counter, "I do indeed Madam, they're right this way. So who is your bodyguard, I didn't see him yesterday." 'I think I would remember if I saw someone like that before.'
The man was large, easily over seven ft tall with a very muscular build. His face was rough and there was a scar that ran diagonally around one eye that was completely white, showing that he could no longer see from that direction. He had short red hair and a full beard, his scowl made it seem that he had been dragged along. Kenji took notice of the large metal club that was strapped to his back.
"Oh, you mean Yu-kun, I'm on my way back to the Capital but I decided to make a stop here since it was on the way," she said as she motioned for the large man that was inspecting some of his wears.
"How exciting, to be able to travel the land with such well trained bodyguards. Here they are," the excited boy said as he took out a well decorated wooden box and placed it on the counter.
Yu joined Madam Shijimi at her side since he too was curious on these so called magic pills. When he saw the boy, he had mistaken him for an Akamichi clansman, but the lack of symbol showed him that he was just a fat kid.
Kenji opened the lid of the box and took out a white pearl like pill, holding it between his fingers so that they could see it better, "This here is my diet pill. Take one of these and you will lose any unwanted fat in only moments. Seeing as you are my first official customer Madam Shijimi, how would you like a free sample."
"I don't think that's a good id-" Yu started to protest before being cut off by a friendly shove from the jolly woman.
"Ah, Yu-kun lighten up. I'm sure that it is perfectly safe. Yamamoto-kun doesn't look like the kind of person to deceive other, besides you are here if anything were to happen. Hahaha," she said as she turned back to Kenji, "Now then young man I would be delighted to see this pill first hand."
The plump boy had obviously heard the barely concealed threat if anything were to happen to the Daimyo's wife, as he swallowed nervously, "Of course mam. Now there are a few things I would like to go over before I let you try it. Nothing dangerous, just a few simple rules to get the best results."
Seeing that he had their attention he explained to them the details. "First thing you should understand is that this pill is capable of expelling 2 pounds of fat. You heard right, I said 2. After swallowing it you will be hit with a sudden rush of energy, that is okay, it just means that it is working. Once you feel the rush, just focus on the area that you would like to thin and let the pill do the rest of the work. Easy enough right?"
"Very much so," the noble woman answered as even Yu was paying more attention.
Kenji nodded, "Now some words of warning. I should start off by saying that these pills should general be taken when you are alone, or preferably when you bathe, since the overall process will be quite messy."
She tilted her said to the side, "How so?"
"Well the way that the pills work is that a portion of the fat will be expelled from the body through the pores while the rest will be converted into energy. If you are wearing clothes at the time, then I can assure that the stains will never come out and it would be better to just throw them out," he said as that was what he had to do when he had tested them.
"Ah, I see. Unfortunately, I don't seem have a bath with me," she said mildly disappointed that she couldn't try them out sooner.
Walking behind the counter he gripped the fabric of the wall and pulled it apart to reveal a hidden room with a small bed, a bathtub and full-length mirror, "Not to worry my lady, you can use my room."
Clapping excitedly, she spoke in a giddy voice that should only be reserved for schoolgirls, "Oh, how marvelous, it seems I will get to test them out after all. Let me just call my retainers." With that, she rushed out of the tent leaving only Kenji and Yu inside to stare after her.
They looked at each other awkwardly, not knowing how to deal with the other.
Unable to take the silence Kenji spoke first, "Sooo, you're one of the Twelve Guardians? I bet that's fun?"
Yu didn't say anything, and so Kenji was left in a rather uncomfortable position.
The small boy was extremely glad when Madam Shijimi came back followed with 3 beautiful younger women carrying different clothes and personal items.
"This way please," he said as he motioned them inside where one of them began to fill the tub with a water jutsu and then warming it up with a mild fire jutsu. "Here you go my lady," he said handing her the pill.
Once again Kenji was left alone with the intimidating figure of Yu. "So would you like to see some of my other products, Yu-san."
He grunted before speaking, "I might as well, since it looks like she will take a while."
Kenji smiled, hoping to make another sale. "Right this way then. Anything you are looking for in particular."
"No," was his dull reply.
"That's fine, it just means I can show off a bit more," walking towards the back of the counter, he took out a pouch filled with kunai, "How about a new set of kunai. It's only 1,400 ryo for a set of 20."
Yu shook his head and took out a kunai from somewhere on his body, "I already have a set."
Kenji nodded seeing the small knife, "True, you have a set already, but nothing like mine. Perhaps a demonstration." The boy then took out a kunai that was almost identical to the one that Yu was holding with the sole difference being the red tape around the handle. "Strike them against each other," he suggested as he handed it over to the large man that looked at him doubtfully.
Kunai +4
Quality: Ordinary
Attack: 160
Chakra Points Needed to Upgrade: 59
Seeing that there was no harm in it, Yu took the offered kunai. Gripping both knifes he crashed them together, expecting the usual sparks to appear when two kunai meet, so it came as quite a shock when the other kunai sliced his in half. He was left open mouthed as he inspected the cut more closely and saw that it was smooth. "It's a clean cut."
"As you can see, my kunai are vastly superior to others. Should you ever face yourself clashing kunai with another shinobi, you can expect to gain the upper hand as you slice his kunai and him in half. Now then, would you like a set," Kenji said with a smile and fox like eyes, letting a little of his greed shine through.
"Not bad kid. I'll take two sets," Yu answered as he stared at the red-handled kunai in his hands.
"Excellent choice sir," he said rubbing his hands together, happy at his first sale, "let me just ring you up."
Turning around he started to take out to pouches of kunai from his inventory pack, but just as he placed then on the counter an earsplitting scream resounded through the tent.
Kenji didn't even have time to register it as he was suddenly yanked by the collar of his kimono and the flap to his bedroom was practically ripped open. Every instinct in his body told him to curl up in a ball and close his eyes or else he would regret it for the rest of his life.
He didn't see what happened next, but he heard the voice of a young woman, "Kya! Yu get out!" before the sound of hand meeting face could be heard and he was once again pulled into a different direction.
Opening his eyes he looked at the sprawled form of Yu on the ground with his large hand gripping his kimono. Rubbing his neck, he felt a bruise starting to form.
Yu let go of him and stood back up rubbing the large handprint that was branded on his face. "I don't think I will ever be to forget that for the rest of my life," he said with a shiver. Kenji felt a small amount of pity for whatever he had seen but that was quickly erased when he felt the stinging on his throat.
"Unfortunately, I don't have anything to fix mental trauma yet," the small boy said standing up as well before stopping and getting a tape recorder from the inside of his clothes and pressing a button to record, "Note to self: Make something to suppress or erase traumatic memories."
"You okay kid? I'm sorry for that. Instinct you understand," Yu said sounding apologetic for jumping to conclusions.
Kenji waved him off, "It's fine, I understand your reasoning."
"Are you sure, that looks like it's starting to turn into a bruise," the large man said worryingly.
Taking out a mirror from behind the counter Kenji saw a purple mark where the kimono had choked him. "Don't worry, I have something to fix this up in a jiffy." Searching into his pack he took out his personal first-aid kit. Opening it up he took an upgraded band-aid and after taking off the plastic back, placed it directly on his neck.
Yu looked like he was going to comment before he saw the band-aid give off a green glow that was commonly seen in medical jutsu, and the bruise started to become lighter. "Hey kid, what that?"
"Oh this? This are my special band-aids, they take a portion of your chakra and convert it into medical chakra over the afflicted area it is placed. Their light weight, waterproof, and small enough to be concealed anywhere on the body which makes it ideal for shinobi teams that don't have a medic in them. They also have the benefit of working in the middle of fights, something that a medical nin can't do," the fat academy explained, switching to merchant mode at the end.
The bodyguard gave a low whistle, "Damn, that sure is covenant. How much are you selling them for?"
"Individually they cost 500 Ryo each, but if you get a full box of twelve they only cost 5,000 Ryo. They can treat most injuries as long as it isn't anything life-threatening," smiled Kenji as he smelled another sale coming.
"500 Ryo for a single band-aid, damn kid you're pretty bloodthirsty. But I can understand your reasoning, being able to heal yourself in mid-battle without a medical-nin would be invaluable. I'll take a box," the man said with a smile that was actually pretty intimidating, while taking out his wallet.
"You got it! Lets see, including the two kunai packs, you're total will be 7,800 ryo," Kenji said as he typed on an old cash-register he had gotten half-off at a flea market.
Yu gave him the money, and Kenji wrote him a receipt. 'Nice, if I can make more sales like this, I will be able to gather enough money to buy more products.'
Taking his newly purchased equipment Yu began to wonder around the room looking at more of the items that were for sale. Kenji was happy to let him so long as he didn't touch anything too dangerous.
"Hey kid, what's with the weird markings that some of these weapons have," the large man said as he looked at a display case where there was a row of differently decorated kunai and shuriken. The price tags alone made him suck his teeth. A single Kunai was marked at 30,000 ryo and a single shuriken was 4,000.
Walking behind the case Kenji tapped the glass, "These are a little different from the other weapons here. Notice the symbol of the red man on the side of each weapon."
"Yeah," he said leaning in close.
"That marks them a Human grade chakra artifact. Low tier to be exact. Each one of these is embedded with a different ability that is capable of tipping the scales in any battle," Kenji explained.
"So what can they do?" he asked, as despite himself he was finding himself curious about these rather ordinary looking kunai.
"I will be happy to demonstrate some of their abilities outside once Madam Shijimi is finished with her bath. In the meantime, would you like to see some a catalog of the weapons that are currently available," Kenji finished taking out a self-made catalogue from out of nowhere and presenting it to the man.
"Sheesh kid, you won't give up until you take everything from me will you," Yu said as he started to flip through the pages that contained pictures of the weapons and the asking price. As he expected, the price was outrageously high.
"That's the plan, but I assure you that everything I sell is reasonably priced," countered the small boy as he continued to rub his hands in a greedy manner.
It wasn't until an hour later that the Daimyo's wife finally exited the room, Yu and Kenji were playing cards, and the young business man was quickly learning that it wasn't wise to play with a shinobi since they were known to cheat.
"Yu-kun! Ken-chan! Notice anything different about me," she said striking several different poses that Kenji figured were supposed to be seductive, but all it did was confuse him and give Yu shivers.
'Ken-chan?' "You look radiant my lady. I take it you are pleased with the results of the pill," despite the new nickname that he was given, he answered her with a bow.
"Oh, yes! I feel light as a feather, hohoho" the large woman proclaimed as she did a small pirouette while laughing. Both men looked doubtfully at each other before turning back to the woman and giving her broken smiles.
"Yes, I can tell by your chipper attitude. So, would you like to purchase some, 2, 5, maybe 10?" the greedy child asked hopefully.
"All of them," was the abrupt reply.
The smile on Kenji's face dropped, "What? I think I might have heard you wrong. Did you say that you wanted all of them."
She nodded as she smiled to herself, "Yes, I want all of the pills that you currently have Ken-chan, that shouldn't be a problem will it."
Kenji looked nervous as he tried to explain to her the problem, "Hmm, I hate to say this my lady, but the pills takes a few precious ingredients to make and a rather difficult crafting process which raises its cost quite significantly. One pill alone will cost you 400 ryo."
"Hohoho, is that all. You don't have to worry Ken-chan, I already figured that such miraculous pills would be worth a fortune. How many do you have at the moment?" she said as she motioned for one of her handmaidens to fetch something from her carriage.
Going towards the box, Kenji made a quick count, "I have 448 pills at the moment."
"Splendid! I'll take them," she exclaimed as the servant from earlier returned with a chest full of money. Kenji's eyes glazed over as he saw all of those stacks of ryo neatly piled on top. With speed that betrayed his rather large girth, he wrote a receipt for her.
"The total comes to 179,200."
The handmaid took out 180,000 from the chest and placed it on the counter. "Here you go Ken-chan, keep the change."
The boy could only nod as he handed her the wooden box containing the pills. After some time ogling the money he remembered something, "Madam Shijimi, a word of advice. The pills should only be taken every eight hours and I suggest drinking a lot of water to help in the expelling of fat."
"I will be sure to do as you say Ken-chan. Now is there anything else you might have for me," she said as she looked around the tent for the first time.
"Indeed I do Madam, I was just going to show Yu-san some of my more higher grade items, and would be happy to let you watch. I also have a catalogue oriented to my more female clientele that you will be interested in," he said as he handed her a photobook containing different pills, creams, and jewelry.
"You are very well prepared. I am curious too in what other items you sell," she finished as she excited the tent while flipping through the pages and reading the small description each had, her small group just a step behind.
Kenji followed after the them after grapping some of his low-human kunai.
Walking out of the tent, Kenji saw that the woman was already sitting at a table with a parasol in the middle while drinking tea. There was a large carriage a distance away tied to some horses, that was surrounded by other bodyguards that were curiously looking over in their direction.
'Come on Kenji it is your time to shine,' he shouted mentally before slapping a good luck talisman on his forearm and going to meet with Yu a few feet away. "Now then, you said you wanted to know what a low-human level chakra artifact could do right Yu? Then I will demonstrate."
Taking out one kunai from the three he had brought out, he handed it to Yu, who was careful to hold it by the handle.
Kunai +10
Quality: Low-Human
Attack: 160
+ 800 Attack
10+: Triples throwing speed when thrown at a target.
Chakra Points Needed to Upgrade: 300
"Now this kunai is twice as powerful as the ones that you bought from me a few minutes ago. But it also has a hidden ability. Why don't you take one of those regular kunai and throw it at that tree over there before trying to do the same with this one," Kenji suggested s he pointed to a tree that was 100 ft away.
The red-head took out a kunai from his newly purchased pouch before taking a stance facing the tree. With the flick of his wrist he sent the small knife flying at the tree truck where it imbedded itself all the way to the hilt.
One of the bodyguards gave a low whistle as they had moved closer to see what was happening, even Yu was shocked by its sharpness.
Gripping the handle of the supposed chakra artifact he tried to throw it like the previous one, but it was just as his fingers stopped touching it that he felt a small fraction of his chakra leave his body and go into the kunai, then it moved throw the air three times faster than his previous throw.
To those with untrained eyes like Kenji and Madam Shijimi it just looked like it had simple disappeared into thin air as soon as it left his hand, only for a hole to appear through the trunk of the tree and those behind it.
"Crap! It better not be lost," Kenji cursed as he ran in the direction of where it had gone, closely followed by Yu and some of the bodyguards. It was relatively easy to locate, all they had to do was follow the row of trees that had holes in them until they came towards a stone boulder where just the ring of the kunai sticking out.
"Damn, seven trees and it still went through solid rock," on of the guards said as they closed in around the kunai. Kenji stepped forward channeling some chakra through his arms and unhooked the weapon in question, showing it to the other for them to see that it didn't even have a scratch.
Walking back to the clearing Yu turned to the young merchant, "Right after it left my hand, I felt a stream of my chakra get sucked into the kunai."
The boy nodded, "Yes, that is how you know that it's special ability will activate. Some of the items have a percentage base chance of their ability activating, while others will always activate when the condition is met. This particular artifact triples the speed that it is thrown at, making dodging a very difficult thing if your opponent has already determined how fast you can throw. As I mentioned before, my artifacts are capable of switching the tides of battle in an instant."
Yu and the rest of the guards nodded at that, since even the slightest variable in a fight could determine life and death.
Once they were back with the others Kenji took out another Kunai and showed it to the group of men that still hadn't left. "Now this kunai has a different ability. This has a 1 in 5 chance of absorbing 40 % of the chakra in any ninjutsu attack and storing it until your next attack.
Kunai +10
Quality: Low Human
Attack: 160
+800 Attack
10+: 20% chance of it absorbing 40 % of the chakra in ninjutsu and adding it to the next attack. (Amount absorbed cannot exceed the total Attack points.)
Chakra Points Needed to Upgrade: 300
"If one of you could fire a quick jutsu at the blade, that would be great," he asked as he held the kunai as far away from his body as he could. One of the bodyguards volunteered as he started to weave handsigns for a fire jutsu only for a panicking Kenji to stop him, "Wait! On second thought why don't you hold it Yu seeing as you were the one interested in their abilities." He then hurriedly handed the kunai to the large man, who held it in front of him.
His teammate spat out a small fireball once he was given the signal and just as it looked like it would hit him, Yu slashed at the flaming ball cutting it in half. He felt the pull of his chakra once more as it flew past him and exploded since it had grown unstable with the sudden lose of chakra.
The kunai had now gained a faint red aura around it.
"When it gains a faint hint of red, it means that it worked. Now simply slash or stab at something to release that pent-up chakra."
Yu shushuned in front of a tree and lightly stabbed it into the bark, barely even an inch, then the entire trunk simply exploded backwards, and the large tree fell over.
Kenji was left open-mothed before looking at the guard that had thrown the fireball, "J-j-just how m-much chakra was in that jutsu?"
The man scratched his chin as he thought, "Usually I make it four times bigger, this time I condensed it all into a smaller form, but it should still have had the same chakra amount."
'Ehhhh?! And you just threw that at your teammate that only had a kunai to protect himself! Scary!' Once again Kenji was reminded of the large ocean between himself and these trained soldiers.
Yu reappeared next to them and he handed the kunai to the slightly shaken boy, "Not bad, would be perfect against those specialized in ninjutsu."
"Huh? Right the knife. Next up is this one that has a 1 in 20 chance of causing paralyzes for three seconds on a successful attack," the large boy said holding the last kunai.
Kunai +10
Quality: Low-Human
Attack: 160
+800 Attack
10+: 5% chance of causing the target to become paralyzed for 3 seconds after a successful attack.
Chakra Points Needed to Upgrade: 300
"Hands," Kenji ordered as he motioned for them to show him their hands.
They looked reluctantly at each other before Yu sighed and offered his hand, which prompted the other four to do the same.
Kenji slashed at their palms lightly just enough to draw some blood. Out of the five that were cut, three of them stopped moving all together. To the men that were affected it was as if they had simply lost all control of their bodies and were simply frozen in time. They grew panicked at the lack of response form their body and tried to either force themselves to move with pure brute strength or by channeling chakra into their limbs, but everything proved futile.
Once the three seconds had passed they dropped to the floor on all fours partly shaken at the paralyzes. For a shinobi whose entire life depended on simply being faster than your opponent, three seconds of immobility without the chance to defend was partially a death sentence.
"As you can see, no amount of strength or chakra can break the hold it has on you if you are affected. It wouldn't matter if it's an academy student or a kage, once affected it is impossible to break free," he explained as the men got back up.
The only other guard that wasn't affected besides Yu stepped forward as he took out a fat wallet, "Okay, I'm sold how much for one of those kunai?"
Kenji smiled a fox like grin, "Yes, these marvelous weapons do tantalize great warriors like yourselves right. Well good news, you can own one of these chakra artifacts for the low price of 30,000 ryo! Now before you think the price is a little steep, remember that in our line of work where we face death every day, the slightest advantage could mean the difference between returning home to our families or becoming another corpse on forest floor. With that being said, can you really say that it wouldn't be a wise investment; after all, the longer you live the more you will get out of your purchase, and can you really say that you value your life any lower than a few measly thousand ryo."
Those that looked reluctant at first to part with the money were now taking it out of their wallet in a hurry and shoving it in his face.
It took a few minutes but Kenji was able to outfight all of the Fire Daimyo's guards with their very own kunai. 8 guards, 3 handmaidens, and Yu made a total of 12 people, meaning that the total profit was 360,000 ryo. Kenji was more than happy to take their money.
While some of them started to test their new kunai like excited children, Kenji walked towards the Fire Daimyo's wife.
"Ah Madam Shijimi, did you find anything that interests you?" Kenji said as he took the seat that was provided for him in front of her, a maid that had bought a kunai was already placing a cup of tea in front of him.
"I am unsure Ken-chan, what do you recommend?" she said smiling at him.
His merchant senses were tingling at the question, "I think I might have something that might interest you. One moment please." He got up from his seat and calmly walked towards his tent again, and once he was out of sight ran towards his pack where he began to rummage for the jewelry boxes. "Come one, I know I put them at the top! Ah-ha! Here it is!"
Back at the table he placed a large rectangular black jewelry box that opened up to reveal a large selection of rings, bracelets, necklaces, and earrings, some being plain while others being more high quality. He had bought some second-hand jewelry at the local flew market since all of the cheap toy jewelry kept breaking before they could even reach level 10.
"Do you enjoy shopping my lady?" he asked as he took a silver ring with a blue gem on it.
Silver Ring +10
Quality: Low Human
Defense: 0
+ 30 Stamina
10+: Can hold up to 3 cubic foot of matter inside. Objects inside weigh nothing and can be taken out instantly.
Chakra Points Needed to Upgrade: 240
"I'll admit that is one of my favorite pastimes," she said as she gained a reminiscing expression.
"Good to hear that. Then you will be interested in this little bobble. This ring will not only increase your stamina but will also allow you to store 3 cubic feet of items inside without it weighing anything, and the best part is that no chakra is needed to activate unlike those pesky sealing scrolls. Why not give it a try?" he finished as he handed it to her, luckily the ring was big enough to fit on her finger.
Immediately the woman let out a surprised gasp as she felt energy begin to flow through her body just waiting to be unleashed. "This is lovely, I could get used to this feeling. Now how to I activate the storage ability."
The ten-year old took out a wooden carving of a rabbit from the depths of his clothes and placed it in front of her, "It's simple my lady, just take any object you wish to store with the same hand that has the ring and imagine it going into a small invisible box, the ring will do the rest of the work."
She took the carving in one of her meaty hands and closed her eyes in concentration, picturing it going into a box before it simply disappeared from her hand as if had never existed. She looked at her hand curiously before gaining a smile of excitement as she looked at the boy that was asking for a second cup of tea.
"Now to take something out simply focus on the ring, and you should see a small room with everything contained inside. Simple think about the object you want to bring out as if you were grapping it and it should appear in your hand again," he explained to her but was instead far more focused on the plate of cookies that one of the girls had brought out for him.
Madam Shijimi did as instructed and pictured taking the small rabbit statue out of the blank room, and then it suddenly appeared in her hand. "Amazing! Ken-chan how is it able to do that? I have never heard of something like this working for people that weren't shinobi before?"
Kenji looked up from stuffing his face, small crumbs on the side of his face, "You mean how all of my things have special abilities? It's magic. As in the sense that I don't know how it works but believe it can fix anything. From what I know, it is an ability that I solely can do."
"Well whatever it is, I'll take it. What other things do you have," she said like an excited puppy, a pug to be sure.
Swallowing the rest of the snacks Kenji took out a plain looking ring that looked like it was made of stainless steel.
Chastity Ring +3
Quality: Ordinary
Defense: 0
+Protects the wear from any attempts of sexual activity until taken off. Offenders will be given a large electrical shock. (Ring will be hidden until taken off. Only a wearer whose mind is not being influenced can take it off.)
+ 10 Endurance
Chakra Points Needed to Upgrade: 7
This was an item that he himself had created using a rather new method using talismans. What he had done was make a talisman that would protect someone from being raped and then transfer that blessing onto a ring so that it could become permanent. It had taken many wasted materials, and a lot of pain but he had created them to protect women in general, and maybe some men.
Looking around the table for the first time he noticed how some of the guards had gathered around to see what other things he had. Glancing at Yu he hid a mischievous grin remembering the bruise on his neck. "For my next item I will need two volunteers. Yu-san can you come here for a second and you as well pretty lady."
One of the girls walked over to him and the bearded man also stepped forward. "Please but this on my lady," he said handing her the metal ring, which she did a second later. "Good, now Yu-san. I would like for you to try and touch her in an unappropriated manner." As soon as he said that, he was given weird looks by those assembled but he paid it no mind since he too was curious about the effects of the ring, "Go on."
Still unsure Yu reluctantly extend a hand to grab the girl's posterior only after she consented, although her face had started to turn red. Unfortunately, before his hand could even touch her round bottom he was hit with a stream of lightning which launched him several feet away. He convulsed on the ground with arcs of electricity jumping from his body and he gave off the smell of singed hair. Everyone was shocked at what had happened, most especially the girl in question.
"This little beauty is what I like to call the ring of chastity, or the chastity ring. It prevents all forms of sexual activity as long as you wear it and cannot be taken off by anyone else but the wearer. It will also stop genjutsu specialists form simply tricking you into taking it off, as only an unaffected mind can take it off. Anyone foolish enough to try anything will be forcibly discourage like so. They can also disappear if you wish," he finished as he showed them his own hand and made them witness as his own ring appeared on his finger.
Madam Shijimi tilted her head in wonder, "Why does Ken-chan have a ring?"
"Ah there's a reason for that my lady, it actually has to do with why I chose to join the academy despite me being a pacifist."
"Really, I was actually wondering what made you want to be a ninja Ken-chan," the plump woman said as she leaned in close, extremely curious for the reason.
Kenji B as it turned out actually did have a reason for joining the academy other than no longer being in the orphanage, and it was all related to Danzo in a way.
"Well you see mam, I'm an orphan, I never knew my parents. I was raised by the caretakers for a majority of my life before I joined that academy, back then I used to have some friends in the orphanage, but then something happened," he explained taking a sip of his tea.
"One day, while out at the park with our caretaker, we saw a strange old man covered in bandages with a cane, and an x scar on his chin look at us from distance. Me and some of the other orphans would sometimes see him skulking around the orphanage, there were rumors that said he was there for someone. It was shortly after that when kids in my orphanage and even the surrounding orphanages started to go missing without a trace. We were all given a lecture to stay away from old men if we should ever meet them while out in the village. I eventually joined the academy to hopeful be able to protect myself if the time where he targets me ever comes, but thankfully I haven't seen him since," he finished his tale, with most of it being true. The part of kids disappearing from the orphanage was true enough, and Kenji B had seen Danzo before when he had gone there to look at them when he was young but never again, but it didn't take a rocket scientist to put the pieces together. And hopefully if he ever disappeared for an extended amount of time, they had a prime suspect to question, (hopefully rather forcefully too).
Madam Shijimi looked mortified at his rather dark reason for wanting to be a ninja. 'That sounds an awful lot like that councilman Danzo Shimura. I never did like him. I will make sure to tell the Hokage to keep a watchful eye on him from now on,' she resolved to herself, if there was someone like a high official that was responsible for kidnapping children in her country, then she would make sure to make them pay.
Those who had met the man or knew of his past organization Root, gave each other looks, all thinking the same thing, 'Yeah I believe that. Out of everyone, that Danzo Shimura is the most like to do something like that.'
It became sober after that, each person with their own thoughts on the matter. It was finally Kenji who broke the silent atmosphere, "400."
"Huh, what did you say Ken-chan?" the plump woman said kindly, not knowing what he was taking about.
"400 ryo. That is how much I am selling the chastity rings for. There relatively cheap to make and I want to make it affordable to anyone that wants that added protection," he explained.
"So cheap!" one of the women commented, shocked that such an invaluable item would only cost them 400. She half expected the tiny boy to try and ring them out for every last ryo they had.
"Yep, this isn't about the money, it about protecting the women in our great nation. It's something personal you could say, since you see my mother…" he stopped himself for second. "She too was a woman!" he suddenly declared as if it was some great kept secret, getting facepalms by some of the people around him thinking he was going to say something important.
"How chivalrous of you Ken-chan, hohoho," the madam finished with a kind smile. "Well I will certainly help out, and I am sure that my husband will be more than happy to contribute to your cause once I tell him about it."
"Thank you Madam Shijimi, it would be a great help," he said as he stood up from his seat and gave her a low bow.
"None of that Ken-chan. You can address me normally. Now how about you show me the rest of these items," she said pointing to the jewelry box.
(Time skip)
Kenji was happy as he waved their carriage away, Madame Shijimi had bought the space ring for 300,000 Ryo and 300 chastity rings. He had also given her a small bottle of anti-aging cream for her purchase of over 10,000 ryo and because she still had his poster. "Bye! Don't forget to recommend me to all your friends!"
The sun was already beginning to set as they disappeared into the forest, while he went back inside his tent to count the day's earnings.
Back in the carriage Madam Shijimi was playing with the space ring, taking objects in and out while talking to her servants.
"Kana, what are your thoughts about what Ken-chan said. Do you feel he was telling the truth about Danzo-san?"
The servant in question put on a thinking expression before answering, "I am unsure. It does sound like something he would be capable of doing. Back when I used to be a kunoichi in the Leaf, he always gave me the creeps. He was known to look at shinobi as simply tools that could be discarded once they were no longer useful and he did have his own personal anbu squad back during the war that if rumors prove true, were stripped of all emotions and made into cold killing machines."
"…I see. What do you think the chances are of him going after someone like Ken-chan?" she said as her usual cheerful eyes were replaced by cold calculating glacial orbs, reminding all that despite her jolly personality she was still a noble woman, and was therefore no stranger to treachery and backroom politics.
"I would say, that it is almost a sure thing if he were to find out about the little munchkin's ability to make such items," the young woman said gesturing towards the chastity ring on her finger.
"As I thought. Kana I need you to take a letter to the Hokage as fast as you can. I want Ken-chan to be protected as much as possible. I can feel that he is destined for great things, that one, it would be a shame to lose him so soon," she said as she finished writing a short letter and sealing it with her personal seal.
"As you command, my mistress," Kana said as she took the letter from the woman and disappeared in a shushun.
It was then that the Daimyo's wife took out a book from her ring and began to open it to the front page. One of the other handmaidens saw it and had to ask, "Madam Shijimi, what is that you are holding?"
Looking at the cover of the book that had the picture of a young woman dressed in colorful flowery robes holding a sword in one hand, the fat noble woman spoke, "Oh this, Ken-chan was kind enough to gift me this. He said that it is a novel he is working on getting published soon and that I could have a free copy. I'm curious to see what he wrote actually, if it came from his mind, then it must be good. Don't worry I'll let you read it after I'm done Aoi-chan, hohoho."
(scene change)
"Okay let's see with, including the 300,000 from the space ring and the 120,000 from the chastity rings the total amount of should be… 967,000 ryo. Now I just need to subtract the initial cost of the material used for the items and I should be able to find my actual profit," Kenji talked to himself as he started to write in his accounting book. Bookkeeping had been a necessary skill that Kenji A had needed to develop as he had been a simple college student back on Earth and would occasionally be given the task to do the family's share. "With this, I will finally be able to buy some real furniture for the store, and maybe so actual weapon displays."
Putting the money and the book in a secure area, the small boy stretched to work out all of the kinks in his back.
Just as he was getting ready for bed, he heard a noise come from the store front, "That's strange, I'm pretty sure that I closed the flap of the tent and activated those protection talismans."
Stepping into the store part of the tent he took a nearby sword and called out, "We're currently closed right now. If you wish to buy something, please come back tomorrow."
He heard something nock over a row of weapons and turned toward the noise but saw nothing. To the side of him he heard more scurrying and brandished his weapon more tightly. Then he heard something land on his counter and had to stop himself in mid-swing when he saw what it was.
There, on the top of his counter was a month-old bunny rabbit with the purest coat of snow white fur he had ever seen. It had a strange black pattern running on the side of it's fur that reminded Kenji strongly of fuinjutsu marks and right in the middle of its forehead was a black crescent moon birth mark. But what really took Kenji off guard was the set of red eyes that were currently glaring at him.
A/N: Done! Thanks for reading.
I hope I answered some of your questions this time. This chapter is actually a little longer than I originally intended but the scenes flowed so smoothly that I couldn't stop.
As I said before, I have a plan.
Kenji is trying to make his skills invaluable to both shinobi and civilians.
Upgraded items like jewelry also don't use up any chakra, so even civilians can use it.
What did you guys think of the diet pills. I figured that 40 dollars was a good amount seeing as it is a painless procedure that takes only a few minutes to complete and can be taken at any time.
Madam Shijimi has already set her sights on him, and I am sure that she won't be the only one. After all there are plenty of rich civilians that would be willing to pay to get some of those chakra artifacts.
I'll try to add more of your ideas for items as the story progresses.