
Kelekona and The Dragon Vengeance

Rexie_Valkyrieson · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Episode 4

How magic work in this world is quite simple, there are Four Basic Properties; Fire, water, earth, and wind. There are special or hidden properties, like light and dark, that can be used, but it is extremely rare to have.

Being has the power to use this using magical tools, like staff, wands, swords, rings, or Book of Shadows.

There are a lot of thing being can channel their magic, though, but there are four types of wielder titles; Magic Knight, Wizard, Witch, or elementals. The Magic Knights will use weapons like a sword and spear to channel their magic though, Wizards will use Staffs or Wands, Witches will use Book of Shadow or Girmores, Elementals are the rarest form of magic wielders.

Elementals use their own bodies to use magic. Most of the time, it is with the help of a familiar. A Familiar is a spirit of a mythical creature, like a Dragon, serpent other a Griffin. The spirit live inside a person body and choices to lend them their power.

Magic Academy helps magic wielders control and channel this magical power. Most Academy only train their own people, mainly due to the government power struggle, but on occasion some Academy will have a foreign official kid join the Academy, for a fee of course.

What people do with said magic after leaving the Academy isn't under the Academy control, tho most would become adventurers or the Kingdom Knights.

They began to develop their magical powers around 12 seasons. In which, they will leave their homes and go to the Academy. Most places make this a law, and snice magic can be dangerous without the right training.

The rank system for magic wielder is all the same, no matter if they are adventurers or Magic Knights, Rank start at Bronze, Iron, Gold, Diamond, Platinum then finally Emerald. The magic is group up in tiers, Tier 1-4, which are you normal Basic Properties magic, combination properties, like fire and water combine, can make Fog or smoke, are known was High Tier 1-4.

Then, finally, is the God Tier Magic. This tier of magic can normally be used once a life. It is used by several different magic wielder at once. If one individual try to use this, it will backfire and destroy them.

There is another rank of magic wielders known as Sage. Each Kingdom or land only has about six of the sages at a time. These are the strongest out of everyone in the respective kingdoms or lands. They can be either good or bad, heroes or villains.

In the Empire of Shuzia, there are currently five sage rank magic wielders. One of the sages has recently passed, due to old age. Likely for the Empire of Shuzia, it was pretty much a villain. Someone who lives in the far west mountains of Shuzia. Her name was Lucia Rowe, also known as the Black Wolf Sage.

Lucia was one out of the few people in the world who can use three properties. She was born with wind and dark magic. With the help of her familiar with a demonic direwolf, she was able to use fire magic as well. Her highest Tier Magic was known as Black Lightning. It was a High Tier 3.

Lucia went toe to toe with three Sage at once and barely made it out alive because of this. The Shuzia people give Lucia a piece of land of her own in the Shuzia Mountain past.

The official gave Lucia this mainly for her to keep the demons, beastmen, and other creatures that would harm Shuzia at bay. Now, with being Lucia dead, the official can't keep back the invading armies.

"You need to focus!" Order Azure to Kelekona trying to teach her basic magic skills.

It been about two weeks since they set off to the Capital of Shuzia. Kelekona was one of the rare elements who could use her magic through her body without being hurt by it.

Kelekona focuses on the magic flow through her body into her palm. "Fireball!" Kelekona said as a fire ball foam in her palm and launched towards a tree, but it missed and flew past the tree.

Teisess laughs, "You couldn't hit a tree!" Kelekona was about to say something when they heard a scream coming from where the fireball hit someone. "Oh no!" Kelekona, worry, she hurt someone.

As Azure and Kelekona rush to see who it is, a Bullman jumped out. Bullman is a beastmen, part men part Bull. The Bullman swung his giant two-headed ax towards. Azure blocks the attack. "Kelekona, stand back!" Azure order and more beastmen came out of the woods.

"Protect the children!" Order a Magic Knight rushing into battle alongside Azure. "How did they get so far inland?"

"Foolish, Shuzian." A beastman said, fighting the Magic Knight. "The Might of the Akraidia Dynasty can't be stop by mire Gold magic wielders like yourselves."

Fireballs cam from the forest. "Kill these fools!" Order a demonic voice.

Everyone was shocked, "Why are beastmen working alongside Demons?" Asked Azure still battling the bullman. "Don't lose focus!" Said the Bullman caught ingredients Azure off guard and knocking her down.

Kelekona ran up and stood between the bullmen and Azure. "Leave her alone!" said Kelekona, holding out her palm like she was going to attack. The bullman laughs, "What is a little thing like you going to do?" Asked the bullman.

"Teisess!" Kelekona said inside her head. "I will lend you so of my power." Teisess answered before Kelekona asked the question. Kelekona could feel her and Teisess magic flowing through her. "Fireball!" Teisess yelled blast a large ball of fire from her palm.

The bullman was stunned at what he saw and didn't have time to react. The Demon waves her, and a flaming wrip appears and destroys the ball of fire. "Impressive!" The Demon said, floating the air between the bullman and Kelekona.

"Lady Hodya Blazura!" Said the bullman kneeling down. "Forgive..." He tried to speak but was interrupted. "There is battle going on. Get to it." Lady Hodya Order.

"Last I heard Demon and Beastmen hated each just as much as men?" Kelekona said, trying to get answers. "Well, like they say, the enemy of my enemy is my friend." Laugh Lady Hodya as a small fire ball appears in her hand. "Now show me what you got."

"Water gun!" Azure yelled as balls of water flew past Kelekona towards the Demon. The Demon blocked the attack with her own magic. "How dare you interrupt me and my duel." Lady Hodya yelled fist in flames.

"I figure you would want a challenge!" Laugh Azure. Her rode vanish into a pure blue serpent armor. "A Diamond rank wielder!" Said the Demon grinding her teeth. "I was told only Gold rank wielders will be in this caravan." She puzzles for a second, then lets out a sigh, "Everyone falls back!" Lady Hodya order. "We must regroup."

"Should we chase them?" Asked the Magic Knight.

"No, we must protect the kids!" Order Azure, get everyone in the carts. "We must get to the close town right away and warn the guards about this group from the Akraidia Dynasty."

They rode all night until they reached a town. Azure contact with the local guard commander. "Akraidia Dynasty!" The commander said. "That name isn't familiar bit. There have been rumors that a nation was forming beyond The Black Wolf fortess."

"Thank you for the information!" Said Azure and walked out. "Well, sleep in an inn tonight!" Said Azure to the magic knight. "I was watcher with the guards in case the group tried to attack the village."

"What trouble you!" Asked Teisess. Kelekona is the only person that Teisess could talk to. "We weren't so random target!" Said Kelekona in her mind. "They specifically target the group. Why?"

"You think they might be after you?" Asked Teisess. Kelekona nodded, and Teisess said, "That is a possibility but a low possibility. No one of Ikarus knows you're in Shuzia."

"That we know of!" Said Kelekona. "Frist, my hometown, get attacked by vikings, and now we are being attacked on the road."

"I understand your concern!" Teisess said. "But sometimes things just happen with it being a connection."

Kelekona sighs, looks up to the night sky for the wagon. "I don't know, ever snice my father told me who I really am." Said Kelekona. "Things just have been happening, you, the Academy, viking, and now Akraidia Dynasty."

"For now less, just worry about this group from Akraidia Dynasty and try to get to the capital safely." Said Teisess.