
Chapter 13: Has he seen her there before?

It was precisely because of this reason that everyone in the Ou Family was particularly fearful of this wastrel heir. No one dared to cross this second-generation rich kid.

The woman stood there, took several deep breaths to compose herself, and then slowly pushed open the door to the office. After that, she finally saw the man whom she hadn't seen in many years!

Five years had passed, and the passage of time had made him even more mature and steady. His tall figure casually leaned against the large office desk. The well-tailored black suit outlined his broad shoulders and lean waist, with his legs lazily crossed. Just by looking at him from here, he was handsomely ethereal, as if sculpted.

At 28, a man is at the prime of his life.

"Mr. Ou, hello, my name is An Ning. I... am the mother of this child." She tried her best to avoid looking into his eyes, to not reveal anything under his strong presence.

However, to her surprise, after she finished speaking, the man standing in the office was silent for quite some time. His eyes, devoid of any warmth, continued to scan her coldly.

She was also a woman one wouldn't easily forget after seeing her—her unfamiliar features, her plain and overly modest attire which made her unremarkable at first glance. Yet for some reason? When he saw her eyes, he felt as if he had encountered them before, somewhere in the back of his mind.

Those eyes were clear and bright, like a spring in the desert. A glance would reveal the glassy-colored pupils, cool and bright, incredibly luminous.

Had he seen this woman somewhere before?

He slightly furrowed his brows and finally spoke, "You're the child's mother?"

The woman hurriedly nodded, "Yes, I am his mother. I am very grateful to Mr. Ou for saving my child. Thank you, I am truly very thankful."

To express her gratitude, she stood there and gave him a very sincere bow.

Saving her child was a great kindness to her. No matter their previous grievances, at that moment, her gratitude was heartfelt.

But strangely, when he saw her bow, there was silence again. When she looked up, she noticed his gaze had stopped on her right wrist, the one she had just brushed her hair with.

What was he looking at?

Feeling a jolt of alarm, she immediately used her bag to discreetly shield her hand, turning her wrist in a different direction to cover it.

It was a blue enchantress, tattooed to cover a scar. She didn't want him to notice anything.

With her hand hidden, she looked up and saw her child across from her. Without paying any more attention to the man, she hurried over, "Xiaobao, are you all right? Come down here to mommy."

Ye Xiaobao was also unsettled by the strange atmosphere, and upon hearing his mother's call, the small boy began to climb down from the office desk, moving in her direction.

But just at that moment, the weird uncle who had been silent in front of him suddenly spoke up, "How old are you?"


The woman, who had just reached her son's side, was startled by the question, "What?"

"I'm asking how old are you this year?"

How old?

Once again, the woman was confused but still answered truthfully, "23!"