
Katekyou Hitman Reborn and Banana Fish Crossover Fanfiction

Yamamoto Takeshi is on a mission under the pseudonym of Okumura Eiji. Note: There will be multiple changes in Banana Fish's plot.

AoiBird · Anime und Comics
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13 Chs

Cab Drive

-From now on, Takeshi and Ibe are speaking in English unless stated-

"Hello mister, can you take us to the police station." Ibe requests when they enter the cab.

"No problem." The cab driver quickly responds, inputs the location in the GPA, and drives towards the destination.

During the ride, Ibe makes a phone call, "Hello, this is Ibe... Yes, we'll arrive in around 30 minutes... Alright. Thank you for the problem... Goodbye."

"Who was that?"

"Ah, that is the police captain that we will be meeting."

"I see. I'm surprised that you know that person."

"Yeah, they will have a person named Charlie at the entrance of the police station waiting for us."

"Charlie? I wonder what kind of person he is?"

"Hmm, I'm sure he is a good person."


When the cab arrives in front of the police station, "Thank you." Takeshi and Ibe state while at the same time Ibe took out bills for the fare. Then, Takeshi and Ibe get out and meet Charlie who is waiting for them.