
Chapter 5 - Same Feeling

Kasumi lays silently in her bed staring up at the ceiling.

“Do you think Ex was lying about working with the police?” Kasumi asks the voice in her head.

“Don’t know, Kasumi. But, for right now, he’s all you got.” The voice replies.

“Even if he is all I have, what am I supposed to do?” Kasumi asks. “Just walk up and say that ‘I’m supposed to save the world and you’re supposed to help me’?”

“I don’t know. This is something you might have to figure out on your own.”

“Well that’s a shitty response.”

“Looks like it’s almost time for school.”

“So what?”

“Although you don’t feel like it, you should really go to school.”

“I know.”

“Besides, Sato has already gone to work so you can’t stay home like you did a few days ago. Not unless you want to feel more pain than usual.”

“I know.”


Kasumi is sitting down doing a puzzle on the floor of her classroom. All the other children are playing and having fun while she is focusing on the puzzle in front of her. Kanai walks into the school and decides to sit next to Kasumi.

“Hello.” Kanai says sweetly.

Kasumi looks up at young Kanai, but then looks back down at the puzzle silently.

“Can you speak?” Kanai asks.

“Yeah I can speak.” Kasumi replies quietly.

“What’s your name then?”


“Wanna be friends, Kasumi?”


“I don’t know. I guess I just like you.” Kanai gives Kasumi a bright smile, surprising Kasumi.


Kasumi walks on the sidewalk to school, following the ground with her eyes as she walks.

“I feel like you’re being followed.” The voice says to her.

“What gives you that idea?” Kasumi replies discreetly.

“I’ve been seeing the same person follow you for awhile now.”

Why the hell would someone be following me? Kasumi questions herself.

Kasumi quickly looks behind her to find that no one is there besides the normal civilians that are usually there. Kasumi relaxes her muscles and looks forward. Little does she know that the person following her is a young investigator named Ex Takahashi.

She’s a lot smarter than I thought. She already suspects that someone is following her. Ex thinks. Ex moves out from behind the building to continue following Kasumi in a discreet way.


Ex is sitting in a cafe (criss-cross in a booth with reading glasses on) reading a book on criminal justice and drinking black coffee. Just then, a beautiful woman walks into the cafe and easily spots Ex. She grins to herself in an evil way and then wipes the grin off her face before sitting down across the table from him.

“Hello, there. You look a little young to be reading a college book.” She says with a somewhat kind-hearted smile.

“I’m not too young to be reading a college book.” Ex replies coldly.

“Well then, if that’s the case, how old are you?” She asks smoothly.

“That’s none of your business.” Ex snaps back.

“You sure do have a spicy attitude.”

“Why did you sit here?” Ex frowns. “Can’t you bother someone else?”

“Yes I can. But I chose to bother you.”

Ex widens his eyes for a split second at the surprising statement. The expression quickly fades into a blank expression and he continues reading the book.

“Go bother someone else,” Ex states coldly. “I don’t have the time to deal with anyone right now.”

“I can give you a nice break. If you’ll let me.” She folds her hands on the table. Ex glances at her and then continues reading.

“I’m not stupid. Stop trying to seduce me.”

“What’s so bad about seducing? Besides, you look like you could use a break.” She says sensually.

“Like I said, I’m not stupid.”

“I’m not stupid either, you know.” She sensually grins at him and slides a piece of paper over to him.

“When you decide you want to be stupid for a night, let me know.”


Ex sits at a distance away from Kasumi, watching her carefully.

Why? Lucile, why are you coming to my mind right now? Ex shakes the memories from his mind and focuses strictly on Kasumi. I have more important matters to deal with.

Kasumi sits, staring at her lunch. A figure is sitting next to her leaning on the table and looking out toward the cafeteria.

“You’re being watched.” The voice that belongs to the empty figure states.

“Yes I know.” Kasumi replies quietly.

“Do you know who it is yet?”

“No. As long as they don’t interact with me, it’s fine.” Kasumi says quietly. “They’ll eventually wear themselves out following me all the time.”

“You got a point there. But what if they plan to take you?”

“Wherever they take me has to be better than here.” Kasumi smirks.

After school, Kasumi is seen walking home. Kasumi branches off her usual path that she takes home and goes in the direction of the river. Ex, still following her, sees her sudden change in direction.

What the hell is she doing? Could it be because Sato didn’t pick her up today? Ex tries to make sense of the sudden change of heart. Before Ex presses forward to follow her, he glances to his left to see two large men dressed in black mysteriously following Kasumi as well. They discreetly follow her to the river and Ex follows them.

What the hell do these men want with her? Ex thinks. They don’t seem to be in a rush but rather just observing her. Wait… One of the two men takes out a phone, snaps a picture of Kasumi sitting by the river then puts the phone away. What the hell?

Just then, Ex feels something press against the back of his head and then hears a clicking sound, resembling a gun.

“Put your hands where I can see them.” One of the men dressed in black made his way behind Ex. He keeps his voice down so as to not attract the attention of Kasumi “Don’t make me say it again.”

Ex angrily grits his teeth and reluctantly complies.

“I’m going to ask you a few questions and I need you to answer in complete honesty or I put a bullet through your head before you even know it.” The man says in a quiet yet threatening tone.

Ex keeps his eyes trained on Kasumi as he relaxes his muscles (still keeping his hands in the air).

“What all do you-” Before the man could even finish his sentence, Ex swiftly turns around, grabs the gun with his right hand, easily taking it from the man that held it before. With his left hand, Ex grabs the man’s shirt and points the gun at him from a distance to where the man can’t take the gun from him.

“I don’t need to tell you shit.” Ex says quietly but intimidating. “Unless you want the police to know that you’re following her, I suggest that you leave now, and inform your little shithead friends as well.”

“What makes you think I’ll do what you say?” The man replies quietly.

Without hesitating, Ex takes the gun and presses it inside the man’s mouth with a cold look on his face enough to terrify anyone.

“Because I don’t have any shitty questions to ask.” Ex says coldly. “I don’t need to know anything about you. All you need to know is that you’ll be taken in and interrogated for following a senior high school student.”

The man’s eyes narrow and he points behind Ex.

“I wouldn’t do that. Or we’ll kill her.” The man says, muffled.

“Save it. I’ve heard enough trash from fuckers like you, it all sounds the same to me.” Ex says coldly.

“Look.” The man smiles, ignoring the gun in his mouth.

Ex glances back to see that the two men both have a gun and one of them has one pointed at Kasumi. Ex reluctantly pulls the gun out of the man’s mouth as he releases his shirt.

“We’ll be leaving now. Can I have the gun back?” The man says.

“Tch. Like I’d give you your weapon back, dumbass.”

“Very well.” The men back off and leave. Ex rolls his eyes.


Kasumi still sits, staring at the water. It’s now nighttime but Kasumi doesn’t feel the least bit tired. Neither does Ex.

“Why have you been staring at the water for so long?” The voice in Kasumi’s head asks.

“It’s very pretty.” Kasumi says, dazed.

Ex is sitting behind a nearby tree, listening to Kasumi “talk to herself.”

“What if you’re late?”

“He can’t hurt me.” Kasumi says confidently. “I broke his hand and it will take at least 3 weeks to heal.”

“That may be true, but after those three weeks, he’ll make your life a living hell.”

“That means I can enjoy this time that I have now.” Kasumi weakly smiles to herself.

“Who is she talking to?” Ex mutters quietly to himself. Ex peeks around the tree to find that Kasumi really isn’t talking to anyone.

“There’s that feeling again. Someone’s watching you.” The voice warns her.

Kasumi glances around and Ex quickly positions himself like he was before, sitting behind a tree out of Kasumi’s view.

“I really think you should get going now.” The voice suggests.

“Good idea.” Kasumi reluctantly replies.

Kasumi gets off the ground, grabs her bag and begins walking back home. Ex waits for a second until some distance is put in between them, but to where he’s still able to see her. Ex follows her all the way home and makes sure she gets inside safely. After that, he goes to the hospital where all his things await him. Kasumi walks inside her house. Her mother is doing the dishes while her father is sitting on the couch watching TV.

“Where’s Sato? That shithead owes me money.” Hirata says harshly.

“He was called in for an extra shift.” Kasumi replies.

“Why are you late?” Hirata snaps.

“I just decided to sit by the river for a few hours.”

“Just because I’m injured doesn’t give you the right to disobey the rules. Do you understand me?” Hirata drills in Kasumi’s head.

“Yes, sir.” Kasumi says, annoyed.

Kasumi presses forward, walking up the stairs to her room. She puts her bag on the floor and then goes to the bathroom. She shuts and locks the door behind her. Kasumi stares in the mirror. A figure appears behind her.

“Why do I feel this way, Kanai?” Kasumi says with a terrified voice. “I feel like someone’s manipulating me. Tricking me. No matter what situation I’m in, I’ve always felt this way. Ever since you died.”

“It’s nothing but a mind trick, Kasumi.” Kanai responds. “What’s really going on is paranoia. Nothing more and nothing less. Your brain scares you into this little corner and tells you these things.”

“But, what if it’s true?” Kasumi questions fearfully. “What if someone really is manipulating me? What if my life is no longer my own?”

“Sounds like something your mind made up to scare you. Stop thinking about it.”

“I can’t just stop thinking about it. It’s more of a feeling than a thought.”

“Have your bruises gotten any better?” Kanai changes the topic.

“I don’t know.”

“Well then check them, you dumbass.”

Kasumi takes off the jacket to her school uniform and sets it aside. She rolls up the sleeve to her right arm to reveal 4 to 5 bruises marked all up her arm.

“Doesn’t look like they haven’t gone away just yet.”

“At least they’re not scars.”


Ex walks silently on the sidewalks to the hospital.


Ex is shown standing in front of Lucile in what appears to be her apartment.

“Looks like you want to be stupid.” She says with a smirk. “Want to tell me why the sudden change of mood?”

“It’s been a stressful time, alright? I’m not looking for a relationship.” Ex says, unamused.

“Oh so you’re more of a one-night-stand kind of guy?”

Ex shyly looks to the ground and avoids eye-contact with her.

“Oh my god. You’re a virgin, aren’t you?” Lucile giggles.

Ex remains silent.

“Well, I can promise that after tonight, all you’ll ever want is me.” Lucile states confidentiality.

“Tch. We’ll see about that.” Ex crosses his arms.

“Hmm. Is that a challenge?”

Ex rolls his eyes and ignores her, but she grabs his attention back by pulling him into a deep kiss.


Ex shakes the memory from his head. Before going to the hospital, Ex decides to stop by the police department to get rid of the gun. After doing so, he continues on his path to the hospital.

“Get out of my head.” Ex says to himself, annoyed.

Ex arrives at the hospital in his mother’s hospital room. He has files scattered on the window seal and is studying them closely.


Both Ex and Lucile are under a blanket. It’s heavily implied that neither of them have any clothes on. Ex has his hands behind his head laying on the pillow while Lucile is laying on her side facing him.

“How was that for your first time, huh?” Lucile teases.

Ex doesn’t say anything.

“I’ll take that as speechless.” Lucile smirks.

“Take it however you want.” Ex replies stoically. Ex furrows his eyebrows and then turns to look at her.

“I want to run away with you.” She spits out.

Ex sits up and looks down at her.

“What? I said I wasn’t looking for a relationship.”

“Yeah, I know. Just, ever since I saw you, I fell in love.”

“No you didn't.” Ex denies.

“You can't tell me how I feel.”

“True, but how am I supposed to know you aren't tricking me right now?”

“Tricking you?”

“You stole my wallet right after we were finished. I caught you doing so.”

“How did you-”

“You'd be surprised how well my senses work.”

Ex gets off the bed and gets dressed while Lucile stares in amazement.

“And I suggest you were also lying about ever falling in love with me.” Ex says stoically.

“I swear, I'm not lying about that. I really do love you.” Lucile almost begs with her tone of voice for him to stay.

“Right after meeting me?” Ex questions. “Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't believe in love at first sight. I do have to ask though…” Ex goes to the other side of the bed and takes his wallet back from inside the drawer where she hid it. “Why'd you want to steal my wallet?”

Lucile turns on her other side, still covering herself with the blanket.

“I needed money-”

“Don't give me that shit. Just…” Ex cuts off. Ex quickly slips his shoes back on and buttons his shirt, putting his wallet in the back pocket of his pants. “This was fun. Don't follow me.”

Ex throws the piece of paper with Lucile's number on it back on the bed before leaving her behind and walking out of the room.


Ex rolls his eyes and focuses back on the papers.

“What a bitch…” Ex mutters to himself.


Kasumi is doing school work at her desk. Just then, there's a knock on her door.

“Who is it?”

“It's your father.” Hirata says sincerely through the door. Kasumi isn’t fooled by his tricks so easily.

“What do you want?” Kasumi says coldly.

“I just want...I want to apologize, Kasumi.” Hirata keeps his sincere tone.

Kasumi reluctantly stands, walks over to her door and opens it. She stands in front of Hirata, awaiting an apology. Hirata has a sling on his hand from when Kasumi broke it. Hirata shuts the door behind him, terrifying Kasumi.

“Why'd you shut the door?” Kasumi asks, alarmed.

“For privacy.” Hirata replies.

Hirata then locks the door, terrifying Kasumi even more.

“Unlock the door. Please.” Kasumi pleads.

“I don't want anyone to interrupt.” Hirata replies, still sincere.

“P-Please open the door. I don't need an apology.” Kasumi says, on the verge of tears.

Hirata slowly advances on Kasumi with a sincere look on his face.

“Let me show you how sorry I am.” He says.

Hirata grabs Kasumi's arms and slowly lays her back on her bed. He climbs on top of her, catching her wrists as she flings them around, trying to push him off.

“Please get off me!” Kasumi begs in distress.

Hirata takes both of her wrists in his hand that isn't hurt and plants them above her head.

“Shhhh. It's going to be alright.” Hirata says sincerely.

“No no no no no no please!” Kasumi cries.

“Shhhh. It'll be over before you know it.” Hirata comforts her. “I might not be able to punish you properly, but I can still show you how much I love you.”


Ex is shown focusing on papers until he flinches, touching his hand to his head. He grunts in pain and decides to stand which makes it worse.

“K-Kasumi? What's going on?” Ex says in a strained tone.


Sato walks upstairs to Kasumi's room hours later. He sees her door cracked so he decides to take a peek inside. He sees Kasumi curled up on her bed with her crying and her clothes ruffled.

“Kasumi? What happened?” Sato asks, severely concerned. Sato rushes in her room to take a closer look at her. Kasumi continues quietly crying as Sato picks her up. “Come on, we're going to the hospital. I'm tired of this shit.”

Sato carries her out of her room and sees that Kasumi is still crying. She grabs his shirt out of fear and clenches his shirt in her fist.

“Shhh Kasumi everything's going to be fine.” Sato comforts. “I'm taking you to the hospital.”

Sato gets downstairs to see that his father and his mother are both gone and so are the car keys.

“Dammit. Kasumi, hold on.” Sato pleads. Sato gently set’s Kasumi in a kitchen chair, causing her to flinch in pain.

“Please don’t take me to the hospital.” Kasumi begs weakly.

“You have to go. You’re not getting a choice anymore.” Sato forces.

Just then, Kasumi falls out of the chair and onto the floor, passing out. Sato immediately rushes to her side and checks her pulse to see that it’s still going. He breathes a sigh of relief knowing that she’s not dead. He gets up and frantically scurries to the door. He opens it to see that it’s pouring rain outside.

“Dammit.” Sato mutters under his breath.

Sato goes back to Kasumi and picks her back up. Her body falls limp in his arms. He feels the need to hurry. He steps outside, takes a deep breath, and then starts sprinting through the rain to the hospital. Rain collects on his glasses.

“Hang in there, Kasumi. Please.” Sato begs.


Ex sits in the bathroom, throwing up in a toilet and pressing his hand to his chest.

“She's at home isn't she?! Why the hell does this hurt so bad?!” Ex says in distress.


Sato bursts through the hospital doors with Kasumi in his hands and soaking wet. A nurse sees him and goes to get a doctor. Two doctors come back with a gurney. Sato places her down on the gurney and follows the doctors as they push her back.

“She’s palpitating.” One of the doctors state.

“She’s coding! Begin compressions!”

“What’s wrong with her?” Sato asks, extremely worried.

“We don’t know yet, but I’m sure she’s going to pull through.” One of the doctors tell him.

A doctor climbs on Kasumi and begins chest compressions as they continue moving the hospital bed down the hall and into an ER room.

“You should wait in the waiting room. You’re not allowed to come back here.” A nurse keeps Sato from following.

Sato runs his fingers through his hair in a distressed manner with tears streaming down his face mixed with rain water.

“Kasumi…” Sato says sadly.


Ex is still sitting in the bathroom next to the toilet and obviously weak and hurt.

“Well shit…” Ex mutters weakly.