
Drawing Blood

Uli turned towards the visitor and gave him a bittersweet smile.

The first dance for the couple was announced by the MC. They moved to the center of the reception ground and Selai put his hand on his wife's lower back and guided her towards him. They matched up with their looks and swayed to the tempo of the of the song. Selai felt a hot coiling sensation from his torso move up to his chest. He smelled Uli's jasmine perfume. The heady sensation locked him up in the realm of his and the woman in his arms. Ulii felt her husband's hands moving form her lower back her down her firm round cheeks. He kept massaging and drawing her into a tight embrace that freed shivers down her spine. She could hear the whisper and murmurs of the guest. She whisper to Selai when the song had ended. " Selai the dance is over" she had to clear her throat to voice her message. Selai stilled as his senses rushed down from the realm Uli's perfume. He dragged them from the dance floor to their table and took a glass of champagne to soothe the dryness in his throat. "Damn" he cursed a took a long look at his wife. He couldn't believed what the woman did to him. He had to get some air. He left with the excuse of visiting the washroom. Anas standing across the hall saw all these and made good use of Selai's absence to his advantage. He sauntered to his ex wife with a smirk hoping to draw some blood.