
The Infinity Crusade Part 5

Part 0: Beginning of the end

Arc 4: Dracula Infinity and the ties of a bloodline.

(Sam and Dracula Infinity charge at each other, ready to end this eternal war, between two bloodlines)

(At first it might appear that Dracula Infinity has the advantage here with his size, but Sam is faster and harder to hit)

(Sam slips under Dracula Infinity and lands a punch to his face, Sam follows up with a knee to the gut and knife hand strikes Dracula's neck)

(Dracula Infinity jumps away from Sam and Sam throws The Rogue Scythe at him, hitting Dracula in the left leg, spilling a bit of Dracula's blood)

(Sam notices the blood of the man he most hates and his right eye turns from Purple to blood red and strangely a single strand of his hair turns pure black, the gem on the Rogue Scythe glows a tiny bit)

(Sam uses Short Burst Flight Magica to fly towards Dracula Infinity)

(Sam summons the Rogue Scythe and swings at Dracula with it, but Dracula blocks it and the Blade goes straight into his arm. Sam takes the blade out of Dracula's arm, slicing his arm in half, but it quickly heals due to his Infinite body)

(Dracula Infinity jumps away)

Sam: (In an almost sinister and sadistic tone) It healed quickly? I guess I'm gonna have to do more damage than that... I'll tear you limp from limp, piece by piece; until you're nothing but a stain on the sidewalk!!!!

Dracula Infinity: If you can keep up with me... (He jumps up a building and starts running, but Sam quickly takes chase after him) (Thinking) Damn!!! He's stronger than I first expected; I just need to wait until the Scarlet Eclipse...

Sam: (Gets in front of Dracula and attacks him using the Rogue Scythe) Going somewhere!!!?

(Sam plunges the Rogue Scythe into Dracula Infinity's right shoulder and pulls it out full force cutting open a large piece of Dracula's right chest)

(Due to the size of the wound it takes a longer time to heal)

(Sam attacks Dracula Infinity with a flurry of punches and kicks and sends him flying backwards)

Dracula Infinity: (Lands on the building opposite of Sam) So there is no playing defensive here... fine, It's a bit of fun anyway.

(Sam remains silent, only staring down Dracula Infinity)

Dracula Infinity: What's the matter? No nothing to say? Hahaha!

Sam: (Throws down the Rogue Scythe) This is personal, I don't need a Scythe to kick your ass.

(Sam's right eye turns Purple again and the strand of his hair turns light brown again)

(Sam flies towards Dracula)

(They send each other flying across the rooftops of New York, each delivering devastating blows to one another)

(Sam has learned that if constant damage is dealt to one place, it'll prevent it from healing)

(Sam knocks Dracula down, but Dracula quickly recovers, flipping backwards)

(Dracula Infinity punches through a car door and throws the car at Sam flying towards him)

(Sam barely dodges the car, but Sam looks away and Dracula Infinity flies up to Sam, grabbing Sam's face and slamming him into the ground, grinding him on the gravel of the road and throwing Sam into a restaurant at the end of the road)

(Sam crashes through the window of the restaurant)

One of the onlookers: (Approaching Sam) (In a concerned tone) Sir are you okay? Should we call an ambulance?

(Dracula Infinity lands inside the restaurant and people start approaching him for answers)

Sam: WATCH OUT!!! Get away from him!

(Dracula Infinity drives his fist through the crowd around him, splattering blood and guts everywhere)

(Dracula Infinity starts slowly approaching Sam and Sam is unable to get up)

(Just as it seems that Sam is about to lose this fight, a small glimmer of hope appears)

Carter: (Dropping down from a building across the restaurant, shooting at Dracula Infinity) DRACULA!!!!

(Carter blows apart large pieces of Dracula Infinity, destroying his right shoulder, a large piece of his head and a piece of Dracula's left leg)

(Carter runs up to Dracula to finish him, but out of blind rage doesn't think and just wants to rush up to Dracula Infinity, Dracula Infinity then punches a hole straight through Carter's chest sending him flying out of the restaurant into the streets outside, breaking Carter's already badly damaged leg)

Dracula Infinity: (The pieces that were blown off are slowly healing, but not fast enough) Vekter!!! Damn you!!! This actually hurts!!! (He turns his back on Sam and faces Carter) Even with the Omukade in you, that wound will take a while to heal!!! (Starts walking toward Carter) Now you've killed Oroc!!! I'm finishing what he start-...

Sam: (Standing behind Dracula Infinity, tapping on his shoulder) Forgetting about someone?

Dracula Infinity: (Turns around) Van Hel-...

Sam: (Punching Dracula in the jaw, full force) Surprise Bitch!!!

(Sam punches Dracula Infinity in the jaw, using Reaper concentrated to put all his power in his left arm. He completely dislocates Dracula Infinity's jaw, breaking it. The force of the punch send Dracula Infinity flying across the street.)

Sam: (Rushes to Carter) Carter!!! You okay!?

Carter: (Blood coming from his mouth) I'll be fine... should heal in a few minutes. I'll be with you right now... just go beat the shit out of Dracula...

(Carter lies down and the Omukade starts slowly healing his wound)

(Sam walks over to Dracula Infinity trying to slowly crawl away)

(Sam fires a single blast of Grimm Fire next to Dracula Infinity's head)

Dracula Infinity: (Turns around and faces Sam) (Holding onto his broken jaw) Your power really is impressive...

Sam: (Sarcastically) Thanks Sweetheart... (He notices a single tear going down Dracula's cheek) Is that a tear? Ha, the great Count Dracula shedding a tear...

Dracula Infinity: You've killed my people, burned my kingdom down, my best friend...

Sam: Well, technically Vlad jumped off the building himself.

Dracula Infinity: (His mad laughter turns into tears) Hahaha... I'm sorry!!! I've hurt you, you hurt me back... I'm sorry, Van Helsing!!! Do you hear me... I'm sorry alright?

Sam: This is new... you've gained emotions, when did this happen?

Dracula Infinity: When I gained Infinity...

Sam: I see... you gained Infinity and a tiny bit of your humanity again, I understand...

Dracula Infinity: Does that mean, we're good...?

Sam: I'm stilling killing you, however!

(Sam goes in to kick Dracula Infinity, but his wounds have healed completely)

(Dracula Infinity uses his Elementa Black Blood, to blind Sam with a spill of blood, he then locks Sam in place using a spell, Sam is now unable to move for a few seconds)

Sam: (Trying his best to move) Y- you bastard...

Dracula Infinity: Hahaha, you can't move, there's nothing you can do now, it's over...

(Dracula Infinity mockingly kisses Sam on the forehead and gives Sam a headpat)

(Dracula Infinity positions himself behind Sam and readies to strike him down)'

(Dracula Infinity raises his arm, but before he can kill Sam, he is out of nowhere attacked by a Wind-based Elementa. Dracula Infinity turns to where the Elementa came from and only sees a man with a Green Cloak running away from him. Before Dracula can chase the cloaked man, Sam breaks free from his paralyze attack.)

Sam: (Lunges his fist at Dracula Infinity) NO ONE GIVES ME A HEADPAT!!!

(Sam blows a hole straight through Dracula's stomach and sends him across the street)

Dracula Infinity: (Crawling across the ground, blood coming from his mouth) Damn it... who was that man? I feel sick, I'm gonna throw up!!! I just need to make it for a few more minutes... that house, I need to hide.

(He crawls towards a house and tries to open the door)

Sam: (Opens the door to the house from the other side, standing on the door frame) Sup bubblegum...

Dracula Infinity: (Looking up at Sam in confusing) How even...?

Sam: Screw you, that's how.

(Dracula Infinity turns around tries crawling away)

Sam: (Follows him and kicks him while he's crawling away) That one's for Able!!! (Picks up Dracula Infinity and punches him in the face) That one's for Ocean Man!!! (Knees Dracula Infinity in the stomach) That one's for Alucard!!! (Sam lets go of Dracula Infinity, but lets out a flurry of punches) And these are all for the woman I loved!!!

(Dracula Infinity goes flying over a bridge and looks at a clock tower it is now 11:59, one minute until the Scarlet Eclipse)

Dracula Infinity: (Laughing maniacally) Too late Van Helsing!!! Look at the time!!!

Sam: (Looks at his watch) No!!!

Dracula Infinity: You wasted your chance to kill me!!! Now, I've won!!!

(Dracula Infinity lands on his feet and prepares for the Eclipse)

(Carter comes limping over to Sam)

Carter: (Tired and worn out) What have I missed?

Sam: It's... it's too late.

(The Scarlet Eclipse falls and covers the sun)

(A blinding light overcomes Dracula Infinity)

(Sam and Carter cover their eyes)

Sam: What the hell is this amount of Magica energy!!!

Carter: I can't keep track of it!!!

(The Eclipse passes and so does the blinding light from Dracula Infinity)

(Dracula has ascended Infinity and he walks out of the dust)

(He is now shirtless, he now stands at 7'3ft (223cm), his build is even stronger and he has longer white hair)

Sam: (Looking on in fear) D- Dracula...

Infinite Imodum: I am no longer the man know as Count Viktor Dracula, I am now; Infinite Imodum!!! I posses Infinite knowledge, even the mere thought of me existing is enough for me to regenerate, even if all cells were destroyed!!!

(Infinite Imodum stares down Sam ready to fight)

Carter: Sam!!! Please tell me you got a plan to defeat him now!!!

Sam: (Takes a deep breath) I do.

Carter: Then tell me! What ever it is; I will follow your lead!

Sam: Listen closely, this is something you need to do yourself!

Carter: Just tell me! I'll follow it without a second thought...

Sam: (Holds onto his legs) The Van Helsing Blood Heritage, Final Ultimate Technique!!!

Carter: (Hope sparks in his face) That sound awesome!!! What is it!?

(A little smirk appears on Sam's face)

Sam: (Turns around and runs away from Infinite Imodum, passing Carter) Run for your life, you fool!!!

(Carter looks on in confusing as Sam runs away and follows him, limping after Sam)

Carter: And what exactly are we gonna do, about him!?

Sam: Pray that he goes away!!!

(Infinite Imodum lets out a small laugh and teleports next to Sam)

(Infinite Imodum summons a blade and chops off Sam's entire right arm, before Sam can even react)

(Sam falls to the ground and looks at his arm, or more or less; a bone and a bit of flesh sticking out of the right shoulder, spouting blood)

Infinite Imodum: (Takes a bite out of Sam's arm, but quickly spits it out) Meh... I've had better before.

(Sam stands up and readies to fight Infinite Imodum with one arm and Carter as support)

Infinite Imodum: Yet... you still choose to fight, pitiful but brave...

(Is Sam going to be able to defeat Infinity itself? Is that even possible? The final battle of Part 0 starts!!!)

(End of Chapter 22)