
Karitori: Kuragari

In this world there are Monsters, Cryptids, Demons whatever you seek to call them... But there are those who hunt these monsters and protect humanity; they are Reapers! Using their Scythes to cut through these beast like a wheat field! And Samuel Reyes is the newest one! Join Sam and his friends on this... adventure Karitori. NOTHING IS EVER AS IT SEEMS... Honestly you- ya just... skip Part 0 if you want to, it's not the best... and I mean... I am going to someday rewrite and fix this.

Raymond_Jensen · Fantasie
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84 Chs

Just Another Day for Reaper Hunting Co. I

Part 1: Hunters and The Hunted

Arc 5: Monster Hunting.

(The cold, empty streets of Tokyo at night time, a woman with black hair and hazel eyes, wearing a black dress is running away from someone or something)

(The woman runs into a toy store and locks the front door using a Magica Spell)

The woman: (She lies on the floor and takes out a bag, she throws out everything inside it in a hurry and starts lying strange witch-like objects on the floor) Come on, hurry damn it!!! (She lays the objects on the floor in a pentagram formation) I need one more thing! (She takes a teddy bear off a shelve and places it in the middle of the pentagram) Haha... perfect!

(She starts chanting something in an unknown language and a man starts approaching the store, whistling a song)

The man: (Standing at the door) You gonna come out or am I gonna have to come in?

The woman: (The pentagram starts lighting up and all the objects on the floor start disappearing including the teddy bear) Try this one on for size! You darn fool!

The man: Guess I'm coming in then.

(The man destroys the lock spell using another Magica Spell and kicks down the door. The man is indeed Sam Reyes)

Sam: (Aiming Reap and Sow at her) So mind explaining all the dead bodies I found in your hideout? Ms. Witch...

The Witch: Hahahaha... (she stands up and her arms catch on fire) Enjoy being even shorter!!!

Sam: What...?

(The Witch explodes herself, knocking back all the shelves and making Sam's hair flow back, he stands unfazed by the explosion)

Sam: Someday I have the feeling; that I'm gonna be on the wrong side of an explosion. Meh... makes my job easier. (He leaves the toy store and starts walking to Reaper Hunting Co.) I wonder what she was going on about though...

(Sam reaches Reaper Hunting Co. Elizabeth is asleep in her room upstairs, Able has left town for a few days and Annah is asleep on the couch from waiting for Sam)

(Sam throws a blanket over Annah and puts a pillow under her head. Next he checks in on Elizabeth, she is asleep in her bed, but the hallway light seems to be bothering so Sam turns it off and closes her door properly)

(Sam enters his room and lies down on his bed, before he falls asleep he starts thinking about what that Witch said, but he isn't really bothered by it)

(The next morning, the sun starts shining through Sam's curtains. He stands up later than normal as it is a Sunday or a Lazyday for him. Annah and Elizabeth are nowhere to be seen, but Sam finds a note from them "Me and Elizabeth went into town, we'll be back in a few hours.". Sam puts the note down and sits at his desk, there are papers on it and he starts filling them out.)

Sam: (Yawns and closes his eyes, covering his face with his hand) Okay... (With his eyes still closed he reaches out for his pen on the desk, but he cant pick it up strangely) The hell... (Sam opens his eyes and... his arms have turned into those of dark brown teddy bear, I'm not joking. He looks at himself and he has turned into a teddy bear surely enough and his clothes seemed to have shrunk too) What the fu-...

(A man opens the door to Reaper Hunting Co. and the man has long middle parted brown hair, amber eyes, he is around 5'8ft and has a rather strong muscular build. He is wearing a dark red closed trench coat, he has a white shirt underneath the coat, he is wearing red jeans and a pair of white gloves. He is around the age of 32... yes this man is indeed Kane Pendragon. Able went out of town for a few days to find him)

Kane Pendragon: (Gazing around the room when he spots The teddy bear version of Sam sitting at his desk) (In a wondrous and confused tone) S- Sam...?

Sam: (Standing up in his chair) Yes it's Sam!!!

(Kane lets out a little giggle)

(Sam jumps on Kane and makes fall through the door out of Reaper Hunting Co. Sam is chocking him as little damage as he does. Able who is busy unpacking stuff from the car sees this and is stunned as to what is going on)

Sam: (Chocking Kane out and punching him) I'm gonna kill you, you little bastard!!!

Kane: (Unable to control his laughter, Sam's punches to nothing to him) It actually kinda tickles!!! It doesn't do anything!!!

Kane: (Throws Sam off him and stands up, dusting himself off) What happened here?

Able: SAM!?

Sam: (Stands up, now as a teddy bear he is even shorter, 1.5ft. He is a dark brown teddy bear with small cut marks where his scars are, his eyes are still purple. He is wearing his normal dark blue coat with his black shirt and jeans, just without the gloves and shoes) Yeah it's me...

Able: What the hell happened!?

Sam: I have no idea!!! I was just paying the rent, next thing I know; I'm the star of a cheap early morning kids show!!!

Able: Surely something had to go wrong!?

Sam: I don't know!

(There is girl in the car and she starts getting out of it. She has long flowing brown hair, mud brown eyes, a small scar on the left side of her forehead, she is 5'6ft tall and she is wearing a casual pink shirt and blue jeans, she looks 26 years old. She is indeed Sara Lancelot)

Sara Lancelot: What's going on he-...

(Sara sees the teddy bear version of Sam and runs over to him, picking him up and cheerfully spinning around)

Sam: (While being spinned around by Sara) AAHHH!!! (While being spun around he hits his head against a wall and holds onto it) Ow! Ah, my teddy bear head!

Sara: (Holding tightly onto Sam and looking at Able and Kane) Who got me this amazing gift!? And how did you make him sound like Sam so much!?

Sam: (Looking up at her) Because I am Sam!!!

Sara: (Brings Sam up to her face) Haaah... EVEN BETTER!!!

Sam: (Sara raises him up to the sky and Sam starts swinging his arms around) Just put me down, please! (Sara gently puts him down and Sam walks over to a wall holding onto it with one hand and keeping his other hand on his head) I can't believe it... I went from what monsters look for under the bed at night... TO THIS!!! This is worse than... than I don't know! (Sam looks up at Kane, Able and Sara looking at him) I hate being shorter than you guys...

Kane: You're always shorter than us.

Sam: Screw you too.

Able: (Takes a deep breath in) Listen... did anything strange happen in the last week?

Sam: Well I mean... I did hunt that Witch that was terrorizing the neighborhood other than that nothing else.

(From down the street Annah and Elizabeth are walking up with groceries in their hands and talking with each other)

Elizabeth: (A bit embarrassed at the question, she looks down to the floor) So umm... I have a question to ask...?

Annah: Yeah what is it?

Elizabeth: Umm... are you and Sam... uhh well, you know a thing...?

Annah: (She lets out a light laugh) You don't need to be embarrassed... Sam he-... he saved me, years ago. We've never really made any true moves since then...

(As they approach Reaper Hunting Co. Annah sees Sam as a teddy bear and rushes over to him)

Annah: (Looking down at Sam) S- Sam?

Sam: Hey-...

Annah: (Picks Sam up and starts looking at him) What happened, you're so... soft? (She starts cuddling Sam holding him closely to her) I could hold onto you all day!!!

Sam: (Thinking) This is actually kinda... nice. What am I thinking!? (Talking) Listen-...

Sara: (Yanks Sam away from Annah) No! He's mine! I know him longer...

Annah: (Yanks Sam away from Sara) I know him more personally!!!

Sara: (Fighting over Sam yanking him away again) NO!!! I do!!!

Sam: (Being yanked around, Sara and Annah grab one of Sam's arms each and start pulling on them) Hey, hey, hey, hey!!! Be careful! You're gonna rip me apart!!!

Elizabeth: (Walks over to see what all the ruckus is about and sees Sam) Fath-... Sam!?

Sam: Hi Elizabeth... alright both of you just put me down please!? (Sara and Annah gently puts Sam down) I can still handle myself... even if I am a teddy bear.

(Sara and Annah continue bickering with each other, Able and Kane are talking with each other and Elizabeth is just looking at Sam trying to work out what is going on)

Sam: Alright! (Sam tries to reach the doorknob, but can't get to it so he decides to jump and catches the doorknob, opening the door but he loses grip and falls on the ground, facing the sky unable to get up) Able... a bit of help here please?

Able: (Rushing over to Sam) Haah... my sweet prince, I'm coming!!!

Sam: (Being helped up by Able) Please don't ever say that again... (He walks inside the living room and sits down on the couch) How the hell am I gonna get myself out of this?

Kane: (Walks inside) Well check the spell books, there's gotta be something in there about turning a guy into a teddy bear!

(Everyone enters the living room. With Annah and Sara still at each other's throats)

Sam: Yeah... Able go check them please. I just hope this day can't get worse-...

(Suddenly the doorbell rings and someone knocks on the door)

Sam: Ah... good grief, knowing my luck that's another one of the witnesses from last week! I kill one damn Werewolf in public, suddenly everyone withing a 500 mile radius knows my face!!! Someone just take me over there, please!?

Annah: (Quickly picks Sam up before Sara even thinks. She places Sam's head between her chest, but keeps his face facing forwards) Hmph... gladly!!!

Sam: (Thinking) Why does this feel g- good...?

(Annah walks over to the door and opens it. On the other side is none other than Ren Hirata, wearing a blue formal business suit and neatly styled left parted hair, he is 5.7ft tall)

Ren Hirata: (Looking at Annah) Umm... where's Mr. Reyes-san.

Sam: (Annah raises him up to Ren) Right here... what do you want? It's been 5 days... did you talk to the police about everything?

Ren: (Stunned by Sam talking as a teddy bear) Wha- what... WHAT!!??

Sam: Well did you!?

Ren: Yes I did! They said that I'm free to go, as I really kinda didn't commit the murder...

Sam: That doesn't make any sense, but what do you want here?

Ren: (Does a respectful Japanese bow) I... would like to work with or for you! Mr. Reyes-san!

Sam: Just call me Sam... fine, fine. Why?

Ren: I saw how you stood up to fight The KuneKune without a second thought and how you kissed Ichika! And I wanna help you fight these monsters, any way I can!

Annah: (Looks down at Sam) You kissed another woman!?

Sam: Umm... I can kinda explain hehe.

Ren: To be fair... Ms, Ichika kissed Sam not the other way around!

Annah: Fine... just don't do it again, please?

Sam: Right... just follow Annah to my desk, please.

Ren: Okay...

(What a strange day this has been for Sam so far, how will he solve this problem? Find out on the next comedy filled chapter!)

(End of Chapter 29)