
Kannoya Academy (remake) (Eng Ver)

In a country named Panja, there's a dangerous 15 years old girl who has such a huge magic that she couldn't control. A lot of people got injured or even died because of her magic. Unpurposely, she stabbed and slashed people arround her. Until one day she met a girl from an Academy that help her with her magic problems. She learned a lot of meaningful things from that girl. But the problem of her magic wasn't solved yet. Will she be able to control her magic forever, or will she be just the same like before and the theories and meaningful things she learned will be useless? Let's see! If I got so many grammatical mistakes, I'm so sorry since English wasn't my first language, and I hope by writting this book I'll be able to learn English more, thank you~

Mikhalexa123 · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
73 Chs


Yukina finally finished the food Kurosa gave. Since Yukina's magic was weakened because she was lacking energy, it was a little save to be arround her.

"Hey, hey, Yukina! Where do you live?" Kurosa asked.

"Um.... I don't know..." Yukina answered.

"Hoee? You don't know!" Kurosa was confused.

"Yea.... since I moved from place to place...." Yukina said while trying to explain that she was homeless.


"E... eh? N-No." Yukina answered.

After 2 hours of explaining, finally Kurosa got it.

"I see... you're homeless?" Kurosa asked. Yukina nodded.

"Well... what do you eat if you're hungry since you're homeless and you don't have any refrigerator?" Kurosa asked.

"Well, I don't." Yukina answered.

"Hoe? No way?!" Kurosa was shocked.

"Yes... it is true.... I haven't eat at all until you gave me that delicious food. But somehow I didn't die...." Yukina said.

"Oooh.... but how?" Kurosa asked.

"I don't know...." Yukina answered.



"Well, aside of that..." Kurosa said, meanwhile she was thinking,

"She is too dangerous to be outside like this...."

"I want to brought you somewhere, is it okay?" Kurosa asked.

"But... is it okay?" Yukina asked.

"That's what I'm asking you." Kurosa answered.

"That's what I'm asking you too..." Yukina answered.

But then they both laughed.

"Well..." Kurosa said. Then she saw that Yukina's energy started to recovering.

Kurosa grabbed Yukina's arm and ran away,


"E-E-EEEEEEH?!" Yukina was shocked.



Then they both arrived at a big academy.

"This is the academy where I learn! Kannada Academy!" Kurosa said.

"..... it's Kannoya Academy....." Yukina said.


"It's Kannoya Academy. K-A-N-N-O-Y-A A-C-A-D-E-M-Y." Yukina said.

"Where do you know Kannada Academy?" Kurosa asked.

"*sigh..... I just read the enter sign." Yukina answered.

"Oh? Nice! Let's get in!" Kurosa said while dragging Yukina inside.



"Welcome back Kurosa, and who's that girl you dragging?" A woman with pink hair asked.

"Ms. Ardeen! This is Yukina! She is homeless!" Kurosa said.

"Hi..." Yukina said with no expression.

"Kurosa.... you couldn't just brought a homeless girl to our school, okay?" Ms. Ardeen said.

"But ms..... didn't you feel it?" Kurosa asked. Then Ms. Ardeen understood.

"I see, you feel poor to this girl.... let's check her." Ms. Ardeen said.

They brought Yukina to a room and told her to wait. Meanwhile Ms. Ardeen and Kurosa had an conservation.

"As I could see.... when I accidentally fight her, I felt that she wasn't intended to attack me, but her magic attacked me. And the magic got a huge area too!" Kurosa said.

"I feel it too, she got a great magic aura. And she was uncontrolled right?" Ms. Ardeen asked.

"Indeed. That's why she attacked a lot of people before... but what makes her like that? I mean, what makes her uncontrollable?" Kurosa asked.

"There would be a various reasons, we could know if we get close to her." Ms. Ardeen answered while staring at Yukina at the other room.

"Then.... new classmate?" Kurosa asked.

"Not that easy, Kurosa." Ms. Ardeen answered.



Then they came to Yukina and asked her to do some favor.

"Yukina, could you attack those wooden figure for practice?" Ms. Ardeen asked while pointing at the wooden figure.

"A-Are you sure?" Yukina asked.

"Yes, don't worry." Kurosa answered.

Then Yukina raised her arms and faced her arms to the wooden figure. Wind covered her arms and a big blow of wind blows unconditionally. They blew from right to left, left to right, up to down, down to up, right to up, left to down, up to left, down to right, and more.

Immediately ms. Ardeen creates a magic shield that covered herself and Kurosa.

The wooden figure was scattered into pieces. But not only the wooden figure, some of the trees and grasses are cutted too. Yukina looked downward, she was disappointed.

"W-W-Wow.... Y-Yukina.... you-you're amazing..... too amazing..." ms. Ardeen said.

"I'm sorry." Yukina said.

"Well, nothing to sorry since you haven't learn for arround 4 years..... or more...." Kurosa said.

"How do you know?" Yukina asked.

"Eeeh.... since you're homeless." Kurosa answered, but something was off.

"How could you know? I could've be homeless since I was born, but how could you know that I am homeless in 4 years only?" Yukina asked.

"Hoe?!" Kurosa was shocked. Ms. Ardeen laughed a bit and said,

"I'm sorry, Kurosa could use mind reader magic as well."

"I see..." Yukina said.

"Well then..... new classmate?" Kurosa asked.

"*Sigh... not that easy...." ms. Ardeen answered. Kurosa frowned.

"Well, but leaving her alone on quiet empty alleys are more dangerous so... she could live in our extra room at the A class dorm." Ms. Ardeen said.

"Yyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaay!" Kurosa cheered.

"But I need to tell the other teachers for confirmation. So wait until it was confirme-" ms. Ardeen said, but immediately Kurosa grabbed Yukina and ran away.

"K-Kurosa! Mooo! Wait!" Ms. Ardeen said. But Kurosa was too far to hear that.

"*Sigh..... I shouldn't said it first..." ms. Ardeen whispered.



Then Kurosa came in to the dorm. Everyone was staring at Kurosa confusely.

"Who's that dirty girl?" A girl with black hair and blue tips asked.

"Guys, this is Yukina! She will live in our dorm for a moment!" Kurosa said.

"Yukina? Who is she?" A boy with dark blue hair asked.

"We couldn't just put anyone to our dorm recklessly." A girl with short white hair said.

"Well, ms. Ardeen allowed her." Kurosa said calmly.

"Are you sure about this, Kurosa?" A dark skinned girl with short brown hair asked.

"Of course!" Kurosa answered joyfully.

"Uh eh... well... be carefull...." Kurosa said while dragging Yukina to the extra room. The extra room existed because there's a student who was cancelling the registration after the room was prepared.

"Hm? She acting weird in her last words...." a girl with black hair and blue tips said.



"Here is it..... the room. The bed was prepared.... everyone got the same bed... and same closet, except for the clothes inside.... and private bathroom.... and a desk and a chair..... okay, that's all." Kurosa said.

"Oh, thank you..." Yukina said.

"Y-Yea...." Kurosa said while sweating. She stared at Yukina.

"Her energy started to recovered so fast..... she could strike a powerfull attack again.... I need to call Denzel as soon as I could." Kurosa thought.

Then Kurosa went outside of the extra room and she met a boy with purple hair immediately.

"Denzel Denzel Denzel Denzel Denzel Denzel Denzel Denzel Denzel Denzel Denzel Denzel Denzel!" Kurosa said.

"What's wrong?" Denzel asked.

"Create a magic blocker please hurry!" Kurosa said.

"Huh? Why?" Denzel asked.

"J-Just do it, before it was too late!" Kurosa said.

"Oh.... okay.... here." Denzel said while showing a hologram with some words on it.

"Let's go weee!" Kurosa said while dragging Denzel to the extra room.

At the extra room, Denzel was told to use the 'magic blocker' at Yukina.

Denzel started to cast the magic, from the hologram, the magic appeared like it was real. But then suddenly Denzel and Kurosa was shocked. They both dodged as soon as they could.

"Is it too late?" Kurosa thought.

Yukina saw it, then she started to move backwards.

"Y-Yukina.... d-don't worry...." Kurosa said.

"K-Ku..... rosa...." Yukina said, she was shaking.

"No.... not again." Yukina thought.

"Calm down, Yukina.... calm down..." Kurosa said.

"Casting....." Denzel said slowly. Finally the magic was casted at Yukina. But something was wrong.

"Huh?" Denzel was shocked.

"Why?" Kurosa asked.

"It didn't work...." Denzel said.

"It's weird..... but....." Kurosa said.

Kurosa smiled at Yukina and said,

"Don't worry, you won't hurt anyone, and you won't be hurted...."

"Are you sure?" Yukina asked.

"Of course I do." Kurosa answered.

Kurosa stared at Denzel, finally Denzel get it.

"I see.... it seems that if she calmed down, the magic didn't attack..." Denzel thought.

"Yukina, you need to take some bath too! Look how dirty are you..." Kurosa said.

"Oh... s-sorry." Yukina said.

"Here, they have prepared towels. You could use it." Kurosa said while giving the towel to Yukina.

Then Yukina went for shower.

Went Yukina took a shower, Kurosa and Denzel had a little talk at the outside of the room.

"Did you feel that?" Kurosa asked.

"Yes, I even see her magic forms...." Denzel answered.

"Really?" Kurosa asked.

"Yes.... it was a rare magic. But if it was uncontrollable, it would be fatal.... really fatal!" Denzel said.

"What's the magic?" Kurosa asked.

"The magic form was....." Denzel answered.