
Kannoya Academy (remake) (Eng Ver)

In a country named Panja, there's a dangerous 15 years old girl who has such a huge magic that she couldn't control. A lot of people got injured or even died because of her magic. Unpurposely, she stabbed and slashed people arround her. Until one day she met a girl from an Academy that help her with her magic problems. She learned a lot of meaningful things from that girl. But the problem of her magic wasn't solved yet. Will she be able to control her magic forever, or will she be just the same like before and the theories and meaningful things she learned will be useless? Let's see! If I got so many grammatical mistakes, I'm so sorry since English wasn't my first language, and I hope by writting this book I'll be able to learn English more, thank you~

Mikhalexa123 · Fantasie
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73 Chs

Magic types

".... First of all, do you remember all or some of magic types we learned?" Denzel asked.

"Magic types..... eeeh.... mmmm....." Kurosa said while trying to remember all the magic types she learned. Denzel took a deep breath,

"So, you don't remember at all huh...."

Then Denzel started to explaining.

"There are a lot of magic in this world, but there are some types about them.

The most well-known was the 'Elemental magic'. Their magic are the elements, like fire, water, air, darkness, light, electric, earth, plants, ice, and many more.

The other magic was the 'World magic'. There's a lot magic user has this magic, but not as much as the' Elemental magic'. This magic will allow you to create a world based on your imagination or your personality. You could drag or bring other people to your imaginary world.

There is the 'Magic Eraser' too. This magic will allow you to erase the used magic. For example, if I casted fire magic to you and then you use the 'Magic Eraser', then my fire magic will be gone like I wasn't casting any magic, but my energy was still wasted.

About energy and stamina, I'll explain it later again.

There is the 'Magic stoller' too. This magic will allow you to borrow the others magic. Example, if I cast fire, and you use 'magic stoller', you could cast fire just like me, but once.

There is 'Magic Eater'. This is the ultimate version of 'Magic stoller'. So example, if I am a fire magic user, and you used 'Magic Eater', I won't be able to use any fire magic but you could use fire magic anytime and anywhere and multiple times, until you cancelled the magic then I'll be able to use my fire magic again.

And the last, but not least, was the 'weaponly elemental magic'. This is a new type. This is the weapon version of the 'Elemental magic'. But honestly, if you're an' Elemental magic 'user, you're more benefited than the 'Weaponly elemental magic'. The 'Weaponly elemental magic' will allow you to cast any 'elemental magic' in a weapon form, according to what type of weapon you're born with. Example, if you're a 'Weaponly elemental earth double axes' than you'll be able to cast earth element in the form of axes and with the axes damage. But you won't be able to create the other things than axes, that's the disadvantage of the' Weaponly elemental magic'. About the' Weaponly elemental magic', I don't know much, you could ask Ardolph or Osamu or Rheinalth." Denzel said.

"Eeh? Eem.... okay..." Kurosa said in confusion.

"*sigh..... well, guess what Yukina's magic type." Denzel said.

"W-What?" Kurosa asked immediately.

".... I'm really sure it was the 'Weaponly elemental wind sword' but we don't know how much..." Denzel said.

"Wh-What do you mean how much?" Kurosa asked.

"Like I've said before, there are arround 5 words in 'Weaponly elemental magic' to describe your magic. Like 'Weaponly elemental earth double axes', the earth is the element type, the axes is the weapon type, and the 'double' is the sum. I don't know what's the function of the sum, maybe we should ask Ardolph for more information. And to check the sum, I need some test. Usually, the 'weaponly elemental magic' has the sum arround 1-2, the sum of 3 was the rarest, and 4-∞ was even more rare and almost not found anywhere." Denzel said.

"Then, how about Yukina?" Kurosa asked.

"I have said that I don't know yet..." Denzel complained.

"Then, let's find out!" Kurosa said.

"Well... isn't it is still dangerous to do some test at her?" Denzel asked.

"Well, if we didn't scare her..." Kurosa said with a big smile.

Then Kurosa and Denzel headed toward their friends.

"Hey, you guys looks so tired and scared, what happened?" A girl with black hair and blue tips asked.

"Is okay, everything is fine now, Asuka. But just be carefull." Denzel answered.

"If you're saying be careful.... does that means that girl was dangerous?" A boy with dark blue hair asked.

"Eeh... k-kinda...." Kurosa answered nervously.

"Then why did you brought her here?!" The dark blue haired boy asked.

"Well, you know.... because she is dangerous, I brought you here.... and I got the permission from the teachers too-" Kurosa said, but then suddenly someone came and opened the door. A woman with short white hair and tanned skin appeared.

"HIYEEEEEE! M-MS. SHEVA!!" Kurosa screamed.

"Who gave you the permission?" A woman with short white hair and tanned skin asked.

Everyone was stayed in silence.



Yukina was taking a bath with warm water in the bathtub.


Yukina stared at her body. She looked at her right body parts, there's a lot of burns on her body. Yukina didn't say anything or react at all. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

Yukina sat down deeper in the water until the water touched her mouth. She closed her eyes.


"Welcome home, sister." A little girl arround 10 years old with blue hair suddenly came at Yukina and smiled.

"H-Huh?" Yukina was shocked.

"Sister, could you help me with the homework? I'm not good at math..." a little boy arround 10 years old with dark purple hair said while showing Yukina a question paper.

"W-Why..... why am I here?" Yukina asked.

Those two little kids stared at each other, then they said to Yukina,

"Sister? Are you okay? You're acting weird...."

"N-No..... I'm supposed not to be here....." Yukina said.

"Not to be here? This is home, sister.... what do you mean?" The little boy asked.

"Yes, sister.... this is home..." the little girl said.

"No.... no... don't get any closer!" Yukina said while walking backwards, but then she bumped someone on her back.

"I'm home- Oh, Yukina!" A man with blue hair said. Yukina was shaking now.

"Dad!" Those two kids hugged the man with blue hair immediately. The man hugged back.

"Won't you hug your father, Yukina?" Suddenly a woman with red hair similar to Yukina asked.

"Mom..... sister are acting strange..." the little girl said.

"I see... what are you scare of, Yukina?" The woman asked.

Yukina tried to walk away from all of them, but they kept following and getting closer to her.

"No... no... stay away...." Yukina said.

Yukina accidentally bumped the table on her stomach. She fell on the ground. The woman immediately hold Yukina's hands.

"Be careful.... are you all right?" The woman asked.

"No... no... stay away..." Yukina said.

"You're always saying that multiple times, sister.... do you hate us?" The little girl asked while holding Yukina's arms.

"That's not-" Yukina said, but her words was stopped because on the little girl's and little boy's and the man's and the woman's body blood are started to flow.

"No..... not again..." Yukina cried.

Then the little girl's and little boy's and the man's and the woman's body started to be slashed multiple times. Bloods are coloring everything arround Yukina and Yukina's body.

"NOOO!" Yukina screamed.