

megha .... was a girl... who lives with dignity and maintains her self respect. she is a calm going girl and only focuses on her studies..... during her college life .... she met a person ... and is attracted by him. whats the relation between megha and him.... what happens when megha's miserable past come into her .... will she forgive her love ...or not..? what happens in her life after meeting him....? will she kill his love or will she live with him by lying herself...? will she found the truth or not ....? stay tuned dudos.......

swarajyarani · Geschichte
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26 Chs

marriage proposal

after some days .... kanchana father learnt the situation and asked clara to leave the place and asked her to call her father . clara went and said the same to james. james was petrified and came to kanchana home . at that time kanchana was at home..... he angrily called james...

vijayendra bhupathi : sir.... you know that i had a daughter ... her name is kanchana .....she is doing her dance practice and music practice. whats your feeling on my daughter...

james : sir... i want to say it frankly that i love your daughter... i want to marry her... but i want to say that i already got married but my wife is already died . so i wish you can think about my proposal... i didnt love her for money or something else.... i loved her whole heartedly... i saw her before two times.... she took care of some orphans... and fed them. at that time my heart skips for her. later she took care and provide for old age people.... this also got connected... this are all doesnt matter .. but when i said about my past... she listened it carefully and asked your permission ... she had many good qualities ... that attracted me most.... she taught to many students.... she is just like a dove flying happily... i want to help her to fly more ..... by these words kanchana was fully impressed and went straight to her father .....

kanchana: dad ... i want to marry james... and this is y decission .... she said.....

megha dad...: megha get up ..... its time for breakfast... get up...

megha wokes from her dream and saw her father infront. she was shocked and confused... who is that kanchan... why she looks same like me... why adhi looks same like james... is there anything between us.... she lost her mind and felt unconscious....

another side mahi read the kanchana book and was crying loudly...

adhi : megha... i am sorry .... he repeated it for 1000 times.... he cried loudly ... he took it from library. he asked librarian to not say about this book to any one... he studied it in his secrete place and was crying...

outside rain was raining heavily.... adhi came to home in that rain.... adhi mother was worried and looking at him ...