
Chapter 3: Allies and Rivals

The sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon, casting a soft golden glow across the sprawling grounds of Iconian College of Defense. The air was crisp, and the silence of the early morning was broken only by the distant chirping of birds. Outside the training center, Rion, Kasuto, and Hanne stood in anticipation, their breath visible in the cool morning air.The heavy doors to the training center creaked open, and Connor stepped out, his signature grin as bright as the morning sun. "Good morning, Squad 2!" he called out, his voice full of energy. "I hope you're ready for today. You'll be meeting and training with other squads. Remember, teamwork is key."Rion exchanged glances with Kasuto and Hanne, feeling a mixture of excitement and apprehension. His thoughts raced as he recalled the brief interactions from the day before."We're meeting them again? But we just met them yesterday," Kasuto muttered, his voice tinged with frustration."Barely met them, if you ask me," Hanne chimed in, her tone much lighter. "I'd love to hang out with that Olive girl again. She seemed cool."Rion remained silent, his mind still replaying yesterday's events. He had spent most of the time scribbling down notes from the other trainees' ID cards, analyzing every bit of information he could gather.Connor chuckled, shaking his head. "Well, no matter. You're meeting again, but this time, it's not just to chat. It's to fight."They followed Connor into the training center, where the other squads were already gathered, the air thick with tension and anticipation. Determined to be more social this time, Rion made his way through the crowd, observing and sizing up the other trainees.As he mingled, he found himself standing beside a tall boy with dreadlocks, a confident smirk plastered on his face. The boy exuded an aura of strength, his broad shoulders and towering height making him stand out among the rest."Hey, I'm Misimi Adéfaíkù from Squad 1," the boy said, extending a hand. His grip was firm, almost challenging. "Something about the way you look makes me eager to fight you.""Rion von Maxim," Rion replied, meeting his gaze with equal intensity. He recognized Misimi as the guy with the light manipulation kami. "We'll see if your gut feeling is right when we meet on the training grounds."Misimi's smirk widened, a glint of challenge in his eyes. "I look forward to it," he said, his tone oozing confidence.Before Rion could respond, a voice echoed through the training center, commanding everyone's attention."Good morning, trainees, and welcome to your third day at the incredible Iconian College of Defense." The voice belonged to Isabella Krystal, the dean of the college, who stood on an elevated platform overlooking the trainees. Her presence was both authoritative and commanding, her eyes sharp and focused."Your squad leaders should have informed you that you'd be engaging each other in training battles today," she continued. "Squad 3 will face Squad 2 first. After that, Squad 3 will face Squad 1. Finally, Squad 1 will face Squad 2. The goal of these battles is to overcharge your opponent's kami protective gear. When overcharged, the gear will incapacitate the wearer by becoming unbearably heavy. Do you understand?"There was a murmur of agreement among the trainees, but one voice rose above the rest. "Uh, e-excuse me... I-I have a question. If the gear is so good at absorbing kami, why don't Rangers use it when fighting Lancers?" asked Remilekun Adéfaíkù, a shorter boy with dreadlocks, who was clearly Misimi's brother.Isabella's sharp gaze zeroed in on him, her expression unamused. "Are you deaf?" she snapped, her tone icy. "The gear becomes extremely heavy when overcharged. That would put the Ranger in serious danger."She was about to continue when a white-cloaked figure approached her from the shadows, whispering something into her ear. Isabella's expression faltered for a brief moment, her composure slipping just slightly before she nodded curtly. "Start the battles," she ordered, her voice tight. "I'll be back shortly."The trainees turned their attention to the arena, which suddenly began to transform. The once flat, cement-like surface started to rumble and crack, causing everyone to step back in surprise. Massive structures began to rise from the ground—tall buildings, narrow alleys, and winding streets—until a full-scale mock city stood before them. The urban landscape was a perfect replica, complete with towering skyscrapers, abandoned vehicles, and even shattered windows, giving the entire scene an eerie, post-apocalyptic feel.Squad 3 quickly took their positions on the left side of the urban battlefield, with Viktor standing on the right, Alia on the left, and Pedro in the center. Their eyes scanned the terrain, mentally mapping out the best routes and potential ambush points.On the right side, Squad 1 prepared for battle. Olive stood at the right, Remilekun on the left, and Misimi in the center, his presence as imposing as ever. The towering buildings around them only seemed to amplify his already intimidating aura.A robotic voice echoed through the arena, signaling the start of the battle. "Let the battles commence."