
Kami senso

After the end of the first holy war, the loss of the first chosen one gave birth to a new era and the battle for the middle realm, Earth, got more fierce when the war came to an end, a new chosen one was born and he was supposed to save it or destroy it

Ravis_Creations · Fantasie
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 part 2

...Read the former chapter first

Ogre 2: Didn't you hear me I said bring him out or there would be blood.

While everybody is scared shibato whispers to indigo

Shibato: Psst… Indigo make sure they don't get him.

Indigo: Ok I'll protect him because of the love I have for him.

Shibato: This isn't a time for jokes, take him outta here right now.

Indigo: *nods*

Then indigo grabs the mc and urges him to follow her but he was about ti decline but she knocks him out by hitting his neck

Indigo: It's for your own good boy

In the midst of the panic the teacher stands up and walks towards the ogres

Teacher: okay people calm down we can talk this out let's just put down our weapons and .....

Blood splashed on the walls. The teachers head then fell off

Ogre1: If anyone wastes our time anymore you'll end up like that guy

Everyone stares at their teachers corpse in horror

Ogre 2 : this is stupid ok I'm going to count to 5 and if I don't see him now imma kill someone…..5…..4….

Shibato suddenly stands up and walks in front of the ogres and he's looking at them angrily

Shibato: Hey mother fuckers you want him then you have to go through me he's my mission after all

Red mist starts to come out of his body then he puts his hand in a cracked space in air and brings out a katana

Shibato: Ok itatsuke(referring to the katana) let's do this

Ogre2: ok some light show, leave it to me ,I'll put him in his place

Suddenly the ogre starts spitting fire

Shibato: Ok don't freak out it's just like training

He then cuts all the fire balls and starts charging towards the ogre

Ogre2: How is that even possible

Suddenly his hand falls off

"Wtf just happened

Then he looks back and see shibato holding his blade and blood dripping from it

"So it was you but how can you be that fast you bastard

Shibato: shut up you animal, just shut up and die

Shows the mc waking up

Mc: .. what … happened

Indigo: oh your awake ,just stay calm

Mc: what did you do to me

Indigo: shhhhh watch, and don't worry he'll be here very soon

Mc: who the fuck are you talking about

Indigo: oh you'll see (she said smiling)


Shows shibato still battling with the ogre

Shibato: urgh, I should just finish this( takes a deep breath)

Then he cuts the ogres neck

Ogre2: urgh…. brother….. save ... me

Ogre1: you did well to stall for time but now I'll finish the work for you.

Grabs ogre2 head and starts eating it

Shibato: so that's how savage you are well I'll finish you off too

Grabs his sword but then the ogre starts to morph

" what's he doing "

Then he charged at him

Ogre: hmph (smirks)

Then he hits shibato to the other side of the room, then shibato's head hits the wall and he falls unconscious

" and time to finish him off"

Then an feather passes the ogres face

??: how dare you touch my student

"Who the fuck are….. no it can't be …it's "

Indigo : he's here

Mc: who

Indigo: backup

Mc: and who is he..

Indigo: He is

Ogre: it's Arch Angel Gabriel

Gabriel: that's right and you just trespassed on my property

Ogre: I didn't know he was yours, here take him

Then his hands sliced into two but it regenerates back

Gabriel: ok since I'm generous today imma count to 5 and then you better run away. 5…4…3

Ogre: what do you take me for

Then he jumps into the sky to hit Gabriel but the angel dodges

Gabriel: …2….1. Ok times up now die you swine

Then he flaps his wings and his feathers fly out and kills the ogre

Gabriel: that should be all right

He flies down. Then indigo started running towards him

Indigo : Sir you came

"Well this isn't my real body it's my clone, I didn't worry much since it's just pigs"

Then a laser beam passes his through his arm

??: well what they say is true, if you want something done do it yourself, I'll be taking the boy now

Gabriel: and who are you

??: oh where are my manners, I'm demon lord Itsuki and I'm here for the boy

Gabriel:*A demon lord what's he doing here*" oh well if you want the boy you have to take me out fir…

Before he could finish Itsuki stabs him

Itsuki: I knew this wasn't your real body

Then the mc runs out and shouted

"Please stop the killing it's me yiu want right then you can take me but leave them please"

Itsuki: ooh the fish swam into the trap , ok let's go now

Indigo: Hey please don't go we were supposed to bring you back

Mc: shut up your not the boss of me

Then shibato holds the demon lords leg

Shibato: Let…him… go

Itsuki: shut up mortal, don't piss me off

Then he kicks shibato's face

Mc: I told you to stop it

"Look if your gonna complain about my actions I might as well just put you to sleep

Was about to stab him but the sword didn't pass through

Mc ended up holding it before it reached his chest

Mc: what do you think your doing"

Black mist begins to come out of his body

" you don't want to fulfill your part of the deal"

Itsuki:*is that his aura, it's pretty strong for a child* look kid I don't wanna hurt your sorry ass

"Why don't you shut up and just die you bastard"

Itsuki: your pissing me off now

"Piss of my ass do your worst"

"I hope your ass good as fighting as you are as talking "

"Oh bring it on"

Tries to punch itsuki but he caught his hand

"Strong but too unrefined "

Kicks the boy but mc was able to jump

Mc:* I'll have to go fast and at full power to defeat this guy , I don't know why but I feel a lot stronger, maybe it's because of this black mist, it's just a theory but I'll have ti test it out first*

He takes a running position and his aura comes out more and more , then he starts running at full speed.

Itsuki: your movements are too sloppy

Tries to cut the boys leg but then the mc suddenly disappeared while breaking his sword

"What just happened, where did he go"

Then mc jumped to the sky and thought

"* time to do it*"

Then he kicks his leg in the air and he started falling at full speed

But before the demon lord could react the mc had already punched him in the face and the clash of massive aura caused an explosion in the school


Some time later Gabriel wakes up and finds the boy kneeling down

He walks over

"Hey child I believe you will have to follow us

Mc: as long as nobody gets hurt

Indigo: look we are here to protect humanity that's why you are needed with us

Mc: ok I'll come but I need to understand this strange power I feel inside

Indigo : you mean your aura

"Yeah whatever, I just want to learn how to use it for good"

"Ok but you'll have to come with us. Oh and I didn't actually get your name"

"Well I trust you enough now "

My name is Izura Monotusho

Indigo: Ok izura, nice to meet you

Izura: Thanks I hope I get to know you better

Gabriel:* so that's how the outcast is it's good to have him on our side*

"So izura welcome to the team, and I know you'll be of much help"

To be continued...

I read all your reviews on the last chapter hope I did better on this one

Pls don’t forget to rate and review

Ravis_Creationscreators' thoughts