
Yellow Rose Blossoms

The five basic moral virtues; Chivalry, Righteousness, Virtue, Loyalty, and Vengeance.


The sound of muffled laughter as milky red eyes stared past me. His voice was warm, but aged like a withered old tree, but to be honest he is the spirit of a ginkgo tree so he could be one hundred years old for all I know. Trees tend to live much longer than most mortals...though sometimes not as long as most yokai.

Again, Naoki-jiji chuckled almost nostalgically.

"Hm, little wolf, I hope you can remember but if you don't. No loss there! Ahahaha."

When he calmed down from his laughter, as he then started humming. He did not start humming suddenly, but slowly.

Shaking his head, he laughed again. Mumbling something under his breathe as the sparrow started cockily pruning its feathers. Naoki-jiji turned to leave, waving a goodbye as he rang the gong again. A wave of vertigo and confusion washed over me, but left like as it came.

Naoki-jiji still continued humming though as he continued walking further into the forest.

The song was definitely off-tune, as though he were trying to compensate for missing instruments, but it was...familiar in a way. Sometimes he quieted as though straining to hear the next few notes to hum.

Fingers thrumming a beat to this melody.

Looking back up to the old yokai, I watched as he swayed to rhythm, like a melody, that only he could hear. Although he could not see, it felt like he was still watching even when I turned to leave. Seeing something I could not see, hearing a song I could not hear.

A long forgotten song.

Another wave of vertigo and confusion came about as the resonating sound of the gong rang out again. It was disconcerting, confusing my senses as he left. Scents shifted from damp earth and wood to vibrant colors. The blurry figure disappeared from my peripheral vision as the ground and sky danced under my feet.

When I regained my footing, he had disappeared. Leaving no traces, no footprints, no unique scents, only the lingering notes of his humming left to memory.

Huffing at his disappearance, I promised that I would become better at tracking then take that gong from him and tear it into two.

The taste of iron was left in my mouth as I made my way home.


The smell of paper and ink.

The rustle of clothing.

Aged eyes stared down at me from above, they seemed as though they were evaluating me. Searching for a weakness as it inspected me, as if I were a pet whose worthiness was not yet decided.

What was disguised as kindness was really pure indifference. The Hokage did not care, for my father had disappointed him as well so it is reasonable to assume the child will be just as much a disappointment. Yet he smiled, feigning weakness from old age as if that were to make me susceptible to his obvious attempts at trying to manipulate.

"Ah, Hatake Kakashi. My consolations for your father, a good man, Sakumo was. Such a shame he had to die in such a way..."

His words were mocking, instead of referring to him as his title he refers to Tou-san intimately. As though they were close, as though he did not send my father to his downfall.

A good man does not mean he will still not be a disappointment, all it means is he had potential. Potential to be good. A good little mutt that obeys his masters' orders, his every whim.


He paused, as though searching for the right words. Subtly, I could see shadows shifting behind him, ANBU. The tension in the air was high but I continued to pretend as though I could not hear, not see, and not notice the things a genin, a human child, would never notice.

The Hokage tilted his head, having found the right words. I continued to pretend to not see him signaling to a nearby shinobi to yield.

" I hope that this new generation of young shinobi would gladly protect and defend Konoha as vigilantly as their predecessors."

That statement was deliberate. He was deliberately mocking my father, mocking me. Yet I cannot say anything, he is the Hokage, to point him out on his harmless encouragement to Konoha's youngest prodigy.

Gritting my teeth, a small smile adorned my face, fake fake fake fake— Silently, I accepted this laced barb with all the practice my etiquette lessons gave me. It disgusted me, to depend on my Tou-san, even this long after his death like a cub still not weaned, yet I was thankful because Chichi-ue cared enough to prepare me, Tou-san cared.

Still, I could not let him know

"I promise that I will protect my home as strongly as my predecessors."

Yet what are promises in the face of lies?

Trim the wings of the bird and it will not fly.

Train the hawk to hunt and it will hunt.

Even a cornered rat is dangerous.

Clumsy as I was, I knew enough to not provoke those above my rank. For I was a mere genin with few political ties and no clan to fall back on.

The Sandaime, the Hokage's lips closed into a small frown, a grimace, before he started addressing the reason I was here.

"The papers for your advancement to chuunin still require the approval of a jounin. I cannot pass you without knowing if you are ready. After all, you have just barely graduated from the Academy two month ago."


I knew it wouldn't be that easy.

There was cold glint in the old man's eyes as he assigned me under a possibly very loyal jounin, this person will probably not hesitate to kill me.

My father's failure will not become my failures, no this time I will ensure that I will right this humiliating belief of expected failure and betrayal.

"As to prepare yourself to participate in the upcoming churning exams, you are assigned to jounin-sensei Namikaze Minato."


That EQ-deficient blonde?

The freaking Yellow Flash?

My surprise must have been evident in my expression as the Hokage softened, obviously remembering that I was a child, so of course this child would not expect such preferential treatment. As this child was obviously being abused and needed a guiding figure in life to steer them on the right path.

Standing up and taking a step back, the quiet nearly inaudible hiss of drawn weapons nearly made me stumble, I bowed low to the Hokage. Taking a humble pose as I expressed my gratitude at being allowed to redeem myself, my clan.

Yet, this mistrust brought to mind a quote I had once read in a book last week.

'Even a sheep with the skin of a tiger is afraid of a wolf.'

The deep, low but polite, voice relaxed the people around me, slowly the hidden guards relaxed and continued to silently watch. My ears flicked slightly as they silently withdrew back to the shadows and hidden corners.

"As to your jounin-sensei, he will find you when it's time for you to start training. Until then, you are free to take a many D-rank as you need."

Then the Sandaime waved his hand in dismissal and it was annoying.

Very annoying, I want to bite that hand off.

Then I remembered who my Jounin sensei was and I couldn't help but snort. That love-struck blonde-idiot? What kind of stuff will Minato teach me? How to fail at pick-up lines? Oh wait, he's called the Yellow Flash and is probably S-rated for a reason. A reason I honestly cannot remember.

So troublesome, I need to relax for a few days. Maybe a few D-ranks to relax?


The desk-nin huffed before she glared at me. Foot tapping impatiently as she pushed aside a mountain of documents and paperwork before pulling open a filing cabinet. Looking up from her search, she hesitated before speaking.

"Well...there's a D-ranked mission that can be taken solo but it's in the Redlight District."Standing up, she sauntered towards me. Eyes dark and steely with unbidden memories, she clenched her fists as the strong scent feeling of frustration and stress and anger came in waves.Clear eyes stared into mine.

My mouth went dry as I could feel her worry.

"Here's a warning, as I don't approve of giving children this type of mission, but this is the only currently available D-rank for you now Hatake. Do not, and I mean under any circumstance, get involved with the locals. That means, get in get out. Got that?"

Nodding, I meekly accepted the mission folder that was thrown my way. Her strong conviction in her belief, never kindness, was admirable.

Speechless at her blunt show of moral standards, I left quietly. Politely ignoring how those eyes stared threatening daggers at me. People were never nice because they liked you, it was always for another reason. Tou-san was...kind and now that his purpose has been served, he is dead. I will not be like that, I will not fall for their tricks. But sometimes I wish...

I wish that humans could be genuinely kind without being stupid at the same time. Stupidity is very infectious and I do not have the cure.


The D-ranked mission involved delivering a package of unknown origin to a location in the Red Light District. Somehow this really does not seem like a simple D-rank. If it were a C-rank I would believe it but the pay is equivalent to that of a D-rank so I guess it's categorized that way.

Desk-in never seem to enjoy paperwork, but sometimes it seems like paperwork is their reason for living.

Laughing, I couldn't help but remember a question I had once asked Otou-san. It still feels like Otou-san is on a long-term mission, that any day he'll be back.

He'll give me cuddles and hugs, he'll help me train, show me the arts, but he abandoned me. He left because he didn't care enough about me to live.

He didn't love me enough to stay.

How dare he.

Otou-san would rather die than live for me. Because he would rather live for the village. Otou-san loved Konoha more than I ever would.

But that's okay.

Because now I know, of what a disgraceful traitor he is.


The scent of mildew and dust pervaded the air, for nearly an entire two years the house had been unoccupied. Its owner had come and gone every few weeks but never stayed for longer than a few hours.

Over the past few months it had collected dust.

Yet every time the owner came, she had always hid in one of the back rooms. Changing their very identity in the safety of the room. There were many secrets the house and its household held, and this was one of them. Except this had started as an accident of sorts, a mistake on the birth-certificate that was never corrected, but it became a convenience of sorts as gender discrimination was still very prominent.

Women were naturally weaker but those few that were stronger than a man were unpredictable and wild. In the battlefield they created a flowing river of blood that drowned everything before it all burned.

Naturally as a lady was to stay home, marry a well-off man, and care for the children than to kill, these woman were very rare and hated.

For men were supposed to protect his home and family. While women were supposed to stay home and create the home and family.

So who is it that is truly in the wrong?

The man that would not protect and would rather hurt and hurt.

Or the woman that was cast out, because she was different.

But not all are bad, there is always the kind gentleman that is willing to aide and protect. Sometimes it is the woman's fault because she does not love, she does not care enough to stay.

As Hatake Sakumo, the previous homeowner wanted his daughter to enter the shinobi ranks. This mistake on the birth certificate was very convenient, as it was a much larger hassle to get a darling innocent little girl to learn how to kill than a little soldier that would soon be the legacy of the White Fang. Thus this unintentional way of securing his child an education without having to be put down by men and used as baby-maker to restore the Hatake Clan as per the Village Council's Orders.

For Shinobi clans were never large but they would rather they keep the children in the clan than have bastard children running around. Keeping track of the women was a good way of doing this...even when it was really the men's fault that there usually was bastard children. But they would rather kill a woman for betraying the clan than castrating a fellow man.

With no regard to the possible political turmoil revealing her secret would cause, she once again set to wearing a familiar guise. Pulling out paints and powders, new clothes of a different fashion, everything that would be unfamiliar to the boy that she was not.

After all, yokai, spirits, and other mythical creatures were imaginary.

A silvery-white tail and ears seemed to glow in the dim light as scissors snipped away stray bits of fluffy fur. The genjutsu seal was reapplied, hiding away once gain those appendages that could be felt but not seen.

Hollow grey eyes stared back at me as small fingers smeared purple paint onto a pale face. Brown locks of hair hid a wild mane of feathery-white hair, framing the small, delicate, face that stared back through the mirror.

But the fact that the Hatake Clan-head is female was scandalous.

An oversized green jacket hugged the small frame of the child.

Sharp canines gleamed in the dark before a small serene smile hid away the sharp edges. The boy in the mirror was soft, delicate, innocent, nothing like the monster that stood there. Sharpened claws and teeth hidden beneath soft edges and serene smiles, as secrets were tucked beneath layers of practiced gestures.

Picking up a beige colored package, the small boy left through the door.


The idle chatter of civilians, no longer laced with barbs or spite-filled glares, was relaxing as they bargained and gossiped. Strolling between the market's stalls, I indulged in the mouth-watering scents of food.

This was just a detour, a quick look around to calm myself before I entered the Redlight District. I wasn't ready.

Continuing my brisk pace, I navigated my way towards the Redlight District. Every step felt heavy, the sickly-sweet of perfume and lust grew stronger as the heavy scent of cloying drugs made me gag. My mask could only filter out so much filth.

The smell of desperation, of anger and blood and hopelessness emanated from the flower houses, filled to the brim with people that never knew true freedom until death. Desperately grabbing at the illusion of happiness because they knew they had long lost their hope, empty shells of people that once were.

Humans were truly pitiful. Though loathsome and vile but also pitiful.

Women in revealing clothing sashayed seductively as drunks gave lewd cat-calls. Pulling out a brown paper-wrapped package, I re-read the address.

Prefecture, City, Ward, District, Building Block, Building Number...but no apartment number. Everything matched with the building front of me, the building decorated bright neon lights and 'promising one-night stands guaranteed never to leave a customer thirsty.'

Stepping down an alley, I made my way to a back-door, as per say the instructions given with the package.

Rats scuttled in the flickering shadows, puddles of something lay scattered about the dilapidated alleyway, trash littered the ground, from common cigarette buttheads to shattered pieces of glass, as confusing smells clashed.

Yet there was a door open, warm light streaming from inside as a smiling woman handed something to a trembling boy. The street urchin grabbed the package before scampering away.Hesitantly approaching the woman, I stared at her before asking,

"Are you Nagai Naoki?"

She observed me, staring at me with a gaze that made me tense, before smiling, obviously satisfied with whatever she saw before nodding a confirmative. Turning around, she muttered a low,

"Wait for just a minute, I'll be right back."

Then closed the door, leaving me in the dreary atmosphere of the alley. Waiting patiently, I entertained myself with ideas of what could be in the package. Musing I lost myself in my thoughts.

Suddenly something pulled me forward as the package was ripped from my hands. A quickly fading but pounding sound of running feet as the child turned around a corner, each step reminding me to not let him get away. Frozen in shock, I cursed myself for freezing as I started chasing after the thief that was jeopardizing my assignment.

Turning a corner, I started chasing that insolent child that dared to steal my package!

Spinning around a corner, suddenly there was a boy and my eyes widened, back-paws digging into the ground before flying forward and colliding into him. Wide eyed, we stared at each other before I scramblied upward to chase after that thief.

Then a hand grabbed me, using my momentum to spin me towards him as my our mouths clashed, teeth clacking loudly. Ow. Hastily tumbling backwards, I slapped him with a loud 'pa. The boy rubbed his jaw as I glared at him vehemently. That was my first kiss!

The quickly fading sound of running footsteps reminded me of the increasing risk of failing this D-rank. Damnit all! Snarling, I picked myself up as I picked my way through the streets, following that still fresh scent trail. Leaving behind the kiss-thief behind as I continued my Hunt.

Gritting my teeth, I thought of the lost time that boy had caused.

That was my first kiss!

Under my breath, I growled quietly as I entered a small dingy alleyway. The smell of filth and rats growing stronger with each step forward. There, when I could see my target's back clearly, I remembered Pakkun. Although he is still a small pup, he can still help me Hunt.

A lone Hunter is more likely to lose their Prey than when Hunting with a Pack, as it will be easier to take down a cornered animal that is willing fight tooth and claw.

Gliding into the shadows, I momentarily hid myself as I Summoned the stupid pug. Pakkun came in a loud 'poof' of smoke, thankfully the thief did not notice or else I would have to Chase after him again. The little pup yipped in indignation but I growled at him. Establishing dominance in leading the Hunt.

"Oi! You interrupted my nap! Why did you Summon me now of all times, are you going to give me food fun exchange for interrupting my sleep?"

Smirking, I shook my head. He gave off a bullied expression, for a second I felt guilty before remembering of the dishes he broke. Pakkun glared at me before growling.


Smiling, I pointed out the target.

"I need you to help me take the package in his hands back. Distract him then I'll give you food. Think of those juicy sausages and yummy treats that are waiting for you."

With an excited yip, he practically dove forward as he started chasing the target. Our Prey shrieked in panic, his fear coming off in waves as he scrambled on top of a small mountain of junk to escape little 15 centimeter-tall Pakkun.

The smell of fear was exciting. It stirred the blood, urging me on to finish the Hunt. Taking a breathe, I calmed myself, this cub is what I would have been if I was not a shinobi.

Take the package and go.

Pakkun was already causing a ruckus as he yapped annoyingly at the boy, surprisingly the boy was shrieking in fear. All the better for me. Slowly prowling closer as my muscles tensed in preparation to lunge at my trapped prey.

Then out of nowhere, the Kiss-Thief strutted up behind me and walked towards the boy. His steps were quiet, his scent was subdued. Scent-blockers?

Catching Pakkun's attention, I signaled him to sit and wait, as I watched the unaccounted for Threat. Silently, I watched the interaction between the Predator and our Prey. My target curled up in fear, obviously afraid of Pakkun, cynophobia, as the Kiss-Thief reached a hand towards him. Voice surprisingly soft, like speaking to a wild animal.

"Hey. Just hand the package back and we'll get the dog to back off."Slowly he advanced towards the kid. The little thief curled up into a ball, I picked up Pakkun and watched as the Kiss-thief soothed the target.

"We'll leave as soon as we have that package. Okay?"

There seemed to be no progress, so I started to advance but the kiss-thief held out a hand, blocking my path. Slowly, he slipped off his shoes. Waving the pair of sandals in front of the kid."You want this? You can have this if you give us that."

The prospect of new shoes seemed to entice the thief. Dull eyes brightened and he nodded, holding out the package. Excited, I went to get it back but the boy pulled it back, tightening his hold on it. The Kiss-thief sighed, and I backed off, watching as he threw the shoes to the kid as the boy threw the package at him.

Happy, I turned to return the package to the client.

Soft footsteps trailed after, and I remembered the Kiss-thief. He had followed me here and now he is still following me. What is his goal? No one just helps someone after crashing into each other. Spinning around with a kunai in one hand, I raised it to his throat. Lowering my voice as I questioned him.

"Why are you following me?"

He seemed relaxed, smiling indulgently as he spoke.

"I can't just let the kid that took my first kiss just leave me like that. You have to take responsibility."

My eyes widened at his shameless statement. Take responsibility, what the heck? The nerve of him!

"Oi, that was my first kiss as well!"

Kiss-thief's eyes widened, before laughing.

"Guess that means I need to take responsibility as well. Say, how old are you? I want to know the person I just gave away my least-favorite pair of shoes for. I'm bare-foot because of you!"

Glaring at him I hissed out a low.


Apparently he wasn't expecting that answer as his smiling expression slackened in surprise, but he quickly hid his shock with a serene smile. This kid is even better at hiding things then I am. Still dangerous.

"You know, you're kind of ruthless for an eight year old."

Huffing, I turned away. At least I should thank him.

"Thanks for the help."

Before leaping into a sprint, knowing that I should at least redeliver the package before engaging in other activities. It is unprofessional of me to keep a client waiting after all. Also, Kiss-thief is getting on my nerves.

The faster I get this package delivered, the better.


Knocking on the door, instead of the Nagai Naoki that had opened the door, a stranger stood before me, black cloth covering their face. Distinct, brilliant, familiar but where(?), blue eyes stared down at me. Taking a breathe, I held up the battered paper-wrapped package.

"I am sorry for my inexcusable lateness but here is your package."

Based on her figure, the woman leaned backwards before hollering.

"Oi! Nao-chan! The medicine's finally here!"

There was a crash as the sound of things falling, then hurried footsteps of somebody practically tumbling down the stairs. My previous impression of Nagai Naoki crashed as a frazzled, tired-looking woman appeared before me. It's only been half an hour! How are you that tired?

"Yes yes, oh it's you. Thank you so much, anyway thanks."

With that hurried thank-you, she then shut the door.

Well, time to get out of the Red-light district. At least before that Kiss-thief finds me again.


That mission to the Red-light district to deliver medicine, was only worth 50 ryō. I am not sure if this is a rip-off or a blessing.

This was exactly the amount I needed to do groceries and register Pakkun as my ninken. I had no money on me that day, an oversight I will fix. It also seemed like a rip-off as that did not seem like a mere 50 ryō mission.

Stupid desk-nin.


The dirt path home was well worn, having been walked on by who knows how many people. Yet there was a man with bright blonde hair, waiting under a tree like a creep. The leaves and branches in his hair made him look like a wild man. Okay, now he's walking towards me.

Stepping back, my fingers wandered towards a kunai.

Looking up at his face, I recognized that bright sunny smile.

Namikaze Minato!

The familiar blonde smiled oh so happily, it would have probably looked swoon-worthy but...he did not look very friendly right now. He seriously looks like some sort of weirdo that nobody want to associate with. The friendly blonde would have looked friendly but he looks like he was just hit by a train.

In the distance, a familiar Demon-cat yowls as an unfortunate genin team screams in fear. So—not a train.

Minato's voice was gentle, familiar, and I could not say that I did not miss it.

"Hello Kakashi-kun, my name is Namikaze Minato. And I'll be your jounin-sensei."

I would recognize that sunny smile anywhere, but...my mouth-to-brain filter was broken and...I spoke the first thought that came to mind.

"Go away you creep."